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Three-piece trucks have some drawbacks, particularly unstable operation of the friction wedge damping system. One of the principal features of systems of this kind is the possibility of jamming and wedging. This work is devoted to mathematical and numerical modeling of the plane motion of a freight car with allowance for the mobility of the wedges and then for the compliance of the contacting bodies and to the study of the conditions for the onset of jamming and wedging when the car is in motion.  相似文献   
This paper describes the development of an integrated approach for assessing ambient air quality and population exposure as a result of road passenger transportation in large urban areas. A microsimulation activity-based travel demand model for the Greater Toronto Area – the Travel Activity Scheduler for Household Agents – is extended with capabilities for modelling and mapping of traffic emissions and atmospheric dispersion. Hourly link-based emissions and zone-based soak emissions were estimated. In addition, hourly roadway emissions were dispersed at a high spatial resolution and the resulting ambient air concentrations were linked with individual time-activity patterns derived from the model to assess person-level daily exposure. The method results in an explicit representation of the temporal and spatial variation in emissions, ambient air quality, and population exposure.  相似文献   

Ridesourcing services such as Uber are nowadays a common feature within available transport options of many cities around the world (E.g. London & San Francisco). There has been much publicity about the potential impacts of ridesourcing services and how (or if) they should be managed or regulated without an objective understanding of who uses these services and why, as well as its current and future implications for public transport (PT).

Ridesourcing is part of a broader tech-driven, mobile app-based sharing phenomenon – the ‘sharing economy’ – which has disrupted traditional market models and industries, for example, the transport industry, where new players such as Uber have emerged and have quickly become part of the urban transport landscape. Uber has been at the forefront in disrupting the transport sector since its first launch in 2010 (San Francisco, USA). Since its launch, Uber has generated extensive media coverage and debate among policymakers, transport planners and transport authorities on how these services are affecting traditional transport modes such as buses and taxis. However, without objective empirical data – in terms of impacts on trip making characteristics, PT ridership and congestion – policymakers and transport regulators are yet to fully understand the real impacts ridesourcing services are having on the transport network.

This paper is part of broader research that aims to provide insights and empirical-based evidence on how Uber services are used (UberX and Uberpool) in London. A comprehensive survey was undertaken using a detailed questionnaire, issued to UberX and Uberpool users in London to gather detailed data on who uses the Uber services, why they use it and what are the trip purposes, in order to understand Uber user demographics and what effects (if any) Uber services are having on PT usage and trip making characteristics in London. The final findings provide important insights on Uber user demographics, trip purposes, types of trips replaced, impact on car ownership and why travellers use Uber services.  相似文献   
It is well known that the general circulation on the Catalan continental slope is dominated by a quasi-permanent southwestward geostrophic jet associated to the so-called Catalan front [Millot, C., 1987. Circulation in the western Mediterranean sea. Oceanol Acta 10, 143–149; Font, J., Salat, J., Tintoré, J., 1988. Permanent features of the circulation in the Catalan Sea. Oceanol. Acta 9, 51–57]. On the continental shelf, however, the flow is modified by the action of friction which enhances also other nonlinear interactions. Several authors have hypothesized that the shelf circulation is anticyclonic north of the Ebro delta [Salat, J., Manriquez, M., Cruzado, A., 1978. Hidrografia del golfo de Sant Jordi. Campaña Delta (Abril 1970). Investigación Pesquera 42 (2), 255–272; Ballester, A., Castellví, J., 1980. Estudio hidrográfico y biológico de las plataformas continentales españolas: I. Efecto de los efluentes de una planta de energía nuclear en el Golfo de San Jorge (Febrero 1975–Octubre 1976). Informes Técnicos del Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras 76, 70 pp.]. A quasi-3D finite element code based on the shallow-water equations has been used to explore the effect of several mechanisms which might be responsible for such a local circulation pattern, and in particular of wind. The obtained numerical results suggest that the basic anticyclonic structure of the mean flow is controlled by the bathymetry and that the clockwise-rotating mean flow pattern is not a permanent circulation feature. It is seen that the characteristic local wind stress fields—computed through interpolation of the records of a local network of meteo stations—may ‘enhance' or ‘delete' the anticyclonic gyre depending on the sign of their relative vorticity. According to the analysis of a 2-yr record of local wind data, the net contribution of wind events with a duration longer than 24 h is to reinforce the anticyclonic circulation (over 70% of these wind fields supply negative relative vorticity to the study area).  相似文献   
In this paper, a load-leveling suspension system with a magnetorheological (MR) damper is investigated. In this suspension system, the MR damper is connected to a spring to form a load-leveling suspension system. The system effective stiffness and damping can be adjusted by controlling the MR damper. The characteristics of a load-leveling suspension system are studied first. When the linear damper is replaced with an MR damper, the averaging method is adopted to obtain the steady-state response of the nonlinear system. A comparison demonstrates that the results of the averaging method are in good agreement with those obtained by numerical simulations. The analytical results are then verified experimentally. The load-leveling suspension system studied here is able to adjust both suspension stiffness and damping and, hence, it may provide more effective vibration control in a wider frequency range, when the damper is controlled.  相似文献   
阐述了闪急沸腾喷雾的基本原理,通过比较分析闪急沸腾喷雾与传统喷雾的差异,指出闪急沸腾喷雾是一种极具潜力的燃油喷射方式;论述了近年来国内外对过热燃油和溶气燃油闪急沸腾喷雾研究的进展与现状,介绍了过热液体闪急沸腾喷雾的数学模型及其发展,并从理论上分析了影响闪急沸腾喷雾的因素;展望了闪急沸腾喷雾的应用前景以及进一步研究的发展方向。  相似文献   
Reliable research synthesis is of high significance for a transport policy which tries to base its decisions on available empirical evidence. There is growing doubt whether the frequently used narrative approach provides a scientifically defensible way of synthesising a body of quantitative research results. The present paper demonstrates meta-analysis as a more objective and powerful alternative for this task. For this purpose evaluation data synthesised in two earlier narrative reviews on the effectiveness of work travel plans [Cairns et al. Making travel plans work: research report (former), Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR), London, 2002; Smarter choices—changing the way we travel. (Final report of the research project: The influence of soft factor interventions on travel demand. Research report for the Department for Transport.) London. Retrieved 1 December 2005, from , 2004] are meta-analytically re-analysed and compared with the conclusions drawn from the narrative synthesis of these data. Our meta-analyis provides only limited support for the conclusion that addressing parking is the hallmark of successful work travel plans. Our meta-analysis indicates that site and organisational factors as well as characteristics of the monitoring process are significant predictors of effective work travel plans, whereas Cairns et al. view little evidence for the impact of these factors.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the issue of using before and after surveys to evaluate behavioural changes in response to transport policies and investments, a procedure that, we argue is done far too rarely in this profession. Further, it demonstrates very clearly that, in almost all conceivable cases, there are considerable economies to be obtained by using a panel (again, under-utilised in our profession) to undertake evaluation, rather than successive independent cross-sectional surveys. The paper also addresses the critical issue of sample size requirements for measuring changes of a relatively small magnitude in travel behaviour; i.e., to state, with 95% confidence, that if there is a ∂ percent change in behaviour for the sample, there is a ∂ percent ± e percent change in the behaviour of the population, where e is the sampling error. In this paper, we present a method for calculating such sample size requirements from first principles and demonstrate the applicability both hypothetically and then empirically using data from the Puget Sound Transportation Panel. The formulation enables designers of before and after surveys to investigate the trade-offs between the statistical accuracy of their predictions and the sample size requirements systematically, without the need to specify ∂ a priori. This latter point is crucial, we argue, because we have limited information on ∂, yet, as we explain here, it drives the sample size requirements using alternative, well-cited approaches for calculating sample sizes to assess behavioural change. The results have important ramifications both for those implementing transport policies intended to produce behavioural change, especially when a cost-benefit evaluation of the policy is desired, and for those interpreting the results reported in previous studies.  相似文献   
Influences on bicycle use   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A stated preference experiment was performed in Edmonton in Canada to both examine the nature of various influences on bicycle use and obtain ratios among parameter values to be used in the development of a larger simulation of household travel behaviour. A total of 1128 questionnaires were completed and returned by current cyclists. Each questionnaire presented a pair of possible bicycle use alternatives and asked which was preferred for travel to a hypothetical all-day meeting or gathering (business or social). Alternatives were described by specifying the amounts of time spent on three different types of cycling facility and whether or not showers and/or secure bicycle parking were available at the destination. Indications of socio-economic character and levels of experience and comfort regarding cycling were also collected. The observations thus obtained were used to estimate the parameter values for a range of different utility functions in logit models representing this choice behaviour. The results indicate, among other things, that time spent cycling in mixed traffic is more onerous than time spent cycling on bike lanes or bike paths; that secure parking is more important than showers at the destination; and that cycling times on roadways tend to become less onerous as level of experience increases. Some of these results are novel and others are consistent with findings regarding bicycle use in work done by others, which is seen to add credence to this work. A review of previous findings concerning influences on cycling behaviour is also included.  相似文献   
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