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Electromagnetic valve train (EMVT) in camless engine offers large potential for both part load fuel economy and high load engine torque. However, it is more difficult to be applied on exhaust system than intake system. Because the gas pressure brings high demands for driving force, especially at high engine speed and full load. Based on the working characters of actuator, a method by increasing the transient currents in windings during valve’s opening motion is suggested to overcome the gas pressure. But this will cause more energy losses and heat. In order to make the EMVT used on exhaust system better, quantitative analysis is carried out against the additional power consumption caused by gas pressure under different conditions. Furthermore, an approach is introduced to define the optimal exhaust valve opening motion at full load conditions. It aims at making a better compromise between the engine power output and exhaust valves’ power consumption, thus both the efficiency of EMVT and engine performance are enhanced.  相似文献   
In this paper, the bond graph model of common rail injector was proposed in consideration of the effects of variable liquid capacitance and fuel physical property on the injection characteristics of the injector. State equations were derived based on the model, which were numerically solved by programming in Matlab. Comparisons between the simulation results and the experimental data show that the numerical model can effectively predict the injection quantity of the system. Effect of variation of delivery chamber diameter, needle seat semi-angle, needle cone semi-angle, ball valve seat semi-angle, nozzle hole diameter, inlet orifice diameter and outlet orifice diameter on fuel injection quantity had been analyzed. The influence rules of various parameters on the fuel injection quantity had been established. The experiments were conducted using face centered central composite design. A second order polynomial response surface model had been developed for predicting fuel injection quantity, as a function of the independent variables. Analysis of variation was used to determine the significance interactions which primarily affect the fuel injection quantity. It had been concluded that six interaction factors including delivery chamber diameter with nozzle hole diameter, needle seat semi-angle with needle cone semi-angle, needle seat semi-angle with nozzle hole diameter, needle cone semi-angle with nozzle hole diameter, nozzle hole diameter with inlet orifice diameter, and nozzle hole diameter with outlet orifice diameter have significant effect on the fuel injection quantity of the system.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the level of model fidelity needed in order for a model predictive control (MPC)-based obstacle avoidance algorithm to be able to safely and quickly avoid obstacles even when the vehicle is close to its dynamic limits. The context of this work is large autonomous ground vehicles that manoeuvre at high speed within unknown, unstructured, flat environments and have significant vehicle dynamics-related constraints. Five different representations of vehicle dynamics models are considered: four variations of the two degrees-of-freedom (DoF) representation as lower fidelity models and a fourteen DoF representation with combined-slip Magic Formula tyre model as a higher fidelity model. It is concluded that the two DoF representation that accounts for tyre nonlinearities and longitudinal load transfer is necessary for the MPC-based obstacle avoidance algorithm in order to operate the vehicle at its limits within an environment that includes large obstacles. For less challenging environments, however, the two DoF representation with linear tyre model and constant axle loads is sufficient.  相似文献   
Dynamic message signs (DMS) have been widely used by transportation agencies to disseminate traffic information (referred to in this article as “public traffic information”) for decades. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is limited, based on the following reasons: they are costly, can only present a limited amount of information, and typically only display information in one language. The wide availability of smart devices and the development of connected vehicles offer the possibility to create “virtual” DMS (VDMS), utilizing geofencing and audible messages to convey public traffic information. This research compares the ability of VDMS to convey public traffic information with existing DMS. A mixed repeated-measure experiment using a driving simulator was designed that examined the impacts of driver age, information transmission mode, amount of information, and driving complexity on message comprehension. Forty-two participants were recruited and each of them was tested under different combinations of the three within-subject factors. Participant performance was measured in terms of message comprehension, distraction, and self-reported overall difficulty level in receiving messages. Results revealed that VDMS generally performs better than DMS as information content increases and driving condition complexity increases, regardless of driver age. VDMS increased message comprehension by 16% under relatively complex driving conditions, reduced driver reaction time to unexpected stimuli (as measured with a reduced time-to-brake of 0.39 s), and made the same messages easier to process and retain for drivers than DMS. Based on these results, it is recommended that transportation agencies give careful consideration to VDMS as a future strategy for delivering public traffic information in a connected vehicle environment.  相似文献   
陈伟  吕兴才  黄震 《汽车工程》2005,27(4):404-408
对不同辛烷值基本参比燃料及其混合物在高速4缸柴油机上进行单缸HCCI燃烧试验,研究了燃料辛烷值、发动机冷却水温度、进气温度以及冷EGR率对HCCI发动机燃烧特性和排放特性的影响。结果表明;在同一当量比下,随燃料辛烷值增大,着火时刻推迟,燃烧放热速率降低,HC和CO排放增大。HCCI燃烧随负荷的增大、EGR牢的减小、进气温度和冷卸水温度的升高,着火时刻提前,燃烧放热速率加快。  相似文献   
介绍了电解质离子成分对轻合金形成涂层性质的影响。叙述了各种因素对离子的形成及其水解速度的影响、离子的确定方法及其对涂层元素成分的影响。  相似文献   
Exhaust nanoparticle emissions from internal combustion engines: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper reviews the particle emissions formed during the combustion process in spark ignition and diesel engine. Proposed legislation in Europe and California will impose a particle number requirement for GDI (gasoline direct injection) vehicles and will introduce the Euro 6 and LEV-III emission standards. More careful optimization for reducing particulate emission on engine hardware, fuel system, and control strategy to reduce particulate emissions will be required during cold start and warm-up phases. Because The diesel combustion inherently produces significant amounts of PM as a result of incomplete combustion around individual fuel droplets in the combustion zone, much attention has been paid to reducing particle emissions through electronic engine control, high pressure injection systems, combustion chamber design, and exhaust after-treatment technologies. In this paper, recent research and development trends to reduce the particle emissions from internal combustion engines are summarized, with a focus on PMP activity in EU, CARB and SAE papers and including both state-of-the-art light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty engines.  相似文献   
介绍「台湾桃园国际机场联外捷运系统建设计划」中机场区段地下工程的设计成果,并探讨施工时将面临的主要工程问题如,潜盾隧道穿越营运中的机场滑行道下方需考虑对其进行保护、隧道遭遇既有地锚的处理方式,及明挖覆盖隧道或车站于卵砾石层进行开挖,临时挡土措施及潜盾隧道的掘进作业,需考虑卵砾石大粒径与高硬度的特性等等设计考虑.现有数据显示,透过适当的机具改良、辅助工法的应用及良好的施工管理,即使是在高地下水压的卵砾石层,施作地下连续壁及以潜盾机施作隧道并无太大困难,且施工引致的地表沉陷及施工精度亦可获得良好的控制.  相似文献   
发动机前端附件带传动系统频率灵敏度分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
劳耀新  侯之超  吕振华 《汽车工程》2006,28(5):477-481,486
针对一个模型带传动系统,考虑非定心自动张紧轮导致的皮带横向振动与带轮转动振动的耦合,推导了便于直接求解的系统固有频率对于张紧机构各设计参数的灵敏度控制方程。通过数值算例证明了控制方程的正确性。在灵敏度分析的基础上,以系统固有频率灵敏度最低为目标对张紧机构进行优化。  相似文献   
通过构建以不规则五边形最小面积为特征向量的评价函数,将对既有钢筋混凝土拱肋承载力的定性描述定量化,并利用雷达图推算出承载力评定的检算系数Z1的标度评价值,有效地消除了各项因素之间的线性关系.基于最小二乘法拟合了检算系数Z1与其标度评价值之间的曲线方程.用检算系数Z1对不考虑损伤的有限元计算结果进行修正,获得承载力评定值...  相似文献   
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