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党的十九大对国家治理体系和治理能力现代化提出了新任务、新要求,突出社会化、法治化、智能化、专业化。以湖南省株洲市荷塘区为例,通过深入实施三社联动,不断创新基层治理,推进社会治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   
阐述了乘用车道路滑行的工作原理,比较了基于轻型车国六标准的道路滑行法(简称国六滑行法)和基于国五标准的道路滑行法(简称国五滑行法)在阻力模型建立、滑行时间计算和试验结果修正等方面的差异,并开展了实车验证。理论和实践表明,国六滑行法比国五滑行法阻力大。  相似文献   
随着跨座式单轨游览车的广泛使用,部分小型跨座式单轨车体较轻,弹簧偏软,为保证乘客乘坐舒适,本文基于地铁使用抗侧滚装置,并结合牯牛降单轨游览列车悬挂结构设计一款小型单轨游览车用抗侧滚装置,计算验证其抗侧滚效果。  相似文献   
气垫船的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
回顾了中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院(MARIC)40年来在气垫船、研究方面所取得的主要成就,分析了该类高性能船舶的市场需求,并提出了未来研究和发展的初步构想。  相似文献   
大型舰船姿态运动极短期预报的一种AR算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文提出并严格地证明了一种AR模型的预报算法,利用该算法可对大型舰船运动姿态进行预报,在物理仿真系统中取得满意的结果。  相似文献   
为解决交叉口因BRT优先影响其他车辆通行问题,提出基于交叉口双站台的BRT 优先控制方法. 给出交叉口BRT双站台设置方法,对比分析BRT在交叉口单、双站台的平均延误. 根据BRT发车时刻、交叉口信号配时、BRT平均车速、交叉口间距及站台停靠时间等,制定 BRT站台预停靠方案和行车时刻表. 为确保BRT按照预停靠站台及时刻表运行,采用BRT车速引导与信号配时双重补偿修正BRT 实际离站时刻与时刻表的偏差. 以常州BRT 1 号线为例,对应用本文方法的5 个交叉口进行分析. 结果表明:BRT在每个站台实际离站时刻偏差范围为±5 s、±10 s、±20 s 时,本文优先控制方法显著减少BRT停车次数和延误,提高了BRT整体运营效率.  相似文献   
体外预应力索加固技术作为一种主动加固方式,可有效改善原结构受力,改善原桥下挠,增加应力储备,在对混凝土梁式桥的加固上效果显著,应用也越来越多。但目前针对桥梁的体外预应力索加固技术相关的设计标准、锚固转向装置采用材料及构造形式差异性较大,加固施工技术水平也参差不齐,使得很多桥梁的体外预应力索加固效果难以达到预期目标,加固效果难以保证。文章通过采用体外预应力加固技术对变截面预应力混凝土连续梁桥、等截面预应力混凝土连续梁桥、预应力混凝土小箱梁等多种结构类型的梁式桥进行加固,对桥梁体外预应力加固装配式技术的流程、应用进行探索研究,为其他类似工程提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
Polarization pattern provides additional information besides spectral signatures. It can be used in many applications, such as navigation, defect detection and object identification. A novel polarization camera composed of four synchronized cameras is proposed, and it can realize real-time polarization measurement. This study particularly concentrates on the geometric calibration of the system. The projection model is analyzed and the multi-camera calibration algorithm is proposed. Firstly, each camera is calibrated separately using planar patterns, and then the geometric calibration algorithms are performed. Due to the geometrical constraint, a global optimization method results in smaller estimation uncertainties. A mean rotation error of 0.025° and a mean translation error of 0.26mm are achieved after geometric calibration. The images are rectified to establish a correspondence among cameras and are combined to acquire the polarization measurement. The polarization pattern of the skylight is measured by the system and the results are consistent with the previous studies.  相似文献   
Traditional control methods of two-wheeled robot are usually model-based and require the robot’s precise mathematic model which is hard to get. A sensorimotor self-learning model named SMM TWR is presented in this paper to handle these problems. The model consists of seven elements: the discrete learning time set, the sensory state set, the motion set, the sensorimotor mapping, the state orientation unit, the learning mechanism and the model’s entropy. The learning mechanism for SMM TWR is designed based on the theory of operant conditioning (OC), and it adjusts the sensorimotor mapping at every learning step. This helps the robot to choose motions. The leaning direction of the mechanism is decided by the state orientation unit. Simulation results show that with the sensorimotor model designed, the robot is endowed the abilities of self-learning and self-organizing, and it can learn the skills to keep itself balance through interacting with the environment.  相似文献   
超级电容车、纯电动公交车作为低碳交通发展趋势,目前已开始运用于城市公交中。本文总结了现有案例的车辆性能、设施配套及运行情况,分析了在中心区内部公交、组团之间联系不同功能的公交,在不同的交通条件、发车频率、公交站距情况下,超级电容车、纯电动公交车的适用条件。  相似文献   
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