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The potential performance improvement using preview control for active vehicle suspension was first recognized in the late nineteen sixties. All work done since that time has been based on optimal control theory using simple vehicle models.

In this article, the performance of quarter vehicle preview controllers when applied to a real off-road vehicle is simulated using both two degree of freedom quarter and ten degree of freedom full vehicle models. The results, which are compared with non-preview active and conventional passive suspensions, confirm that preview control reduces vertical acceleration of the body centre of gravity, which results in improved ride quality. Further, reductions in pitch and roll motion result from smaller vertical displacements of the vehicle quarters. Coupling between quarters, through the vehicle body, appears to have a smoothing effect on the control.

As an alternative to optimal control theory based controllers, a simple ad hoc preview controller based on isolating the vehicle body from dynamic loads transmitted through the suspension is proposed. Simulation results show that such a controller outperforms the optimal control theory based controllers over small discrete disturbances but responds poorly to disturbances encountered from other than steady state.  相似文献   
A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a vehicle that combines a conventional propulsion system with an on-board rechargeable energy storage system to achieve better fuel economy than a conventional vehicle HEVs do not have limited ranges like battery electric vehicles, which use batteries charged by an external source. The different propulsion power systems may have common subsystems or components. The objective of this study is to compare the fuel economies of a conventional step van, a series hybrid electric step van (HESV), and a parallel HESV by calculating the fuel consumption using the ADVISOR software by NREL. We also showed the results of the vehicles in different driving cycles including the Central Business District bus cycles, the New York City Cycle, and the US EPA City and Highway cycles.  相似文献   
The concept design phase is a critical step in auto-body design, as it has a great effect on later design work. This paper describes the implementation of an auto-body structure design in the early stages of a new auto-body developing program. In order to reduce the long design period and analysis error that plagues traditional auto-body concept design, an intelligent CAE system has been successfully developed and implemented based on the UGS NX/API opening platform. This system, the so-called ACD-ICAE (Auto-body concept design-intelligent computer aided engineering) System that means concept design-intelligent computer aided engineering system, employs a fully parametrized template method to build the conceptual auto-body geometry model and FEM model quickly and easily. It also integrates auto-body modeling, analysis and optimization on only one CAD platform via a parametric variables database. Moreover, all parametric variables are shared and updated in different phases of the ACD-ICAE System. A wizard User Interface (UI) based on knowledge of auto-body engineering was developed and used in this system. The procedures implementing the functional diagram of the ACD-ICAE system are also provided. A typical example of a car body concept design with four doors shows that the ACD-ICAE system is efficient and accurate.  相似文献   
Dual extended Kalman filter for vehicle state and parameter estimation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The article demonstrates the implementation of a model-based vehicle estimator, which can be used for combined estimation of vehicle states and parameters. The estimator is realised using the dual extended Kalman filter (DEKF) technique, which makes use of two Kalman filters running in parallel, thus 'splitting' the state and parameter estimation problems. Note that the two problems cannot be entirely separated due to their inherent interdependencies. This technique provides several advantages, such as the possibility to switch off the parameter estimator, once a sufficiently good set of estimates has been obtained. The estimator is based on a four-wheel vehicle model with four degrees of freedom, which accommodates the dominant modes only, and is designed to make use of several interchangeable tyre models. The paper demonstrates the appropriateness of the DEKF. Results to date indicate that this is an effective approach, which is considered to be of potential benefit to the automotive industry.  相似文献   
One way of addressing traffic congestion is by efficiently utilizing the existing highway infrastructure. Narrow tilting vehicles that need a reduced width lane can be part of the solution if they can be designed to be safe, stable, and easy to operate. In this paper, a control system that stabilizes the tilt mode of such a vehicle without affecting the handling of the vehicle is proposed. This control system is a combination of two different types of control schemes known as steering tilt control (STC) and direct tilt control (DTC) systems. First, different existing variations of both STC and DTC systems are considered and their shortcomings analysed. Modified control schemes are then suggested to overcome the deficiencies. Then a new method of integrating these two control schemes that guarantees smooth switchover between the controllers as a function of vehicle velocity is proposed. The performance of the proposed STC, DTC, and integrated systems is evaluated by carrying out simulations for different operating conditions and some experimental work. The design of a second-generation narrow tilting vehicle on which the developed control system has been implemented is presented.  相似文献   
The chatter of motorcycles appears during braking and consists of a vibration of the rear and front unsprung masses at a frequency in the range of 17-22 Hz depending on the motorcycle. This vibration could be very strong and acceleration of the unsprung masses can reach 5-10 g. The chatter is an auto-excited vibration and this fact explains why it appears suddenly when the mechanism of auto-excitation is generated. This paper presents the chatter phenomenon both from an experimental and a numerical point of view. First, the chatter is defined on the basis of some experimental data from racing motorcycles and from the comments of some racing teams technicians. Then, chatter is analysed in different motion conditions and for different braking styles by means of linear and non-linear simulations of the motorcycle dynamics. A physical interpretation of the phenomenon is also proposed.  相似文献   
This paper presents an approach to optimize planar mechanisms for function generation synthesis. It is applied to the design of different steering linkages used in road vehicles where the Ackermann condition is formulated as the objective function. Four different mechanisms are kinematically defined and synthesized in terms of the proposed method. Limitations of the size of the elements are also considered by means of inequality constraints. Solutions are presented as the difference between desired behaviour, established by Ackermann, and actual generated performance. The results show that the accuracy achieved by the proposed procedure is satisfactory for working conditions in this type of linkages.  相似文献   
在分析柴油机故障诊断知识特点的基础上,采用模糊化方法对柴油机运行状态参数进行处理,采用综合型知识方式来表达柴油机故障诊断知识,采用多库多层次的方式组织知识库,并对知识库采取一系列方式进行管理与维护。应用表明,柴油机故障诊断专家系统的预报准确率较高,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   
Many French and European cities have developed a bike sharing system since 2005. This policy may be explained in a great part by the success of the Velo??v in Lyon, which contributed to improve the image of cycling in the city. If bicycles, however, appear to find a new place in the city, one can wonder whether this is really due to bike sharing systems? What are the real uses of bicycles in contemporary cities, with or without such a system? To answer these questions, the paper starts with a literature review on bicycle in the city, to draw lessons from recent experiences of bike sharing systems. It then discusses the two cases of Lyon and Lille, which never had a bike sharing system on its own. The evolution of bicycle use is measured with a comparison of household transportation surveys in Lyon (1995 and 1998) and Lille (1998 and 2006). In both cities, the analysis reveals a rise in the proportion of healthiest citizens among urban bikers, as well as a return of bikes in dense areas. Bike sharing systems are part of such tendencies. They support them, but should not become a panacea for policies supporting bike use in the city.  相似文献   
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