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Phase space can be constructed for N equal and distinguishable binary subsystems which are correlated in a scale-invariant manner. In the paper, correlation coefficient and reduced probability are introduced to characterize the scale-invariant correlated binary subsystems. Probabilistic sets for the correlated binary subsystems satisfy Leibnitz triangle rule in the sense that the marginal probabilities of N-system are equal to the joint probabilities of the (N −1)-system. For entropic index q ≠ 1, nonextensive entropy S q is shown to be additive in the scale-invariant occupation of phase space.  相似文献   
In order to determine the impact depth of a conical projectile impacting a thin plate at high oblique angle, the residual velocity of the projectile after penetrating must be known. Based on the petal failure mode of the conical projectile impacting the thin plate at high oblique angle, the energy consumption mode of the target was determined. During the perforation process, the energy consumption of the target was completed by the saucerization, the power work of the petals, the propagation of radial cracks and petal bending. The energy formula was deduced for each energy dissipation mode and the energy consumed in the impact process was determined. The residual velocity and the ballistic limit velocity of the projectile were deduced by energy conservation principle. Comparison of the analytical results of the residual velocity to the numerical results demonstrates the accuracy and reliability of the analytical formula.  相似文献   
A 3D displacement discontinuity method is applied to solve the fracture mechanics problems of the mixed mode crack under compression. Friction between the surface of the closed crack is considered by establishing a simple and efficient iterative algorithm based on method of contact resistance mitigation. On the surfaces of the closed crack, the Mohr-coulomb rule is satisfied by iteration when the crack is in condition of sliding. The stress intensity factors are obtained using displacement fitting method. It is shown that the numerical results agree with the experimental results well and that friction plays an important role in resisting crack propagation.  相似文献   
Based on the Hamilton principle, dynamic differential equation of the submarine pipeline span, under the interaction of internal flow and external environmental loads, is established. A constraint-equivalent method is used to deal with the boundary conditions of pipeline span on the linear elastic seabed. Effects of the internal flow velocity and seabed stiffness on the pipeline’s lateral deformation and bending stress are studied by the static analysis, while the preliminary relationships between the internal flow velocity and the foundation stiffness to the natural frequency of pipeline span are investigated by the dynamic analysis. It is found that the lateral deformation increases with the increment of internal flow velocity, but decreases with the increment of seabed stiffness. The bending stress at the ends of span increases with the increment of internal fluid velocity and the seabed stiffness, however the stress at the middle of the span shows the converse tendency. Moreover, increasing the seabed stiffness or decreasing the internal flow velocity can lead to higher natural frequency. The dynamics response of midpoint of span at different foundations and internal fluid velocities are also given in this paper.  相似文献   
An experimental study was carried out to understand the phenomena of the boiling flow of liquid nitrogen in inclined tubes with closed bottom by using a high speed motion analyzer.The experimental tubes are 0.018 and 0.014 m inner diameter(ID) and 1.0 m in length.The range of the inclination angle is 45°-90° from the horizontal.The experimental observation on the liquid slug was carried out along the tubes.Statistical method was employed to analyze the experimental data.The experiment analyzed the influences of the inclination angle and the tube diameter on the liquid slug length and velocity.The results show the liquid slug propagation velocity increases with the decrease of inclination angle θ.For all cases,the maximum values of the mean liquid slug lengths were obtained at θ = 60°.The mean liquid slug lengths were greater for large tube at higher tube position.These conclusions provide a basis for further study liquid slug of cryogenic two-phase undeveloped slug flow.  相似文献   
A source-to-far-field computation procedure aiming at predicting the noise generated by the underwater propeller was presented. Detached eddy simulation (DES) was used to resolve the unsteady flow field, which was taken as input data as noise propagation. Far-field sound radiation was performed by means of Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FW-H) equation. The computation procedure was finally applied to a typical marine propeller, David Taylor Model Basin (DTMB) 4118. The sound pressure and directivity patterns of this propeller were discussed.  相似文献   
AbstractCopy deterrence is a digital watermarking application which enables a seller to identify the buyers who obtain digital content legally but illegally redistribute it. However, in many buyer-seller watermarking protocols proposed for copy deterrence, the seller has to embed two watermarks into each copy of the digital content before it is sold. In this paper, we propose a new buyer-seller watermarking protocol in which the seller can reduce the number of the embedded watermarks from two to one. The proposed protocol also provides a more efficient solution to the unbinding problem than that of Lei et al’s scheme.  相似文献   
The continuum modeling approach to transportation models is now gaining much attention because of its advantages in dealing with dense-network models, macroscopic problems, and initial phase planning. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the development and applications of the two-dimensional continuum modeling approach. The theoretical development and models with specific or arbitrary region configurations are first discussed, and then the applications of the continuum modeling approach to the determination of facility location, route choice, pedestrian flow, and policy and socio-economical analysis are reviewed. Finally, some prospective directions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   
For over thirty years man has studied “outer space” and installed satellites which watch the surface of the Earth. The great depths of the world ocean are, however, practically unknown and there is an urgent need to put abyssal benthic laboratories into “inner space” in order to study basic phenomena of interest to marine science and climatology as well as man's impact on the oceans.In view of the numerous problems related to global change, as a first step emphasis should first be on the role of the oceans and their inherent processes, which are the focus of such international programmes as the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS). Multi-disciplinary registration of key events at selected key sites investigating the variability in time and space are of the utmost importance. The same methods and techniques must be used for the study of human impacts on the deep oceans caused by mining of metalliferous resources and by waste disposal as well as in basic studies. However, the investigation of the inner space of our planet has certain requirements. As long-term and large-scale investigations become more and more important, development of automized systems, largely independent from research vessels will be required. This will demand high capacities of energy for all technical functions as well as high storage capacities for data and samples. As a consequence the needs for two different—although overlapping—functional approaches are defined for future deep-sea deployments.(A) A system for long-term registration of the natural variability and long-term monitoring of human impacts: (B) A system for short-term observations and short-time experimentations. This report summarizes their technological demands. The envisioned interdisciplinary technology should deliver information on physical, biological and geochemical processes and their variabilities in the deep oceans. The prospected systems need to have the ability for real time video observation, data transfer and experimental manipulation, as well as sensing and sampling facilities with large storage capacities for long-term deployments.Prospective costs of the described multipurpose abyssal benthic laboratory will presumably exceed the funds for deep-sea research of a single country. A joint European effort could solve this problem and help to manifest a leading role for European marine science in international deep-sea and global change research.  相似文献   
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