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Growth in container liner traffic has been high for several decades and current growth rates are expected to continue, putting pressure on ports and liner companies to increase investment. Several factors are pushing up the capacity of new buildings, and bigger, rather than more, ships alleviate pressure on ports. But ship operating cost benefits will be eroded unless cargo handling performance can be upgraded. Because of physical inhibitions in existing facilities the recent pace at which lines have increased the size of the biggest ships operating seems likely to plateau in the next few years.  相似文献   
The road profile is usually considered to be a random process x ( d ), where x is the road height and d is the distance along the road. As the vehicle travels along the road with velocity v , the random process x ( d ) is converted to a random process x ( t ) which is input to the vehicle suspension via the tyre. The random process x ( d ) is usually described in terms of its power spectral density as a function of frequency in either radians or cycles per unit distance. However, there are several different ways of defining power spectral density, and this makes it difficult to compare published data without knowing how the power spectral density has been defined. The proper calculation of RMS values of vehicle response for an assumed road power spectral density is explained by an example.  相似文献   
A small seabird community depends on the resources of the Northeast Water (NEW) polynya. In spring, at least 1000 King Eiders and 2500 Common Eiders form pre-breeding congregations at Ob Bank before dispersing in mid June to breeding areas. The most abundant species is the Fulmar, which breeds in six colonies with a total of 2550 “apparently occupied sites”, corresponding to approx. 1475 active pairs in 1993. Kittiwakes occupied almost 900 sites at Mallemukfjeld, with an estimated 733 breeding pairs. The entire NEW area probably holds 400–500 pairs of Ivory Gulls, and about 500 individuals were associated with a colony on Henrik Krøyer Holme; this is one of the world's largest known colonies. Sabine's Gulls breed at the same islands and on Kilen (approx. 50 pairs in each place). Small colonies (total less than 1000 birds) of Arctic Terns are distributed along the edge of the polynya, with the largest colony of about 100 pairs on Henrik Krøyer Holme. The Black Guillemot is the only breeding auk species (< 20 pairs) in the area. Small numbers of Red Phalaropes were observed in the polynya in 1992 and 1993, and the species may have bred at Henrik Krøyer Holme in 1993; the polynya area may also serve as a staging area for transpolar migrants. In late summer a few hundreds of Ross's Gull—non-breeding adults and immatures—show up in and around the polynya, and in recent years a few cases of breeding have also been recorded. The relatively small seabird populations are evidence of a generally low carrying capacity of the polynya area.Apart from the benthic foraging eiders and the Black Guillemot, the seabird community of NEW consists of surface feeders—Fulmars and gulls—dependent on small fish and zooplankton. During their stay in the NEW area, the five most abundant surface feeders will annually consume approximately 243,000 kg (wet weight) of food, of which the Fulmars alone take 67%. Food demand in relation to area of open water in the polynya is highest in spring (approx. 0.2 kg/km2), which is  相似文献   
Field studies have demonstrated that it is possible to evaluate the state of many shipboard systems by analyzing the electrical power that is drawn by electromechanical actuators. This paper demonstrates how a device known as a non-intrusive load monitor (NILM) uses only electrical power data to detect several critical faults in shipboard fluid systems. Using the example of reverse-osmosis units installed aboard the US Coast Guard's Medium Endurance Cutters, it is shown that the NILM can provide ship's force with a highly reliable real-time system monitoring capability.  相似文献   
Late-Quaternary changes in productivity of the Southern Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paleoceanographic records based on new proxies of export production have been constructed for the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. A radionuclide-ratio proxy of particle flux (10Be/230Th) and the accumulation rate of authigenic uranium, which responds to the flux of organic carbon to the sea bed, both indicate a dramatic increase, compared to the present, in the export production of the Subantarctic zone (approximately the region between the present-day positions of the Subtropical Convergence and the Antarctic Polar Front) during glacial periods. If the South Atlantic is representative of the entire Southern Ocean, then export production in the Southern Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum was substantially greater than at present. Previous studies, focusing on the burial of biogenic opal, failed to recognize the glacial increase in export production of the Southern Ocean because of a strong non-linearity between accumulation rates of opal and of organic carbon.  相似文献   
In optimally controlled active suspensions with either full or incomplete state feedback there is tradeoff between system performance and overall stiffness. It is sought to remove this limitation by incorporating integral action which results in a system with infinite stiffness towards static loading, but which is soft with respect to road inputs. The system is also able to eliminate the steady state deflections due to step and (potentially) ramp type inputs at the wheel. Optimality is retained at the cost only of a derivative constraint and the system can be physically realised using output feedback control.  相似文献   
This report gives a preview to a state-of-the-art paper and a special session which are devoted to the problem of the applicability of multibody computer codes to vehicle system dynamics. These activities were initiated at the 11th IAVSD Symposium 1989 in Kingston, CAN, followed by a workshop in Herbertov, CSR, and to be reported at the 12th IAVSD Symposium in Lyon, 1991. The concluding documentation will be a special issue of the VSD journal. The status of this report is what has been achieved up to May 1991.  相似文献   
The general form of the railway vehicle lateral dynamic predictions seems to have been proven. If wheels are coned, rails are of uniform cross-section, and suspensions are linear, then good predictions can be obtained. If wheels are not coned, and rail sections vary, but the suspension is relatively linear, as in modern vehicles, it is still possible to obtain good predictions of critical speed for flexible suspensions. The situation with “stiff” vehicles remains unproven. In each case dynamic response calculations will be only as good as the knowledge of the track input including the rolling line term. The validity of making calculations to predict critical speeds of very non-linear vehicles has not yet been convincingly demonstrated. Validation experiments for the more difficult case of time history representation suggest the possibility of correct prediction for easily comprehensible vehicles, but even this requires an enormous amount of supportive experimental work.  相似文献   
The slamming behaviour of a large high-speed catamaran has been investigated through the analysis of full-scale trials data. The US Navy conducted the trials in the North Sea and North Atlantic region on a 98 m wave piercer catamaran, HSV-2 Swift, designed by Revolution Design Pty Ltd and built by Incat Tasmania. For varying wave headings, vessel speeds and sea states the data records were interrogated to identify slam events. An automatic slam identification algorithm was developed, considering the measured rate of change of stress in the ship’s structure coupled with the vessel’s pitch motion. This has allowed the slam occurrence rates to be found for a range of conditions and the influence of vessel speed, wave environment and heading to be determined. The slam events have been further characterised by assessing the relative vertical velocity at impact between the vessel and the wave. Since the ship was equipped with a ride control system, its influence on the slam occurrence rates has also been assessed.  相似文献   
We have evaluated the impact of assimilating chlorophyll, nitrate, phosphate, silicate and ammonium into a coupled 1D hydrodynamic ecosystem model (GOTM-ERSEM) in an upwelling influenced estuary. The assimilation method chosen is the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), which has been demonstrated to improve field estimates of key variables (chlorophyll, nutrients) for bulk algal bloom prediction. The 1D model has been set up for a central station inside the Ría de Vigo (Spain). Data from bi-weekly surveys are used to constrain the model. Temperature and salinity profiles are used to ensure the correct representation of the water structure through a relaxation scheme. Chlorophyll extracts and nutrients at three depths are assimilated sequentially during 1 year simulation (1991). The assimilation period includes episodes of active upwelling and downwelling. All five assimilated variables are successfully constrained and represent a large improvement on the reference simulation (without assimilation). Small divergences can be related to poorly resolved physical processes in the model. The assimilation was further evaluated by comparing observed biomass partitioning with model results. Diatoms accounted for the largest biomass update and the largest improvement in terms of percentage of variance explained (R2). This is particularly significant as they represent the 46% of the yearly integrated observed biomass of the planktonic autotrophs. Nonetheless the R2 value was low for all phytoplankton groups. Bacteria and nanoflagellates showed an improvement with respect to their yearly Root Mean Square (RMS), while the other functional groups worsen or remained unaffected. Chlorophyll assimilation was responsible for most of the impact on the phytoplankton biomass with small contributions from the silicate. It had minor impact on the updates of nutrients which in turn corrected the state variables related to the detrital pool. In this current setting, combined assimilation of chlorophyll and nutrients is not sufficient to produce a skillful simulation of the phytoplankton succession.  相似文献   
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