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梅志远  朱锡  吕岩松 《船舶力学》2007,11(2):259-264
双层壳体结构是潜艇等大型水下结构的重要结构形式,潜艇结构的水下碰撞是潜艇的主要事故形式,然而,针对双层壳体的潜艇结构水下碰撞问题的研究工作目前却极为有限.文中首先提出潜艇碰撞问题,并对其碰撞特征进行分析,然后针对潜艇水下碰撞环境下,层间水对碰撞历程的影响和双层结构的碰撞特点进行了理论分析,在数值仿真计算的基础上,着重讨论了双层板结构在碰撞过程中,层间水对撞击速度、碰撞力以及双层板吸能特性的影响,分析结果显示,层间水对双层壳板撞击历程的影响主要体现在两方面:一是接触初始阶段,耐压壳板将由于层间水的存在,与非耐压壳板组成抗冲击弹簧体系参与抗冲击作用,吸收冲击能量,这对于双层壳板的防撞性能是有利的;二是非耐压壳板穿透后,层间水的影响主要体现为水对耐压壳板的粘附作用,耐压壳板的抗撞能力显著下降.  相似文献   
平台支撑的潜艇内部平面舱壁极限强度的模型试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究平台支撑的潜艇内部平面舱壁极限强度,根据实艇舱壁结构,按1∶2的缩尺比设计制作了一个舱壁模型,采用内压试验方法进行了模型极限承载能力的试验.利用国际通用的大型非线性有限元分析软件MSC/MARC,对舱壁模型进行了几何/材料的双重非线性的有限元分析,试验值与有限元分析计算值吻合良好.通过对模型试验结果的分析,得出了一些对指导潜艇平面舱壁结构设计有实用价值的结论.  相似文献   
The satellite and in situ Sea Surface Temperature (SST) observational networks in the Baltic Sea and North Sea are evaluated based on the quality of the gridded SST products generated from the networks. A multi-indicator approach is applied in the assessment. It includes evaluation of data quality, effective data coverage, field reconstruction error and model nowcast error. The results show that the best available full-coverage SST product is generated by assimilating the SST observations to obtain a yearly mean model bias of 0.07 °C and RMSE of 0.64 °C. The effective data coverage rate is 31% by using AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) data from NOAA (National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration) satellites 12, 14 and 16. The data redundancy increases rapidly with the number of infrared sensors. Using either NOAA satellite 12 or all 3 satellites makes a small difference with regard to derived effective coverage and the ocean model nowcast error. The influence of using the in situ SST observations in the SST field reconstruction is negligibly small. Instead, the major role of in situ SST observations is in calibrating the satellite observations. To study the relative importance of data quality and data coverage, an assessment is done for two satellite products: one product is based entirely on NOAA 12 data and has larger coverage but lower quality. The other product is a subset of the SAF products (derived from NOAA 14 and 16) and has lower coverage but higher quality. Based on current monitoring, modelling and assimilation technology, the results suggest that the data quality is an important factor in further improving the quality of the gridded SST products. Recommendations are made for possible further improvements of the existing SST observational networks.  相似文献   
粉尘爆炸及“杂混合物”对其特性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在工业粉体加工、装卸、储运和处理的过程中,时有爆炸火灾的发生,因粉体静电,尤其是含不份较低的碳氢化合物粉体及绝缘性高的高分子化合物粉粒的静电引起的爆炸占有一定的比例。作者首先论述粉尘爆炸的特点及机理,接着论述“杂混合物”对粉尘爆炸特性的影响:介绍粉尘的爆炸特性,以试验数据描述“杂混合物”对爆炸极限、爆炸压力-强度的影响以及“杂混合物”中可燃气含量及其最低最小点火能量的关系。最后剖析LDPE粉粒在贮  相似文献   
The classic view of the Antarctic pelagic system has suggested that food web dynamics are dominated by the diatom-krill food web link. Recent observations, however, have indicated that this is an oversimplification and that the antarctic food web has a complexity similar to that found in lower latitude systems. More specifically, small particulate feeding protozoans appear to have a much greater importance than was previously assumed.Only a few studies have been sufficiently extensive to characterize the Antarctic pelagic protozoan assemblage. These indicate that heterotrophic flagellates (dinoflagellates and other heterotrophic nanoplankton) and ciliates (mostly non-loricate oligotrichs) dominate the protozooplankton assemblages in surface waters. The combined biomass of protozooplankton has been reported to comprise from < 7 to > 75% of the total nano- and microplankton biomass depending on season and location. Protozoans are also found in sea ice communities where their abundances exceed those typically found in the plankton. Several protozoan species occupy both ice and water habitats, suggesting that seasonally melting sea ice may be the source of ice-edge protozooplankton assemblages.The feeding rates of protozooplankton in Antarctic waters are poorly documented. Consumption estimates based on clearance rates and some preliminary grazing experiments, however, indicate that the protozooplankton should be capable of utilizing a significant proportion of the daily primary and bacterioplankton production. Protozoans may contribute to vertical flux, but present evidence suggests that their contribution will be lower than from other sources.  相似文献   
舰船装备健康状态评估及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了装备健康状态评估的国内外研究现状,对装备健康状态及其与技术状态之间的关系进行了较为深入的探讨,明确了舰船装备健康状态与技术状态之间的区别和联系,以及利用健康状态和技术状态进行装备状态评估的优缺点。最后根据舰船装备的实际需求,将舰船健康状态的概念引入到舰船的使用和维修过程中,提出了健康状态在舰船使用、维修和训练方面的应用设想。  相似文献   
[Objective]This paper proposes a fuzzy sliding mode controller based on T-S fuzzy logic for the vertical plane motion control of an autonomous underwater glider (AUG) with limited actuator capability. [Methods]In the fuzzy sliding mode controller, the fuzzy switching rate is used to replace the switching rate in the fixed time controller to effectively suppress buffeting. The fuzzy switching rate is obtained by fitting the switching rate of the fixed time controller with T-S fuzzy rules. Based on the limited capabilities of AUG actuators, a saturation auxiliary system is designed to improve the actuator saturation effect. Finally, the performance of the system is verified by Lyapunov stability analysis and numerical simulation. [Results]The results show that the AUG under the fuzzy sliding mode controller and the saturation auxiliary system can converge in finite time. The effectiveness of the fuzzy sliding mode controller and the saturation auxiliary system are verified by numerical simulation. [Conclusions]By making comparisons with the fixed-time controller, it is verified that the two controllers have similar control performance, and the buffeting of the fuzzy sliding mode controller is lesser. © 2022 Journal of Clinical Hepatology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
[Objectives]Flow separation increases the drag and noise of underwater vehicles, and influences the controllability of their control surfaces. Therefore, the influence of slip caused by superhydrophobic surfaces on drag reduction and flow separation is studied. [Methods]A partial slip boundary condition is developed, and the flow around a circular cylinder and foil with a slip boundary at high Reynolds numbers are numerically simulated. [Results]The results show that the when the slip length increases, the flow around the cylinder goes through three stages: the turbulent Kármán vortex street, laminar Kármán vortex street and non-separation Stokes flow. The drag coefficient increases first and then decreases, and the vortex shedding frequency increases. For flow around a foil, the separation position moves downstream until the separation region disappears when the slip length increases, and the drag coefficient decreases while the lift coefficient increases. [Conclusions]The results of this study show that for flow past bluff body at high Reynolds number, the slip boundary can control flow separation and reduce drag effectively, providing technical support for the application of superhydrophobic surfaces for the flow control of underwater vehicle appendages. © 2022 Journal of Clinical Hepatology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
[目的]实战损伤条件下,舰艇进水是舱室进水漫延与舰员抗沉行为相对抗的过程。现有的不沉性理论无法客观、全面评估抗沉干预对战损舰艇进水过程的影响,缺少从全时域的角度对战损舰艇进水过程开展预测的手段。[方法]首先,分析抗沉干预下舰艇破损进水的耦合关系,构建进水过程时域模型,进而给出数值求解算法;其次,结合案例分析抗沉干预要素对不沉性的影响,并开发可视化、交互式的仿真系统。[结果]通过仿真系统实现了进水过程与多种抗沉干预方式的综合评估,是对现有不沉性理论的有效补充。[结论]该成果不仅可帮助设计人员掌握抗沉设计方案对干预进水过程的有效性,指导舰艇抗沉能力的设计;还可应用于抗沉指挥决策的态势预报,具有较高的军事应用价值。  相似文献   
[Objective]To simplify the ship modeling process and improve modeling efficiency, this paper proposes a method for rapidly implementing hull model creation based on hull line drawing.[Methods]Using the CATIA platform, this method adopts the component application architecture (CAA) development tool for secondary development. First, by reading the geometry elements and label information of the hull lines in a drawing, the transformation of the offset points from 2D to 3D is realized. On this basis, the creation of the hull lines, stern and bow is completed, and a 3D wireframe model obtained. Finally, the hull 3D modeling is completed in conjunction with the CATIA native surface creation command. The stability and reliability verification of the developed type value extraction and bow generation program is then carried out via application analysis.[Results]The results show that the compiled program can realize the automatic creation of offset points, transverse lines, waterlines, profile lines and other boundary lines except the top line of the wall, and the centerline and tangent lines created by the bow generator are easily modified and simple for users to operate. [Conclusions]The verification results show that the method of a creating hull model using Generative Shape Design and Drafting with the hull line drawing as the data input is stable, reliable and able to realize rapid hull modeling, giving it certain practical value. © The Author(s) 2022.  相似文献   
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