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基于层次分析法的基本原理和模型,建立选择第三方物流企业的层次模型,并运用AHP法对第三方物流企业进行定性和定量分析.可为生产企业选择第三方物流企业提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   
主要阐述了产品数据管理技术的基本概念,论述了PDM技术在企业中的应用和实施优势,分析了PDM技术实施的目标、内容和基本步骤。  相似文献   
轨道不平顺数值模拟方法   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
为了提高将轨道功率谱密度函数(PSD)通过数值模拟方法转换为时域样本的可靠度,分析了国内外常用的轨道不平顺数值模拟方法的模拟原理和步骤,采用计算机仿真程序模拟出各种方法生成的时域样本,并以此作为车辆垂向动力学模型的输入激励,通过数值仿真得出系统的时间-响应历程。各种模拟方法模拟结果比较表明采用各种方法模拟出的轨道不平顺时域样本是正确的,用三角级数法和逆Fourier变换法模拟出的时域样本的离散度较小,而用白噪声滤波法和二次滤波法模拟的时域样本离散度较大,因此后两种方法模拟出的轨道不平顺时域样本不宜作为研究系统时域响应时的轨道激励。  相似文献   
Introduction The spin axis of ESG rotor will move alongclosed trajectories periodically after spin up, thetrajectories enclose either the maximum or theminimum principal axis of inertia depending on theinitial conditions, which is classical polhode mo-tion[1-4]. It is necessary to damp the polhode mo-tion to ensure that the spin axis is aligned with therotor maximum principal axis of inertia for ESGsignal readout. Passive damping and active damp-ing are two common schemes to fulfill this pro…  相似文献   
Objective To explore the influence of the acute cauda equina compression on the iumbosacral spinal cord; To clarify the pathologic change of the motor neuron after acute cauda equina compression. Methods 27 canis familiaris were randomly divided into 9 groups (3 in each) : one for normal group, one for control group, and seven for compression groups. The control group and compressed groups was given operation and the sac made of silica gel was placed under the lamina of L5-6. Water was injected into the sac until their posterior legs paralysis in compressed groups, the animals had been compressed for 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 168 hours. The control group were not injected water. Cells apoptosis was investigated with the technology of TdT-mediated biotin dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) staining. The Bcl-2 Bax and Caspase-3 protein was investigated by immunohistochemical method. Results TUNEL staining cells in anterior horn presented after compressed 8-12 hours, and at 72 hours the number of positive cells got to maximum, it decreased subsequently after 168 hours. The protein of Bax, Bcl-2 expressed a little in normal motor neuron. The caspase-3 protein didn't express in normal ceil. They all reached the peak at 72 hours after compression. Conclusion The apoptosis of motor neuron occurred earlier after eauda equina acute compression. Bax protein restrained Bcl-2 protein then active caspase-3 and conduced apoptosis of motor neuron.  相似文献   
根据青银高速公路第八合同SBS现场的使用和施工过程,着重沥青及沥青混合料的试验检测指标及现场的施工工艺,对该种沥青在中面层中的应用性能做了简要的介绍。  相似文献   
企业加强成本管理,练好内功,是目前立足市场,提高经济效益的主要手段,是实现企业可持续发展的重要课题,故每个企业都应根据自身特点,量身制订成本管理体系和管理模式,创造良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
从分析沥青混凝土路面平整度产生的原因入手,进而提出提高沥青混凝土路面平整度的措施。  相似文献   
通过对几座高填方U型桥台在侧墙相接处由上向下开裂现象分析,认为是由于U型桥台构造本身的缺陷、持力层的变形、施工不合理等原因造成了U型桥台开裂,提出了合理的处理方法.并针时以后设计、施工此类结构提出了时开裂U型桥台加固处理的建议。  相似文献   
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