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Private car ownership plays a vital role in the daily travel decisions of individuals and households. The topic is of great interest to policy makers given the growing focus on global climate change, public health, and sustainable development issues. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most researched transportation topics. The extant literature on car ownership models considers the influence of exogenous variables to remain the same across the entire population. However, it is possible that the influence of exogenous variable effects might vary across the population. To accommodate this potential population heterogeneity in the context of car ownership, the current paper proposes the application of latent class versions of ordered (ordered logit) and unordered response (multinomial logit) models. The models are estimated using the data from Quebec City, Canada. The latent class models offer superior data fit compared to their traditional counterparts while clearly highlighting the presence of segmentation in the population. The validation exercise using the model estimation results further illustrates the strength of these models for examining car ownership decisions. Moreover, the latent class unordered response models perform slightly better than the latent class ordered response models for the metropolitan region examined.  相似文献   
For a large number of applications conventional methods for estimating an origin destination matrix become too expensive to use. Two models, based on information minimisation and entropy maximisation principles, have been developed by the authors to estimate an O-D matrix from traffic counts. The models assume knowledge of the paths followed by the vehicles over the network. The models then use the traffic counts to estimate the most likely O-D matrix consistent with the link volumes available and any prior information about the trip matrix. Both models can be used to update and improve a previous O-D matrix. An algorithm to find a solution to the model is then described. The models have been tested with artificial data and performed reasonably well. Further research is being carried out to validate the models with real data.  相似文献   
This paper presents the design of a velocity tracking controller for safe vehicle maneuvering in Automated Highway Systems (AHS) in which traffic is organized into platoons of closely spaced vehicles. The notion of safety is related to the absence of collisions that exceed a given relative velocity threshold. In a companion paper, state dependent safety regions for the platoons are designed in such a way that, whenever the state of a platoon is inside these safety regions, it is guaranteed that platoon maneuvering will be safe and follow the behavior prescribed by the finite state machines that control vehicles maneuvers. Velocity profiles inside these safety regions are derived for all the single lane maneuvers and a nonlinear velocity tracking controller is designed to track these profiles. This controller attempts to complete the maneuvers with comfort in minimum time, whenever safety is not compromised. The control schemes presented in this paper were implemented and tested using AHS simulation software.  相似文献   
A survey of Bus Rapid Transit BRT and Bus of High Level of Service BHLS around the world indicates that there are about 120 cities with bus corridors, with 99 of the cities entering into the list in the last 12 years. The existing bus corridors comprise about 280 corridors, 4300 km, 6700 stations and use 30,000 buses, serving about 28 million passengers per day. In 2010–2011, 19 cities completed new systems − 16 in the developing world – and seven cities expanded their current systems. By late 2011, about 49 new cities were building systems, 16 cities were expanding their corridors, and 31 cities were in initial planning. This impressive growth may be attributed in part to the successes of Curitiba, Bogotá, México City, Istanbul, Ahmedabad and Guangzhou. These cities show low cost, rapid implementation and high performance BRTs, with significant positive externalities. Interesting trends are emerging, such as the implementation of citywide integrated bus systems, improved processes for private participation in operations, increased funding from national governments, and growth of bus manufacturers and technology providers. Despite the growth, there are some outstanding issues: BRT and BHLS do not have a single meaning and image and are often regarded as a “second best” as compared to rail alternatives. In addition several systems in the developing world suffer problems resulting from poor planning, implementation and operation, due to financial, institutional and regulatory constraints. The BRT and BHLS Industry are in their “infancy” and there is need for consolidation and concerted effort.  相似文献   
This contribution describes the procedure used during the Prestige oil-spillage event, by means of an Operational Oceanography System, and the behaviour of the present prediction tools (hydrodynamic and dispersion models) applied to it. The accuracy of these tools is estimated by a reanalysis of field data transmitted by a sea surface drifting buoy, released at the time of the oil spill. The numerical models applied were the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), fed by the available six-hourly NCEP atmospheric information, together with a Lagrangian Particle-Tracking Model (LPTM). ROMS has been used to estimate the current fields for the Bay of Biscay, whilst the LPTM has provided the oil spill trajectories. The results demonstrate that the accuracy of the numerical models depends upon the quality of the meteorological input data. In this case, the current fields at the sea surface, derived by ROMS, have been underestimated by the wind fields of the NCEP reanalysis data. An efficient calibration of these wind fields, with data provided by the Gascony buoy (fixed oceanic and atmospheric station), achieves more realistic looking results; this is reflected in the comparison between the buoy trajectory predicted numerically and the tracked movements of the drifting buoy.  相似文献   
Some European governments subsidize their residents when they travel at sea. This paper seeks to analyze the impact on prices of maritime passengers’ subsidies in Europe. Following a review of the scarce academic literature on this topic and the subsidy scheme in Europe, a sample of firms’ prices and other characteristics of 40 European routes for 2016 are analyzed. Both an estimation of a price equation and a matching approach are applied and reach the same conclusion: prices per kilometer are around 40 per cent higher on those subsidized routes due to subsidies. This outcome reduces the potential subsidy gain to consumers.  相似文献   
This paper develops a comprehensive approach to the definition of transportation analysis zones (TAZ), and therein, presents a new methodology and algorithm for the definition of TAZ embedded in geographic information systems software, improves the base algorithm with several local algorithms, and comprehensively analyses the obtained results. The results obtained are then compared to these presently used in the transportation analysis process of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. The proposed algorithm presents a new methodology for TAZ design based on a smoothed density surface of geocoded travel demand data. The algorithm aims to minimise the loss of information when moving from a continuous representation of the origin and destination of each trip to their discrete representations through zones, and focuses on the trade-off between the statistical precision, geographical error, and the percentage of intra-zonal trips of the resulting OD matrix. The results for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area case study suggest a significant improvement in OD matrix estimates compared to current transportation analysis practises based on administrative units.
Elisabete A. SilvaEmail:

Luis M. Martínez   is a Civil Engineer from the Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon since 2004. After finishing his degree, he started his work as researcher in the CESUR (Civil Engineering & Architecture Department—Instituto Superior Técnico) where he has been working since. In 2006 he completed his Master Thesis at Instituto Superior Técnico on Traffic Analysis Zones modeling and started his PhD studies on the theme: Metropolitan Transportation Systems Financing Using the Value Capture Concept. José Manuel Viegas   is Full Professor of Transportation at the Civil Engineering & Architecture Department of the Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon. He has worked extensively in Modeling, Innovation and Policy in several types of Transport Systems. He was founder and first Director General of Transportnet, a group of eight leading European Universities with Advanced Studies in Transportation, and currently leads the Portuguese side of the Transportation Systems area in the MIT—Portugal program. Elisabete A. Silva   is at the University of Cambridge (University Lecturer in Planning at the Department of Land Economy and a Fellow of Robinson College). With more than 100 contributions in peer review journals, books/books chapters, conference proceedings, and a research track record of approximately 16 years, (both at the public and private sector), her research interests are centred on the application of new technologies to spatial planning in particular city and metropolitan dynamic modelling through time.  相似文献   
This paper presents estimates of the rebound effect and other elasticities for the Canadian light-duty vehicle fleet using panel data at the provincial level from 1990 to 2004. We estimate a simultaneous three-equation model of aggregate demand for vehicle kilometers traveled, vehicle stock and fuel efficiency. Price and income elasticities obtained are broadly consistent with those reported in the literature. Among other results, an increase in the fuel price of 10% would reduce driving by ~2% in the long term and by 1% the average fuel consumption rate. Estimates of the short- and long-term rebound effects are ~8 and 20%, respectively. We also find that an increase in the gross domestic product per capita of 10% would cause an increase in driving distance of 2–3% and an increase of up to 4% in vehicle stock per adult. In terms of policy implications, our results suggest that: (1) the effectiveness of new fuel efficiency standards will be somewhat mitigated by the rebound effect and (2) fuel price increases have limited impacts on gasoline demand.
Philippe BarlaEmail:

Philippe Barla   is full professor at the economics department of Université Laval. He is currently the director of the research center GREEN and is a member of CDAT. He is conducting theoretical and empirical research on energy efficiency in the transportation sector. Bernard Lamonde   obtained his MA in economics in 2007 working on this project. He is working as an economist for Agence de l’efficacité énergique du Québec. Luis Miranda-Moreno   is professor at McGill Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics. He was post-doctoral student at CDAT when this research was carried out. His research interests include road safety, travel behaviour and demand modeling. Nathalie Boucher   holds a PhD in economics from Queens’ University. She is the executive director the CDAT a research center dedicated to improving knowledge about energy use in the Canadian private and commercial transportation sector.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the problem of designing safe controllers for vehicle manuevering in Automated Highway Systems (AHS) in which traffic is organized into platoons of closely spaced vehicles. Conditions to achieve safe platooning under normal modes of operation are investigated. The notion of safety is related with the absence of collisions that exceed a given relative velocity threshold. State dependent safety regions for the platoons are designed in such a way that, whenever the state of a platoon is inside these safety regions, it is guaranteed that platoon maneuvering will be safe and follow the behavior prescribed by the finite state machines that control vehicles manuevers. It is shown that it is possible to design control laws that keep the state of the platoons inside these safety regions. The results obtained allow one to decouple the controllers for the regulation of the manuevers and the finite state machines that determine their proper sequence in AHS architectures. The overall complexity of the design and verification of the AHS as an hybrid system is therefore greatly reduced.  相似文献   
The Brazilian ship financing system has some unique features. The funds made available to finance the construction and acquisition of ships are sourced from a tax on import and cabotage freight, payable by the shippers. For Brazilian flagged ships, a portion of the tax generated can be used for the payment of loan instalments. This paper analyses the impact of the tax on the economy as a whole, and discusses the distribution of the tax burden between the shipowner and the shipper, taking into account the maritime transport demand elasticities in Brazil. The paper also analyses the effectiveness of the financing system in reducing the capital cost to shipowner, and the distortion effects produced by the utilization of the tax in loan repayments. The conclusion is that there are important distortions that may threaten the recovery of the maritime industry in Brazil.  相似文献   
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