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This paper investigates the potential for deliberation as a means for public participation in shaping public policy. The paper begins with a summary of deliberative democracy and other concepts that recently have motivated an interest for online deliberation. Next, the paper describes a case study in which 133 public participants deliberated over a regional transportation improvement decision. The deliberation occurred entirely over the internet and lasted for 31 days. The participants wrote hundreds of posts (comments) and made thousands of post-ratings (statements of agreement or disagreement). The posts and three questionnaires are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively to assess the nature of the deliberation and the participants’ perception of their experience. A negative binomial regression is used to examine which participant characteristics are associated with writing more posts.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a multivariate ordered-response system framework to model the interactions in non-work activity episode decisions across household and non-household members at the level of activity generation. Such interactions in activity decisions across household and non-household members are important to consider for accurate activity-travel pattern modeling and policy evaluation. The econometric challenge in estimating a multivariate ordered-response system with a large number of categories is that traditional classical and Bayesian simulation techniques become saddled with convergence problems and imprecision in estimates, and they are also extremely cumbersome if not impractical to implement. We address this estimation problem by resorting to the technique of composite marginal likelihood (CML), an emerging inference approach in the statistics field that is based on the classical frequentist approach, is very simple to estimate, is easy to implement regardless of the number of count outcomes to be modeled jointly, and requires no simulation machinery whatsoever.The empirical analysis in the paper uses data drawn from the 2007 American Time Use Survey (ATUS) and provides important insights into the determinants of adults’ weekday activity episode generation behavior. The results underscore the substantial linkages in the activity episode generation of adults based on activity purpose and accompaniment type. The extent of this linkage varies by individual demographics, household demographics, day of the week, and season of the year. The results also highlight the flexibility of the CML approach to specify and estimate behaviorally rich structures to analyze inter-individual interactions in activity episode generation.  相似文献   
In recent years, several transit agencies have been trying to be more competitive with the automobile to attract choice riders. Transit agencies can only be competitive if they can provide services that are reliable, have a short access and egress time, and have run times that are comparable to automobiles. Several transit agencies try to be competitive through offering faster service, such as limited-stop (express) bus service. This study uses AVL and APC data, in addition to a disaggregate data obtained from a travel behavior survey, to select stops and estimate run times for a new limited-stop service that will run parallel to a heavily used bus route (67 Saint-Michel) in Montréal, Canada. Three different scenarios are developed based on theory and practice to select stops to be incorporated in the new limited service. The time savings for each scenario are then evaluated as a range and a fourth scenario is developed. A limited-stop service is recommended based on selecting stops serving both directions of the route, major activity points and stop spacing. This study shows that implementing a limited-stop service would yield substantial time savings for both, the new limited service and the existing regular service running in parallel.  相似文献   
利用ADAMS对双横臂独立悬架进行仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过某商务车的独立悬架的数学建模和仿真模型,利用ADAMS软件精确地计算汽车运动中悬架定位参数的变化,分析了该悬架定位参数对操纵稳定性的影响,以提高产品开发质量。  相似文献   
The European Union (EU) recently adopted CO2 emissions mandates for new passenger cars, requiring steady reductions to 95 gCO2/km in 2021. We use a multi-sector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, which includes a private transportation sector with an empirically-based parameterization of the relationship between income growth and demand for vehicle miles traveled. The model also includes representation of fleet turnover, and opportunities for fuel use and emissions abatement, including representation of electric vehicles. We analyze the impact of the mandates on oil demand, CO2 emissions, and economic welfare, and compare the results to an emission trading scenario that achieves identical emissions reductions. We find that vehicle emission standards reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by about 50 MtCO2 and lower the oil expenditures by about €6 billion, but at a net added cost of €12 billion in 2020. Tightening CO2 standards further after 2021 would cost the EU economy an additional €24–63 billion in 2025, compared with an emission trading system that achieves the same economy-wide CO2 reduction. We offer a discussion of the design features for incorporating transport into the emission trading system.  相似文献   
介绍了一种特殊的多电机多变流器系统(MMS)结构,即专为轨道牵引设计的单逆变器双电机结构.牵引设备必须具有良好的转矩响应,为了控制两台电动机的转矩,可以采用基于传统磁场定向控制(FOC)的协调控制结构.单逆变器双异步电动机传动系统可以提高机车性能,降低由内部和外部干扰产生的不良影响,对其系统性能与传统的机车传动控制系统的性能进行了比较.机车制造商已对仿真模型进行了确认.根据结果对这2种控制方式进行了性能分析,而且考虑了该牵引系统中的4种特性干扰.  相似文献   
The CUSUM (cumulative sum of log‐likelihood ratio) algorithm is a detection algorithm that shows potential for the improvement of incident detection algorithms because it is designed to minimize the mean detect delay for a given false alarm constraint and it can also detect changes with different patterns. In this study, the CUSUM algorithm was applied to freeway incident detection by integrating traffic measurements from two contiguous loop detectors and the non‐stationarity of traffic flows. The developed algorithm was tested based on incident data from the PATH program, with consideration given to the impact of different geometric conditions on algorithm performance. It was also compared with two existing algorithms, in order to address the influence of traffic patterns. The evaluation results show that the CUSUM incident detection algorithm can perform equally well in comparison with the selected algorithms.  相似文献   
This paper presents a computational investigation of the effect of engine exhaust gas modulations on the performance of an automotive catalytic converter during cold starts. The objective is to assess if the modulations can result in faster catalyst light-off conditions and thus reduce cold-start emissions. The study employs a single-channel based, one-dimensional, non-adiabatic model. The modulations are generated by forcing the variations in exhaust gases air-fuel ratio and gas compositions. The results show that the imposed modulations cause a significant departure in the catalyst behavior from its steady behavior, and modulations have both favorable and harmful effects on pollutant conversion during the cold-starts. The operating conditions and the modulating parameters have substantial influence on catalyst behavior.  相似文献   
Ten years after their implementation, the Alsatian prefectorial orders concerning emergency measures applied in case of exceedance of alert thresholds for ozone, nitrogen dioxide and, a pioneer feature of the French region, the PM, required an update. In 2007, the ASPA was mandated by the Bas-Rhin and the Haut-Rhin Prefectures to define and assess new emergency measures. The Alsatian emissions inventory first identified the activity sectors which would be potentially targeted by the measures, and then calculated the associated emission reductions. In association with the transportation agency, 3 scenarios were retained for concentration simulation: limitation of the speed limit at 70 km/h on freeways and major urban roads, alternated traffic in towns, and a combination of both measures. Then, an integrated modelling chain, including the CHIMERE and ADMS-Urban models, was allowed to simulate, for the three scenarios, the variation of ozone during the heat wave of 2003, and the variation of nitrogen dioxide and the PM during wintry episodes, for the cities of Strasbourg, Colmar and Mulhouse. Finally, the urban cartographies of the impact of the scenarios on the concentrations were crossed with the georeferenced residence data to estimate the population affected by threshold exceedances in each case. A weak impact was obtained for speed limit reduction, while it was significant for the alternated traffic; for the PM, the concentrations fell about 10 μg/m3 and the population exposed to threshold exceedance fell by a factor 4; for nitrogen dioxide, the concentrations were lowered by several dozen μg/m3 and the exposed population fell by a factor 2; whereas for ozone, we noted a slight increase in the concentration and the exposed population. At the same time as the implementation of the newly developed emergency measures, the evolution of knowledge and modelling shows that it would be technically justified to differentiate the measures, pollutant by pollutant.  相似文献   

A shift from private motorised transport to more active transportation can, among other things, deliver significant health benefits. The main disadvantage of active transport (in particular walking) for most people compared to private motorised transport is the limited range. Public transport (PT) can complement the use of active modes and extend their range. Therefore, there might be potential to increase physical activity through an increase in PT use. This article takes a closer look at how walking relates to the use of PT by examining existing literature on the topic. It aims to study how far people walk to and from PT and what key factors influence this. Scopus, Transport Research International Documentation and Web of Science have been searched systematically for relevant articles, conference papers and books. After screening of titles and abstracts, 41 relevant publications were identified. Studies were included if they quantified the amount of walking (measured as either distance or time) that is directly related to the use of PT. Studies that quantified walking using general measures of daily physical activity or daily walking or that used stated preference designs were excluded. The PT systems considered in this paper are mass transport systems in urban areas, either road- or rail-based, with fixed schedules and stops. Demand responsive transport services, which can offer door-to-door travel, are not considered, as these systems can to a large extent eliminate the need to walk. In the identified publications, a large variety of walking distances and times have been reported, and these seem to be highly context-specific. The paper establishes the evidence for the wide range of factors that influence walking related to PT, which have been categorised as personal, PT-related, environmental, and journey-related. The different methods that have been used are discussed by critically analysing their advantages and limitations. Only a limited number of these methods used allow for an accurate assessment of the walking distances to and from PT. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research, such as a need for more accurate measurement of walking and research in different geographical areas to shed light on underlying influences of culture and climate.  相似文献   
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