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对于采用临时支撑散索套的散索体系空间自锚式悬索桥,由于主缆的几何非线性效应,理论散索点从空缆状态到成桥状态的施工过程中发生大位移,主缆各索股散出的角度也会随着发生较大变化,而索导管是以成桥状态的角度定位安装的,因此会出现主缆索股与索导管刮擦的问题.为了避免刮擦必须控制理论散索点的位移,即在散索套的定位安装上采取有效措施使其在施工过程中基本在成桥位置.以广州猎德大桥为例,采用无应力状态控制法计算分析通过改变吊索张拉次序和在散索套处增设临时约束的方法解决了这个问题.  相似文献   
为研究偏压荷载对箱型明洞结构受力影响,为该类明洞结构的设计提供理论依据,以某道路开孔箱型明洞工程为例,采用ANSYS有限元数值模拟方法进行计算分析,综合研究结果表明: 1)偏压回填箱型明洞靠山侧墙底部和外侧墙顶部受力较大,设计配筋时需要加强; 2)靠山侧墙背回填土侧压力对明洞结构受力影响较大,改善回填材料内摩擦角大小可以有效降低明洞结构内力,当内摩擦角增大到47°时最为经济; 3)可以通过在明洞洞顶回填EPE的方式减轻洞顶冲击荷载,降低明洞内力,最优回填厚度为0.9 m。  相似文献   
以无工频变压器新型电力机车牵引传动系统电力电子变压器(power electronic transformer, PET)级联H桥整流器(cas鄄caded H-bridge rectifier,CHBR)为研究对象;建立电力电子变压器CHBR数学模型;以瞬时功率理论为基础,提出一种新型电力电子变压器CHBR直流电容电压平衡控制控制策略;同时实现非理想牵引网电压下系统单位功率因素运行。最后通过Matlab/Simulink计算机仿真软件,仿真结果表明所提控制策略的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   
马昌龙  宋粲 《城市道桥与防洪》2020,(2):118-121,M0014
在预应力连续梁桥施工过程中影响最终成桥状态因素众多,为保证成桥状态符合设计要求,通过Midas/civil 2019建立平面杆系模型,分析某大跨径连续梁桥施工过程中挠度变化及受力状况,并在此基础上,通过灰色理论GM(1,1)模型对桥梁挠度变化进行预测。结果表明挠度预测值、实测值及理论计算值变化趋势一致,灰色理论预测可以有效减小误差,同时主墩截面实际受力与理论计算保持一定的规律性且误差较小。  相似文献   
Hydraulic retarders are auxiliary braking devices that reduce the velocity of a vehicle, particularly when a vehicle is driven downhill. Such velocity reduction could reduce the potential risk caused by brake failure caused by the service brake working for a long time and the temperature of the brake shoe becomes extremely high. This paper introduces the construction of the hydraulic retarder and proposes two mathematical models for the hydraulic retarder. The first mathematical model is deduced by using fluid mechanics, which is used to analyze the mechanism of how braking torque is produced and the key factors that can influence the value of the braking torque. The second mathematical model is deduced by using thermodynamics, which is used to quantify the heat produced by the hydraulic retarder. This research emphasizes that the flow rate and the average velocity of the working fluid in the working chamber mainly determine the braking torque of the hydraulic retarder. The flow rate into and out of the working chamber determines the temperature rise of the working fluid. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are conducted with the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulent models. Experiments are carried out to justify the two mathematical models and the CFD simulations. The results show that the mathematical models are capable of describing the force analysis and energy conversion of the hydraulic retarder and SST is more accurate for CFD simulation and the error is within 6 %.  相似文献   
On the question of optimal hedge ratio, this paper firstly draws the chance to choose a market-entering point to the model. Using the replication principle of finance engineering, we make an assumed equity and get the optimal hedge ratio of the model, which gives the theoretical support to the practice. We should not only concern on the market-entering point, but also concern on the period of the hedge that still influences the effect of hedging. But only the period of hedging gives its affection if the time is relatively long.  相似文献   
分析了超高性能混凝土(UHPC)的收缩特性及其随时间发展的一般规律, 总结了材料组成、养护制度与内部温湿度场对UHPC收缩的影响。研究结果表明: UHPC收缩早期(0~7 d)发展快, 占总收缩的61.3%~86.5%, 中期(7~28 d)发展缓慢, 占总收缩的13.5%~27.9%, 后期(28 d后)趋于稳定; UHPC以自收缩为主, 占总收缩的78.6%~90.0%, 是早期开裂的主要诱因; 收缩测试起始时间可取试件成型后1 d(24 h), 终止时间可取90 d或120 d; 在结构设计时, 可参考各国规范取收缩为500~800 με, 热养护后可不考虑残余收缩; 对于收缩预测模型, 各国规范尚未统一, 多借鉴现有的收缩模型, 应完善与修正收缩预测模型; 对于材料组成, 目前集中于纤维、矿物掺合料的种类和掺量对收缩的定量影响, 且各组分对收缩的影响不同, 评价指标较为单一, 应结合结构用途、制备工艺与施工过程等进行综合评价; 对于内部温度与湿度场, 研究对象主要集中于28 d后的普通混凝土与高强高性能混凝土, 应深入研究胶凝材料含量大、组分差异性明显、活性矿物掺合料掺量高的UHPC早期内部温度与湿度场; 为了降低收缩, 基本采用内养护, 添加膨胀剂、减缩剂与粗骨料等措施。可见: 为了减小UHPC收缩的同时又不降低其力学性能, 应该优化UHPC配比, 合理使用外加剂, 采取适当养护制度等措施。  相似文献   
老路改扩建工程水泥稳定碎石施工包括准备下承层、铺筑试验路段和施工放样等准备工作,以及水泥稳定碎石的拌合、摊铺的碾压、接缝处理和养生。水泥稳定碎石具有许多优点,被广泛用于高速公路路面基层或底基层。  相似文献   
对沥青路面车辙原因进行了简单分析,重点对"采用铣刨法进行沥青路面车辙病害处理"的施工工艺进行了叙述和总结,为公路同行提供了关于利用铣刨法处理路面车辙缺陷的一些经验和心得.  相似文献   
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