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浅析公路桥梁中板式橡胶支座设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要对我国相关法律对公路桥梁中板式橡胶支座设计方法的规定进行了概述,进而探讨了公路桥梁中板式橡胶支座设计存在的漏洞。  相似文献   
文章针对隧道衬砌施工缝既有背贴式止水带存在的问题,对施工缝背贴式止水带防水技术尝试了以下改进:(1)将横断面设计为梯形,使两翼能稳定深入衬砌混凝土内部,保持翼缘两侧有足够大的空间充填混凝土,从而为止水带周围密实创造条件;(2)在迎水面设置了排水孔,排水孔上覆有滤水土工布,排水孔下端与隧道排水体系相通,该排水孔给背贴式止水带赋予了排水功能;(3)通过人工假顶使背贴式止水带在洞顶成为准中埋式止水带,从而解决背贴式止水带在洞顶其周围不密实的问题;(4)通过在衬砌基础埋管留槽,安装止水带时将其两端插入槽内并接通排水管,可实现止水带无中间接头、整条一次安装,避免止水带中间接头渗漏水.  相似文献   
Many states in the US have enacted quick clearance laws requiring drivers of vehicles involved in minor incidents to move their vehicles from travel lanes prior to the arrival of first responders. Since little is known about the effectiveness of these laws, this research sought to find the benefit–cost ratio of advertising quick clearance legislation to improve driver compliance, and compare it with benefit–cost ratios of other incident management strategies, particularly traffic cameras, freeway service patrols, and traffic sensors. The analysis used traffic simulation that applied application programming interfaces to produce random spatial and temporal occurrence of incidents, including incident start times, durations, and locations, based on normal distributions developed from field data, to test before and after the law scenarios. The results provide decision makers with support for prioritizing funding between these incident management strategies and indicated that investments in the advertisement of this law was beneficial. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study examines distributional characteristics of crash rates for road segments using observed accident data. The results indicate that the distribution of crash rates is mixed and right‐skewed, which motivates the consideration of non‐normal distributions. With the aid of Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests, kernel density plots, and Q–Q plots, the lognormal distribution is verified as an appropriate candidate for representing the positive domain of crash rates. Then, a lognormal hurdle model was developed and also compared with gamma and Weibull hurdle models. Further, the lognormal hurdle model was revised by allowing the scale parameter to vary with respect to explanatory variables. Such a modification enables the heterogeneous skewness of samples to be captured while enhancing the modeling flexibility. The proposed model was also compared with a Tobit model, an alternative approach that treats crash rates as censored data. Among all these models, the proposed lognormal hurdle model with flexible scale parameter presents the best modeling performance, and the analyses also reveal that several explanatory variables affect crash rates through not only the location parameter but also the scale parameter in the lognormal model. This study finally attempted to inspect crash rates through count models, and it discovered that the proposed hurdle model is superior because it is able to output the whole distribution form of crash rates, whereas the crash count model can only provide the expected value of crash rates, provided the exposure variable servers as an offset term in the link function of the mean parameter. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
浮式生产储油船纵骨疲劳工程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在船舶设计过程中需进行结构疲劳的工程计算并作为新船设计的常规校核项目。本文简要介绍了艘15万吨级浮式生产储油船(FPSO)纵骨疲劳校核和结果,阐述了FPSO波浪载荷预报及纵骨校核的一船过程和特点,以及挪威船级社NAUTICUS软件的疲劳计算方法,对于一船油船和散货船的疲劳计算也有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   
随着城市化建设和社会经济的快速发展, 标准化的施工工艺技术对于城市交通设施的建造有着巨大影响。 就桥梁方面而言, 采用工厂化的施工技术对于中小跨径钢板组合桥梁的质量管理和钢结构产能等方面起到了积极作用, 可以促进钢板组合梁桥在我国的发展。 因此, 本文介绍了中小跨径钢板组合桥梁工厂化制造和标准化施工。 并以实际工程应用为例, 介绍了钢板组合梁桥施工时采用的架桥机架设和汽车吊架设, 节约了人力成本, 使经济合理化。 同时大大加快了钢板组合梁桥的建设速度, 提高了施工效率。  相似文献   
随着钢结构防腐蚀技术的提高、焊接栓接工艺的改进,下承式简支钢桁梁桥因主梁建筑高度低、施工速度快、结构自重轻等优点,越来越多地在公路领域得到应用。为大力推广该桥型,文章从材料、构造、防撞及防火和施工工艺等方面重点介绍下承式简支钢桁梁桥的设计与施工要点,总结得出在主跨70~120m的桥梁结构形式,下承式简支钢桁梁为一种合理选择。  相似文献   
利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,建立直线电机运载系统无碴轨道的空间计算模型,将整体道床的受力变形结果与不考虑磁吸力的结果进行对比分析,得出磁吸力对整体道床的影响规律.理论分析表明,在考虑直线电机的磁吸力后,将增加整体道床的内力和位移值,据此对整体道床的设计提出建议.  相似文献   
活塞是发动机的核心部件,其设计是否合理直接关系到发动机的可靠性、耐久性和经济性。本文在2007年3月发布的Ansys 11.0协同仿真环境中建立了详细的活塞三维实体模型,运用第三类热边界条件,结合热耦合分析方法完成了活塞的三维温度场,位移场及热应力场的仿真,在此基础上对活塞的结构优化进行了探索,并设计出一款性能得以改善的活塞,实现了真正意义上的仿真驱动产品设计。  相似文献   
In a flank array on an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), self-generated noise which has broadband and colored spectrum property in frequency and spatial domain is the main factor affecting the performance of weak signal detection, so the technique of adaptive noise cancellation (ANC) as well as physical denoising and active noise cancellation are often used in practice. Because ANC is based on correlations, improvements in performance come from better correlation between reference signals and primary signals. Taking full advantage of the characteristics of flank arrays and the characteristics of information obtained from hydrophones, a new method for reference signal acquisition for adaptive noise cancellation is proposed, in which the multi-channel reference signals are obtained by accurate delaying for a given direction of arrival (DOA) and differencing between adjacent outputs of array elements. The validity of the proposed method was verified through system modeling simulations and lake experiments which showed good performance with little additional computational burden.  相似文献   
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