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With the recent increase in the deployment of ITS technologies in urban areas throughout the world, traffic management centers have the ability to obtain and archive large amounts of data on the traffic system. These data can be used to estimate current conditions and predict future conditions on the roadway network. A general solution methodology for identifying the optimal aggregation interval sizes for four scenarios is proposed in this article: (1) link travel time estimation, (2) corridor/route travel time estimation, (3) link travel time forecasting, and (4) corridor/route travel time forecasting. The methodology explicitly considers traffic dynamics and frequency of observations. A formulation based on mean square error (MSE) is developed for each of the scenarios and interpreted from a traffic flow perspective. The methodology for estimating the optimal aggregation size is based on (1) the tradeoff between the estimated mean square error of prediction and the variance of the predictor, (2) the differences between estimation and forecasting, and (3) the direct consideration of the correlation between link travel time for corridor/route estimation and forecasting. The proposed methods are demonstrated using travel time data from Houston, Texas, that were collected as part of the automatic vehicle identification (AVI) system of the Houston Transtar system. It was found that the optimal aggregation size is a function of the application and traffic condition.
Changho ChoiEmail:
In Brazil, the explosion of informal transport activity during the past decade has had profound effects on formal public transport systems and is a source of great controversy in the urban transportation sector. A variety of policies have been proposed to manage the growth of the sector. This study seeks to understand how proposed policies will impact the users of these systems. A corridor in Rio de Janeiro with substantial informal activity was used as a case study. Measures of welfare changes in a discrete choice framework were used to estimate proposed policies’ impacts on users. Eleven candidate policies were evaluated, ranging from the eradication of the informal modes and investment in formal modes, to the legalization of the informal modes. Benefits were compared with costs and the distribution of benefits across income classes was explored. Net benefits from some policies were found to be substantial. Legalizing the informal sector was found to benefit users slightly but further investments in the sector are probably inefficient. Users benefited most from improvements in formal mass transit modes, at roughly 100–200 dollars per commuter per year. Finally, policies to foster a competitive environment for the delivery of both informal and formal services were shown to benefit users about 100 dollars per commuter per year. Together, the regulation of the informal sector and investments in the formal sector serve to reinforce the movement towards competitive concessions for services and help reduce the impacts of cartelization and costly in-road competition.
Ronaldo BalassianoEmail:
The robustness of questionnaire results to various forms of bias are explored in the context of a dual-mode (web and hardcopy) survey of employers’ anticipations of levels of employee commuting and business travel activity under a range of future ICT scenarios. The questionnaire incorporated several innovative features which, together with the dual-mode format, allowed an unusually wide range of analyses. For example: the robustness of respondents’ opinions was tested by examining the effect of incorporating alternative versions of a briefing text, one being very positive and one very negative, about the role of ICT; instrument bias was identified via detailed comparison of the results from the two versions of the questionnaire; and the impact of exogenous factors which are often ignored or taken as constant was assessed via special supplementary questions. Analysis showed that the robustness of opinions and expectations varied and was influenced by respondent characteristics, and that results from the two versions of the questionnaire differed significantly. It is concluded that opinions and expectations are less robust, and questionnaire results are more subject to bias and myopic interpretation, than is generally recognised and that web-based surveys seem particularly vulnerable to sampling bias. Methods are suggested for measuring robustness, for reducing bias and for validating and contextualising results. The use of contrasting briefing texts is recommended as a means of establishing the robustness of opinions and expectations while supplementary questions are recommended for validating and contextualising SP and SE exercises.
Peter BonsallEmail:

Peter Bonsall   Professor of Transport Planning at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. His research interests include: use of innovative data sources, microsimulation, multi-criteria appraisal of policy interventions, travellers’ perception of modal attributes, their ability to cope with uncertainty and complexity and their response to new information and charges. Jeremy Shires   Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. His research interests include behavioural modelling, the impact of “soft factors” on travel, stated preference design and public transport demand modelling.  相似文献   
本文介绍了城市道路双层隧道交通组织方案和交通诱导方案,分析了双层隧道与单层隧道的区别,阐明了双层隧道交通监控系统的特点。提出了双层隧道不同交通组织情况下的交通监控方案、现场控制网络设计要点、视频监控系统优化方案以及交通安全和设施安全方面需要考虑的问题,可作为同类工程监控方案设计的参考。  相似文献   
针对车辆驾驶员普遍存在盲目换挡、急加速等不良驾驶行为的现象,研究采用发动机台架试验和道路试验相结合的方法,对汽车起步、换挡时机的选择、加速、减速、车速控制等典型的驾驶操作行为展开研究,通过对不同驾驶操作行为燃油消耗的分析,规范了汽车驾驶操作行为。  相似文献   
In many countries, dial-a-ride services are provided by public authorities to elderly and handicapped people who cannot use regular transit. Cost minimization is key to running these services, but one can observe a growing interest in quality measurement and improvement. A first step in improving quality is to define a quality measurement scale specific to dial-a-ride services. A second step is to incorporate quality measurements in mathematical models that serve as a basis for optimization algorithms. To this end, an extensive survey of dial-a-ride users was conducted in Longueuil, the largest suburb of Montreal, Canada. This paper describes the steps of the survey and presents its main conclusions: (1) 56 attributes were identified based on interviews, (2) the questionnaire developed has proved to be reliable and valid, (3) an exploratory factor analysis allowed us to determine 13 dimensions of quality in dial-a-ride services, (4) the most important criteria for users were identified, and (5) population segmenting variables by which subgroups of users can be categorized were also determined. Managerial implications of our results are also discussed.  相似文献   
The present review examines the research literature on Non-Technical Skills (NTS) used by ships’ bridge officers in connection with navigation. The aim of the study was to (i) identify the cognitive and interpersonal skills which have been the focus of previous studies and (ii) explore how the content of these skills has been described. Databases searched included Academic Search Premier, PsycINFO, Science Direct, and Web of Science. Nineteen studies were included in the review. Five NTS were identified: situation awareness (SA), decision-making (DM), workload management (WM), communication, and leadership. In addition to discussing each skill, the review raises four overarching issues with the present literature for the bridge domain: (1) Have all the relevant skills been subject to exploration? (2) Have the skills identified been explored in detail? (3) There seems to be an uneven distribution of research between cognitive and interpersonal skills. (4) There is little research into understanding the skills as a complete taxonomy. Knowledge on how the skills are linked and interplay with one another is incomplete. Overall, further research on all these aspects of NTS in the maritime domain could increase scientific understanding and contribute to bridge operational practice and to the further development and evaluation of NTS training such as Bridge Resource Management (BRM).  相似文献   
This study evaluates the capability of the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) wave model (version 41.01) in predicting significant wave height and spectral peak energy content for swell waves in very shallow water of surf zone during depth-induced wave breaking and dissipation. The model results were compared with field measurements at five nearshore stations. The results demonstrated that some breaker index formulations were successful for significant wave height prediction in surf zones. However, an incorrect shape of the energy spectrum and overestimated near spectral peak energy content at shallow water stations were obtained using all of the embedded depth-induced wave breaking formulations in SWAN. The dependent breaker index on relative depth (Kpd) formulation, which was successful in predicting near spectral peak energy content, resulted in an average error of 30%. Finally, this formulation was modified to enhance the model performance in reproducing the spectral peak energy content.  相似文献   
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