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1986年1月美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会在旧金山举行的研讨会上,有四篇论文介绍了在容积式压缩机领域的一些最新研究成果及进展.  相似文献   
本文叙述了船舶自动化电站中柴油发电机组控制的现状和发展远景,高增压柴油发电机组动态性能的改善,并联运行柴油发电机组之间动态稳定性的解决以及不停电供电系统的应用。提出了采用标准的多功能电子调节系统,以适应各种不同的要求,并介绍了美国《Дина-Ⅳ》电子系统的功能和结构图。  相似文献   
The problem of wave scattering by undulating bed topography in a two-layer ocean is investigated on the basis of linear theory. In a two-layer fluid with the upper layer having a free surface, there exist two modes of waves propagating at both the free surface of the upper layer and the interface between the two layers. Due to a wave train of a particular mode incident on an obstacle which is bottom-standing on the lower layer, reflected and transmitted waves of both modes are created by the obstacle. For small undulations on the bottom of the lower layer, a perturbation method is employed to obtain first-order reflection and transmission coefficients of both modes for incident wave trains of again both modes in terms of integrals involving the bed-shape function. For sinusoidal undulations, numerical results are presented graphically to illustrate the energy transfer between the waves of different modes by the undulating bed. U. BASU was born in 1949. She is a professor in the Department Applied Mathematics, Calcutta University, India. Her current research interests include water wave problems, continuum mechanics, etc.  相似文献   
2012年,首款特超低排放车用BMW涡轮增压汽油机将在BMW 328i近零排放轿车中首次亮相。BMW公司的研发工作既满足了全球最严格的排放法规要求,又越来越重视产品的耐久性。所谓的“双涡轮技术”已成为在可靠满足最严格排放限值要求下具有高动力性和低燃油耗的先驱。  相似文献   
当强劲的尾涡撞击到结构时,其表面压力将呈现大幅的变化.这种大幅变化的脉动压力是引起结构震动以及水动力噪声的主要原因之一.许多相关的工程领域都希望使用相对经济的方法对此压力脉动进行有效地预报.本文介绍一种已经嵌入一面元法程序(PROPELLA)的尾涡砰击模型,及其在一吊舱桨尾涡撞击支柱诱导表面压力模拟中的应用.由模拟的时均表面压力分布和相均压力的时序变化与对应的实验数据的比较来看,数值模拟与试验结果吻合较好.  相似文献   
作为本田公司的下一代发动机系列,配装于Accord插电式混合动力车的新型2.0L汽油机具有燃油耗低和排放性能好的特点。采用可变气门正时及升程电子控制系统,具有2种特定凸轮(即功率凸轮和燃油经济性凸轮)。功率凸轮作用持续期短,用于大功率输出和发动机起动;燃油经济性凸轮作用持续期长,可通过延迟进气门关闭正时,获得阿特金森循环效应。还采用了冷却废气再循环(EGR)技术,并对控制系统进行了改进,实现了低燃油耗目标。首先,能确保EGR阀前后压差的新型控制系统改善了EGR流量的控制性能。其次,改进了扭矩控制,可以预测因点火延迟引起的发动机扭矩下降。驱动性和燃油经济性在极苛刻的条件下保持原有水平。最后,采用了基于大气压力改变运行点的控制技术,即使环境发生变化,仍可保持低油耗性能。开发了混合动力车用催化转化器的新型快速预热系统。在发动机起动阶段,通过改变电机运行来控制发动机负荷,这样可有效预热催化转化器,从而使尾气排放降低到能满足特超低排放车SULEV20标;住的水平。  相似文献   
大型加强板结构焊接顺序的效果研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Welding sequence has a significant effect on distortion pattern of large orthogonally stiffened panels normally used in ships and offshore structures. These deformations adversely affect the subsequent fitup and alignment of the adjacent panels. It may also result in loss of structural integrity. These panels primarily suffer from angular and buckling distortions. The extent of distortion depends on several parameters such as welding speed, plate thickness, welding current, voltage, restraints applied to the job while welding, thermal history as well as sequence of welding. Numerical modeling of welding and experimental validation of the FE model has been carried out for estimation of thermal history and resulting distortions. In the present work an FE model has been developed for studying the effect of welding sequence on the distortion pattern and its magnitude in fabrication of orthogonally stiffened plate panels.  相似文献   
MAN公司为商用车开发了1款全新高功率D38柴油机。这款15.2L的直列6缸发动机可提供520hp~①和560hp的动力,也可为重型牵引车提供640hp的动力。该发动机主要设计理念包括极高的爆发压力、带级间中冷的双级涡轮增压系统、喷射压力高达250MPa的共轨燃油喷射系统、双级废气再循环系统,以及1种更加强劲的发动机制动器"TurboEVBec"。D38柴油机替代了老一代的D28V8柴油机,且结构更紧凑,并优化了各项性能。该发动机搭载欧6选择性催化还原转化后处理系统,与MAN D26柴油机应用的后处理系统一样布置紧凑,在整车底盘上允许安装更大体积的油箱。  相似文献   
全新开发的2.4 L带智能可变气门正时及升程电控系统的4缸直喷汽油机是本田公司下一代机型,应用了带多孔高压喷油器的直喷系统,实现了低二氧化碳排放和高功率输出。对气缸盖进气道和燃烧室形状、喷油器喷雾形状,以及燃油喷射控制都进行了优化,以确保形成均质混合气,实现稳定、高效的燃烧。全新的发动机结构使摩擦也得到降低。新型发动机的功率和扭矩都增加10%,燃油耗则降低5%。配装新发动机的2013年型Accord轿车配合高效率无级变速器,以及改进后的底盘,使组合行驶工况燃油耗降低11%,并达到美国加州空气资源委员会排放法规中准零排放车级别的排放要求。此外,新结构的发动机减轻了质量,并通过优化气缸体刚度,使噪声-振动-平顺性性能优于旧机型。  相似文献   
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