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In this paper, we propose a design approach to a functional safety-compliant ECU for an electro-mechanical brake (EMB) control system or an electronic wedge brake (EWB) control system. Brake actuators in a brake-by-wire (BBW) system such as EMB or EWB are characterized by the safety-critical functions which are now executed by using many electric and electronic devices with application software. Based on hazard analysis and risk assessments of the automotive functional safety standard ISO 26262, the proposed EMB control system should be ASIL-D-compliant, which is the highest ASIL level. To this end, a hardware and a software design method is introduced to implement functionl safety-oriented monitoring functions which are based on an asymmetric dual-core architecture with an external watchdog processor. It is shown by using EMB hardware-In-the-Loop-Simulation (HILS) that the proposed ECU design approach is very effective when a hardware fault or software execution faults occur in the EMB ECU, moreover, this functional safety-compliant design can be well combiled with the sensor fault-tolerant control logic.  相似文献   
Metal fiber is introduced as a new filter media in wall-flow Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) system. This technology has high temperature durability which is required for filter regeneration, and can maintain the mechanical strength even in the extreme exhaust-related vibrations of vehicles. However, the regeneration near the wall (outer layer) is more difficult because of the heat loss and reduced gas flow near the wall. In this study, a flow is simulated to determine the flow control method for the more uniform flow in all filter layer. By using Star CCM+ commercial software, we obtain local velocity, streamline, and pressure distributions in the filter, which are typically difficult to obtain from measurements. The major control factors are the filter porosity, size and location of the distribution plate, and the number of blades of the swirler. By placing the distribution plate in front of the filter, the flow velocity near the wall was increased. The optimum location and size of the flat plate were chosen. By attaching the blade on the plate the flow velocity near the wall was increased more. Therefore, the regeneration efficiency is increased by using the swirler-type metal fiber DPF system.  相似文献   
In this study, preview control algorithms for the active and semi-active suspension systems of a full tracked vehicle (FTV) are designed based on a 3-D.O.F model and evaluated. The main issue of this study is to make the ride comfort characteristics of a fast moving tracked vehicle better to keep an operator’s driving capability. Since road wheels almost trace the profiles of the road surface as long as the track doesn’t depart from the ground, the preview information can be obtained by measuring only the absolute position or velocity of the first road wheel. Simulation results show that the performance of the sky-hook suspension system almost follows that of full state feedback suspension system and the on-off semi-active system carries out remarkable performance with the combination of 12 on-off semi-active suspension units. The results simulated with 1st and 2nd weighting sets mean that the suspension system combined with the soft type of inner suspension and hard type of outer suspension can carry out better ride comfort characteristics than that with identical suspensions. The full tracked vehicle (FTV) system is uncontrollable and the system is split into controllable and uncontrollable subspace using singular value decomposition transformation. Frequency response curves to four types of inputs, such as heaving, pitching, rolling, and warping inputs, also demonstrate the merits of preview control in ride comfort. All the frequency characteristic responses confirm the continuous time results.  相似文献   
As vehicles become more intelligent, in-vehicle networking (IVN) systems such as controller area network (CAN) are essential for the convenience and safety of drivers. To expand the applicability of IVN systems, attention is currently being focused on chassis networking systems that require increased network capacity and real-time capabilities. FlexRay was developed to replace CAN protocol in chassis networking systems, to remedy the shortage of transmission capacity and unsatisfactory real-time transmission delay of conventional CAN. However, FlexRay network systems require a complex scheduling method, which is a barrier to their implementation as chassis networking systems. In particular, if we want to migrate from a CAN network to a FlexRay network using the well-defined CAN message database, which has been specifically constructed for chassis networking systems by automotive vendors, a new type of scheduling method is necessary to reduce scheduling efforts during the software development process. This paper presents a node-based scheduling method for easy migration from a CAN network to a FlexRay network system. To demonstrate the feasibility of the technique, its performance is evaluated in terms of various software complexity indices.  相似文献   
This paper describes the development of an optimal design process for a steering column system and supporting system. A design guide is proposed at the initial concept stage of the development process to obtain sufficient stiffness of the steering system while reducing the idle vibration sensitivity of the system. Case studies on resonance isolation are summarized, where vibration modes among the systems are separated by applying a vibration mode map at the initial stage of the design process. This study also provides design guidelines for an optimal dynamic damper system using a CAE (computer aided engineering) analysis. The damper FE (finite element) model is added to the vehicle model to analyze the relation between the frequency and the sensitivity of the steering column system. This analysis methodology makes it possible to achieve target performance in the early design stage and reduction of damper tuning activity after the proto car test stage. Through the proposed steering column system development process, a lightweight vehicle with high stiffness is possible prior to the proto build stage. Furthermore, the improved process is expected to contribute to reducing the overall development period and the number of proto car tests necessary to achieve the desired steering system performance.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a steering control method based on optimal control theory to improve the maneuverability of a six-wheeled vehicle during cornering. The six-wheeled vehicle is believed to have better performance than a four-wheeled vehicle in terms of its capability for crossing obstacles, off-road maneuvering and fail-safe handling when one or two of the tires are punctured. Although many methods to improve the four-wheeled vehicle’s lateral stability have been studied and developed, there have only been a few studies on the six-wheeled vehicle’s lateral stability. Some studies of the six-wheeled vehicle have been reported recently, but they are related to the desired yaw rate of a four-wheeled vehicle to control the six-wheeled vehicle’s maneuvering during corning. In this paper, the sideslip angle and yaw rate are controlled to improve the maneuverability during cornering by independent control of the steering angles of the six wheels. The desired yaw rate that is suitable for a six-wheeled vehicle is proposed as a control target. In addition, a scaled-down vehicle with six drive motors and six steering motors that can be controlled independently is designed. The performance of the proposed control methods is verified using a full model vehicle simulation and scaled-down vehicle experiment.  相似文献   
The potential for thermoelectric power generation (via waste heat recovery onboard automobiles) to displace alternators and/or provide additional charging to a vehicle battery pack has increased with recent advances in thermoelectric material processing. In gasoline fueled vehicles (GFVs), about 40% of fuel energy is wasted in exhaust heat, while a smaller amount of energy (30%) is ejected through the engine coolant. Therefore, exhaust-based thermoelectric generators (ETEG) have been a focus for GFV applications since the late 1980s. The conversion efficiency of modern thermoelectric materials has increased more than three-fold in the last two decades; however, disputes as to the thermal design of ETEG systems has kept their overall efficiency at limited and insufficient values. There are many challenges in the thermal design of ETEG systems, such as increasing the efficiency of the heat exchangers (hot box and cold plate), maintaining a sufficient temperature difference across the thermoelectric modules during different operating conditions, and reducing thermal losses through the system as a whole. This paper focuses on a review of the main aspects of thermal design of ETEG systems through various investigations performed over the past twenty years. This paper is organized as follows: first, the construction of a typical ETEG is described. The heat balance and efficiency of ETEG are then discussed. Then, the third section of this paper emphasizes the main objectives and challenges for designing efficient ETEG systems. Finally, a review of ETEG research activities over the last twenty years is presented to focus on methods used by the research community to address such challenges.  相似文献   
Air suspension systems have been implemented in various commercial vehicles, such as buses and special purpose trucks, because of the comfortable ride and easy height control. An evaluation of the durability of vehicle parts has been required for service life and safety starting in the early stages of design. The cyclic load applied to the vehicle can cause fatigue failure of parts, such as the suspension frame. This paper presents a method to predict the fatigue life of the suspension frame at the design stage of the air suspension system used in a heavy-duty vehicle. To estimate the fatigue life using the SN method, the Dynamic Stress Time History (DSTH) is necessary for the part of interest. DSTH can be obtained from the results of the flexible body dynamic analysis using the Belgian road simulation and the Modal Stress Recovery (MSR) method. Furthermore, the reliability of the predicted fatigue life can be evaluated by considering the variations in material properties. The probability and distribution of the expected life cycle can be obtained using experimental design with a minimum number of simulations. The advantage of using statistical methods to evaluate the life cycle is the ability to predict replacement time and the probability of failure of mass-produced parts. This paper proposes a rapid and simple method that can be effectively applied to the design of vehicle parts.  相似文献   
The unsteady flow field around two automotive outside rear-view mirrors is investigated. This study includes comprehensive experimental and computational approaches in order to characterize the complex flow structures in the wake of the mirrors. The experiments were carried out in a wind tunnel which included the measurements of the instantaneous and averaged velocity fields as well as mean and unsteady surface pressure distributions. The simulations were performed using Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The LES approach (particularly with the dynamic subgrid viscosity model) provided good agreements with the experiments for the velocity and the surface pressure distributions. The experimental and the computational results of this study will be used as a benchmark to validate the current and the future CFD development and the subsequent aero-acoustic computations.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a real-time empirical model of NOx emissions for diesel engines. The proposed model predicts the level of NOx emissions using an empirical model developed based on the thermal NO formation mechanism, the extended Zeldovich mechanism. Since it is difficult to consider the exact physical NO formation phenomena in real-time applications, the proposed algorithm adapts the key factors of the NO formation mechanism from the extended Zeldovich mechanism: temperature of the burned gas, concentration of the gas species, and combustion duration where NO is generated. These factors are considered in a prediction model as four parameters: exhaust gas recirculation rate (EGR rate), crank angle location of 50 % of mass fraction burned (MFB50), exhaust lambda value, and combustion acceleration. The proposed prediction model is validated with various steady engine experiments that showed a high linear correlation with the NOx emission measured by a NOx sensor. Furthermore, it is also validated for transient experiments.  相似文献   
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