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The relationship between the gas transfer velocity and turbulent lengthscales is investigated experimentally in a grid-stirred turbulent flow. The horizontal velocity field at the water surface is measured using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The gas transfer velocity for oxygen is obtained through reaeration experiments. In addition, the gas transfer process by surface-renewal eddies is visualized using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique, in which carbon dioxide is used as the tracer gas. The definition of the Taylor microscale holds that the root-mean-square (RMS) of the surface divergence is expressed by the square root of the turbulent kinetic energy divided by the Taylor microscale. Experimentally obtained data support this scaling. They show the gas transfer velocity to be proportional to the square root of the RMS of the surface divergence. These experimental results imply that the Taylor microscale is an important parameter for gas transfer velocity at the air–water interface. These relations indicate that a nondimensional gas transfer velocity is proportional to the − 1/4 power of a turbulent-macroscale Reynolds number, which is similar to a small-eddy model, assuming that turbulent eddies with the Kolmogorov scale control the gas transfer process. However, this Reynolds number dependence does not necessarily mean the superiority of turbulent eddies with the Kolmogorov scale in the gas transfer. The LIF visualizations in horizontal and vertical planes close to the air–water interface indicate that the horizontal CO2-concentration field has a fine spatial pattern, which resembles that of the surface divergence field, and that surface-renewal motions observed in the vertical plane have a larger lengthscale than the Kolmogorov scale. We infer from both PIV and LIF results that the Taylor microscale is an important lengthscale for air–water gas transfer.  相似文献   
This article provides a synoptic overview of the concept of general average which is one of the saving acts in maritime law. Its principles were entrenched in the Roman law which acknowledged its origins being rooted in the Sea Law of Rhodes. Its evolution as customary law through the medieval maritime codes of the Mediterranean region is also traced in the article. The reader is then brought into the modern era of the international regime of general average through the advent of the York-Antwerp Rules. The basic principles of general average loss, including expenditures and sacrifices, and general average contributions are introduced through references to a number of leading cases. The current status of this ancient law and practice and debates over its future are briefly addressed in conclusion.  相似文献   
[目的]针对固定的海洋区域,研究欠驱动水面无人船(ASV)集群的抗干扰最优覆盖控制问题。[方法]首先,在运动学层级,基于邻居ASV位置和环境密度信息进行Voronoi分配,设计欠驱动ASV运动学制导律,引导ASV运动到最优目标点;然后,考虑复杂海洋环境下ASV模型的不确定性以及风浪流引起的外部扰动,在动力学层级设计一种固定时间扩张状态观测器(FTESO),并基于FTESO设计固定时间的动力学控制律。[结果]稳定性分析结果表明了ASV集群的抗干扰最优覆盖控制闭环系统的误差是有界的,仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。[结论]通过采用该抗干扰最优覆盖控制器,ASV集群可以在任意的初始位置实现对目标区域的最优覆盖。  相似文献   
[Objectives]This papers aims to analyze the impact resistance of honeycomb structure with different Poisson's ratio. [Methods]Based on the explicit dynamic finite element method, this paper analyzes the dynamic mechanical properties of honeycomb structures with different Poisson's ratios under in-plane impact load, and explores the influence laws of Poisson's ratios on their impact resistance. Three typical honeycomb structures with negative/zero/positive Poisson's ratios (reentrant hexagon, hexagon and semi-reentrant hexagon) are selected, their geometric parameters are changed to give them the same relative density and different Poisson's ratios (−2.76 – +3.63), and their dynamic mechanical properties under low/medium/high-speed dynamic displacement loads are analyzed. [Results ] The results show that the zero Poisson's ratio semi-reentrant honeycomb structure has the best structural stability without transverse deformation under compression deformation; without structural instability, the platform stress has little correlation with the Poisson's ratio; and the compact strain and total energy absorbtion increases with the absolute value of the Poisson's ratio. Negative Poisson's ratio honeycomb structures with large t/l and small θ are suitable for applications with high platform stress (strong deformation resistance), and negative Poisson's ratio honeycomb structures with small t/l and small θ are suitable for high total energy absorbtion applications, while zero Poisson's ratio semi-reentrant honeycomb structures are suitable for applications with high platform stress (strong deformation resistance). [Conclusions]This study can provide references for the type selection and geometric parameter design of side impact honeycomb structures. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
Air flow inside an automotive HVAC module was visualized using a high-resolution PIV technique with varying temperature control modes. The PIV (particle image velocimetry) system used for the experiment consisted of a 2-head Nd:YAG laser (125 mJ), a high-resolution CCD camera (2 K × 2 K), optics and a synchronizer. A real automotive HVAC module was used as a test model, and some of its casing parts were replaced with transparent windows to capture the flow images of the laser-light-sheet illumination. In addition, instant velocity fields were measured for three different temperature control modes by adjusting the temperature baffle. Characteristics of the air flow inside the automotive HVAC were then evaluated based on the time-averaged PIV data. Results from the experiment showed that flow for the warm mode loses more momentum due to its complicated flow path. Thus, the present PIV data can be used to validate numerical prediction and to improve the performance of HVAC modules.  相似文献   
Vehicle soak time, the duration of time a vehicle’s engine is at rest prior to being started, and its distribution function are important transportation activity data inputs for mobile emissions inventory estimation due to their impacts on vehicle start and evaporative emissions. This paper provides vehicle emission researchers with an overview of statistical analysis methods relevant to analyzing vehicle soak time data. Many of these methods are already in use in emissions research and have appeared in the literature. These methods are reviewed and further details regarding the implementation and interpretation of these methods are provided. Statistical methods relevant to the analysis of soak time data that have yet to appear in the emissions literature, including kernel density estimation and generalized linear models, are also introduced. Advantages and disadvantages of the methods are compared and theoretical justification is provided. Issues of correlated observations and censored data are discussed. General guidelines for the analysis of soak time data, such as stratification by start type and geographical region, are established. Finally, a subset of the statistical methods discussed is used to analyze the US Environmental Protection Agency’s 3-city data.  相似文献   
This study presents evidence from the Cuyutlàn lagoon, which demonstrates that aquaculture can be socially acceptable, economically viable and environmentally friendly when consideration is first taken of the local circumstances and environment. This evidence was obtained through a user survey, which asked key questions of the local fishing community. These questions aimed to determine the desires and needs of the local community in the context of the local environment. The results from this survey of 56% of the fishing community were presented. The wishes of the fishing community are discussed and a compromise suggested for a sustainable aquaculture for the Cuyutlàn lagoon.  相似文献   
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