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李璐  尚世超  郭宇  张维毅 《船舶》2019,30(4):87-94
牺牲阳极阴极保护设计缺乏针对单块阳极形状尺寸和整体方案的优化方法。为解决此问题,首先引入细长系数和扁平系数的概念;然后基于规范推导无涂层时牺牲阳极形状尺寸与所需牺牲阳极总数量和总质量之间的关系;接着利用结构物的极化要求和牺牲阳极材料的消耗要求等确定牺牲阳极形状尺寸的可行域;最后结合经济性指标建立完整的优化问题模型并给出求解方法。此优化设计方法能够确定牺牲阳极形状尺寸和获得经济性最优的整体方案。  相似文献   
提出弹性工作制与动态停车收费的组合管理策略,探究组合策略下,出行分布的变化机理及动态停车收费费率的制定,以达到缓解通勤拥堵的目的. 构建双层规划模型建立动态停车收费费率的制定与多用户出行选择的相互作用关系,基于灵敏度分析的下降算法求解. 仿真模拟出不同弹性工作制规模时,均衡状态下多用户出行分布模式和优化的动态收费费率. 结果表明,组合策略能促使弹性与非弹性员工错峰出行,有效分散交通流,与单一策略相比,缓解路网拥堵的效果更好.研究成果为交通管理优化策略的制定提供了新思路.  相似文献   
The magnetic field tuning characteristics of an ultrasonic motor (USM) stator are discussed. The stator consists of two piezoelectric ceramic transducer (PZT) plates and one sandwiched-in Terfenol-D plate. The dimensions of the stator are carefully adjusted to specifically discuss the influence of the magnetic field on the frequency difference between the longitudinal and bending modes of the stator. The frequency difference discussed in this paper is usually small and mainly caused by uneven materials, machining errors and changes in external conditions (temperature, pre-stress or load). The longitudinal and bending modes of the stator are simultaneously excited by an external electric field to generate the elliptic motion trajectories of the driving points. A direct current (DC) magnetic field is applied to decrease the difference between the two mode frequencies of the fabricated stator. In experiments, the dependences of the two mode frequencies and their difference on DC magnetic fields are all investigated. The experimental results indicate that the difference between the longitudinal and bending mode frequencies of the PZT/Terfenol-D/PZT composite stator can be tuned by changing the intensity of the external DC magnetic field.  相似文献   
浅谈金融危机下海事监管对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中通过透视2008年金融危机所引起的航运业的潮起潮落,指出了航运业与造船业在不景气的情况下所存在的问题,并分析了在这特殊时段海事部门应当如何做好监管与服务工作,提出了笔者一点浅显的意见。  相似文献   
为了提升洋山港集装箱集散速度,提出了将现有内河集装箱船适当改建后投入长江至洋山港特定航线的方案。叙述内河敞口集装箱船营运洋山港区特定航线必须满足的适航技术要求,船公司应注意并必须采取的技术措施以保证船舶的安全性。  相似文献   
介绍了数字集群通信系统的特点,对数字集群系统两种制式作了比较。分析了集装箱码头对通信系统的要求和目前国内iDEN系统的运行状态。  相似文献   
We consider here surf zone turbulence measurements, recorded in the Eastern English Channel using a sonic anemometer. In order to characterize the intermittent properties of their fluctuations at many time scales, we analyze the experimental time series using the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method. The series is decomposed into a sum of modes, each one narrow-banded, and we show that some modes are associated with the energy containing wave breaking scales, and other modes are associated with small-scale intermittent fluctuations. We use the EMD approach in association with a newly developed method based on Hilbert spectral analysis, representing the probability density function in an amplitude–frequency space. We then characterize the fluctuations in a stochastic framework using a cumulant generating function for all scales, and compare the results obtained from direct and classical structure function analysis, to EMD–Hilbert spectral analysis results, showing that the former method saturates at large scales, whereas the latter method is more precise in its scale approach. These results show the strength of the new EMD–Hilbert spectral analysis method for data presenting a strong forcing such as found in shallow water, wave dominated situations.  相似文献   
木材检疫除害的熏蒸技术与安全管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福建莆田秀屿进口木材检疫除害处理区位于莆田市东庄镇莆头村与秀屿村之间,在秀屿港对外开放口岸范围内。福建莆田秀屿进口木材检疫除害处理区是当时全国唯一获批的海港口岸进口原木熏蒸除害处理区。经国家质量监督检验检疫总局批准,一期工程于2004年12月1日开工建设,2005年7月26日建成,形成检疫除害处理区总面积12.83万m^2年设计处理进口木材150万m^2。  相似文献   
大型集装箱船参数横摇模型试验和数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以4000TEU集装箱船为研究对象,通过系列自航模型试验,确定其在迎浪规则波中发生参数横摇的限界。试验结果显示:在迎浪规则波中,参数横摇通常发生在波浪遭遇周期为横摇固有周期一半的附近;对应不同遭遇频率时参数横摇的发生,存在一个临界波高;航速的增加和舭龙骨的安装将使参数横摇发生的临界波高增加;当有初始干扰时,参数横摇发生的临界波高较小。而且,数值模拟结果与模型试验结果比较吻合。  相似文献   
通过实测资料分析的方法,以宜都河道为例,研究了水库蓄水后强约束型分汉河道的冲刷调整规律.在此基础上,进而通过概化模型试验,研究强约束性分汊河道中,河床边界条件的变化对分汊河道水流运动和冲刷调整规律的影响.研究表明:1)由于水库蓄水后河床发生剧烈的冲刷调整,将导致河道河床边界条件特别是两汊高程差的变化,分流格局随之改变;2)河道边界条件发生变化,水流动力轴线可以由稳定于一汊转化为两汉交替,其冲刷调整形式也从一汉冲刷占优转化为两汊冲刷交替占优;3)分汊河道在水库蓄水初期的剧烈调整过程及其河床边界条件的变化一定程度上影响着分汊河道的发展趋势,要充分认识分汊河道在水库蓄水初期剧烈调整过程中所可能出现的问题,引导其朝好的方向发展.  相似文献   
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