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Helicopter blade running elevation measurement is an important measure target in helicopter blade dynamic balance experimentation. The elevation influences the helicopter' s security and other performance capabilities. In testing, however, it has been difficult to measure the elevation when the rotor reaches high speeds. To get a simple, fast and highly accurate measurement system, photo electricity technology was applied to measuring the blade running elevation. Discussed is the measurement principle of blade running elevation, tire design of the measurement system and analysis of the measurement precision.  相似文献   
Sensitivity analysis is one of the effective methods in the dynamic modification. The sensitivity of the modal parameters such as the natural frequencies and mode shapes in undamped free vibration of mechanical transmission system is analyzed in this paper. In particular,the sensitivities of the modal parameters to physical parameters of shaft system such as the inertia and stiffness are given. A calculation formula for dynamic modification is presented based on the analysis of modal parameter. With a mechanical transmission system as an example, the sensitivities of natural frequencies and modes shape are calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, the dynamic modification is also carried out and a good result is obtained.  相似文献   
A“Market” based framework for multiple AUVs team is introduced in this paper. It is a distributed meta-level task allocation framwork. The formulation and the basic concepts of the “Market” such as “goods” and “price” are discussed first, then the basic algorithm of the “auction”. The loosely coupled v-MDTSP tasks are considered as an example of the task allocation mission. A multiple AUV team controller and a detailed algorithm are developed for such applications. The simulation results show that the controller has the advantages such as robustness and low complexity and it can achieve better optimization results than the classical central controller ( such as GA) in some tasks. And the comparison of two different local solvers also implies that we should get the reasonable task allocation even not using the high quality algorithm, which can considerably decrease the cooperation computation.  相似文献   
结合实际情况,介绍了公路建设部门如何加强施工机械管理,提高企业效益,并提出了较为合理的管理模式及办法。  相似文献   
轮机英语适岗考试对各轮机员英语适岗考试具有不同的适岗要求和标准,即岗位不同,对各轮机员所应掌握的专业知识和业务知识的要求不同,英语的评价标准也不同。因此命题时,要根据适岗要求,轮机英语专业知识,业务知识的合理分布以及语言的难易程度分别拟订各个级别的试题,遵循这一命题原则和规律,拟订符合各轮机员适岗要求的笔试命题。  相似文献   
目的 观察克山病病情消长趋势 ,为防治和病情相关因素探索提供依据。方法 按“克山病监测”标准 (1 997年 )实施。结果 监测期内全县未见新发急 (亚急 )型克山病 ;监测点潜在型年新发生率 2 6 9/万 ;全县农业人群中慢型患病率 1 6 7/万 ,年新发现率 0 83/万 ,死亡率0 6 0 /万 ;在店头和腰坪两个重病乡镇 ,慢型年新发现率为 1 5 /万~ 1 8/万。结论 以急 (亚急 )型有无新发病及潜在型和慢型年新发生 (现患 )率为评估标准时 ,近 5年来黄陵县克山病病情稳定在 80年代中后期水平 ;慢型克山病是当前的防治重点。  相似文献   
目的 探讨细胞周期素D1 (CyclinD1 )在乳腺肿瘤组织中的表达及临床病理相关性。方法 采用免疫组化SP法检测 78例乳腺恶性肿瘤及 1 7例乳腺良性病变石蜡包埋标本CyclinD1 表达。结果 CyclinD1 在乳腺恶性肿瘤细胞核中呈棕黄色染色 ,于核边缘近核膜处浓集 ,阳性表达率 44.87% ,其中在导管内原位癌 (DCIS) 5 /7例及叶状囊肉瘤 1 /1例中阳性表达。CyclinD1 表达与患者雌激素受体 (ER)显著相关 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,而与年龄、病理类型、组织学分级、淋巴结状态、肿瘤大小等无关 (P >0 .0 5 )。生存分析资料显示CyclinD1 (+)、(- )两组 5年相对复发危险度 (RRR)u =1 .95 9(P >0 .0 5 ) ,Kaplan Meier生存曲线示两组 5年累积无复发生存期 (RFS)无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 ①CyclinD1 在乳腺癌发展初期即异常表达 ,有助于从分子水平鉴别原位癌与非典型增生 ,但其表达与肿瘤分化及恶性进展无关。②CyclinD1 表达与ER相关 ,可能有助于判断内分泌治疗敏感性。③CyclinD1 的表达与预后无关。  相似文献   
为研究不同的定价策略下轻轨对其影响范围内不同人群的吸引力大小,运用多项 Logit 模型效用最大化理论,并以广州市萝岗轻轨为例,在大量居民出行调查数据基础上,对模型进行参数标定,分析比较小汽车出行﹑电单车、常规公交出行﹑轻轨交通出行4者的效用比,最终确定目标年不同票价政策下各种交通方式的分担率。  相似文献   
车辆吸能部件的碰撞试验与数值仿真   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了设计某列车耐撞性车体, 实现列车被动安全保护, 进行了台车碰撞试验和数值仿真计算, 研究了耐撞性车体吸能部件的吸能特性。在台车撞击试验过程中, 吸能部件从预期部位开始发生稳定有序的塑性变形, 吸收的冲击动能与最大变形量基本成正比关系, 说明该部件具有良好的吸能效果。并在此基础上, 应用显式动力有限元理论建立了其有限元撞击模型, 进行了数值仿真计算。相关性分析结果表明: 仿真结果与试验结果基本一致, 在整个撞击过程中, 撞击力曲线基本吻合, 最大撞击力峰值分别为2486.3、2423.1kN, 最大变形量误差和初始撞击力峰值误差都小于3%, 反弹速度误差小于4%。显然, 利用撞击试验验证了数值计算的有效性和可靠性, 利用数值计算设计和优化车辆吸能部件是可行的。  相似文献   
In order to analyze the failure data from repairable systems, the homogeneous Poisson process(HPP) is usually used. In general, HPP cannot be applied to analyze the entire life cycle of a complex, re-pairable system because the rate of occurrence of failures (ROCOF) of the system changes over time rather thanremains stable. However, from a practical point of view, it is always preferred to apply the simplest methodto address problems and to obtain useful practical results. Therefore, we attempted to use the HPP model toanalyze the failure data from real repairable systems. A graphic method and the Laplace test were also usedin the analysis. Results of numerical applications show that the HPP model may be a useful tool for the entirelife cycle of repairable systems.  相似文献   
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