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Driving behavior models that capture drivers’ tactical maneuvering decisions in different traffic conditions are essential to microscopic traffic simulation systems. This paper focuses on a parameter that has a great impact on road users’ aggressive overtaking maneuvers and directly affects lane-changing models (an integral part of microscopic traffic simulation models), namely, speed deviation. The objective of this research is to investigate the impacts of speed deviation in terms of performance measures (delay time, network mean speed, and travel time duration) and the number of lane-change maneuvers using the Aimsun traffic simulator. Following calibration of the model for a section of urban highway in Tehran, this paper explores the sensitivity of lane-changing maneuvers during different speed deviations by conducting two types of test. Simulation results show that, by decreasing speed deviation, the number of lane changes reduces remarkably and so network safety increases, thus reducing travel time due to an increase in network mean speed.  相似文献   

Mathematical and computational techniques are developed for the processing and analysis of annual Ministry of Transport roadworthiness (MOT) test data that the UK Department for Transport has placed in the public domain. First, techniques are given that clean erroneous records and a linking procedure is provided that permits the inference of an individual vehicle's mileage between consecutive tests. Methods are then developed that analyse aggregate mileage totals, as a function of vehicle age, class and geography. The inference of aggregate mileage rates as a function of time is then considered.  相似文献   
An optically accessible single-cylinder high speed direct-injection (HSDI) Diesel engine equipped with a Bosch common rail injection system was used to study low temperature Modulated Kinetics (MK) combustion with a retarded single main injection. High-speed liquid fuel Mie-scattering was employed to investigate the liquid distribution and evolution. By carefully setting up the optics, three-dimensional images of fuel spray were obtained from both the bottom of the piston and the side window. The NOx emissions were measured in the exhaust pipe. The influence of injection pressure and injection timing on liquid fuel evolution and combustion characteristics was studied under similar fuel quantities. Interesting spray development was seen from the side window images. Liquid impingement was found for all of the cases due to the small diameter of the piston bowl. The liquid fuel tip hits the bowl wall obliquely and spreads as a wall jet in the radial direction of the spray. Due to the bowl geometry, the fuel film moves back into the central part of the bowl, which enhances the air-fuel mixing process and prepares a more homogeneous air-fuel mixture. Stronger impingement was seen for high injection pressures. Injection timing had little effect on fuel impingement. No liquid fuel was seen before ignition, indicating premixed combustion for all the cases. High-speed combustion video was taken using the same frame rate. Ignition was seen to occur on or near the bowl wall in the vicinity of the spray tip, with the ignition delay being noticeably longer for lower injection pressure and later injection timing. The majority of the flame was confined to the bowl region throughout the combustion event. A more homogeneous and weaker flame was observed for higher injection pressures and later injection timing. The combustion structure also proves the mixing enhancement effect of the liquid fuel impingement. The results show that ultra-low sooting combustion is feasible in an HSDI diesel engine with a higher injection pressure, a higher EGR rate, or later injection timing, with little penalty on power output. It was also found that injection timing has more influence on HCCI-like combustion using a single main injection than the other two factors studied. Compared with the base cases, simultaneous reductions of soot and NOx were obtained by increasing EGR rate and retarding injection timing. By increasing injection pressure, NOx emissions were increased due to leaner and faster combustion with better air-fuel mixing. However, smoke emissions were significantly reduced with increased injection pressure.  相似文献   
Vehicles instrumented with Global Positioning Systems, also known as GPS probe vehicles, have become increasingly popular for collecting traffic flow data. Previous studies have explored the probe vehicle data for estimating speeds and travel time; however, there is very limited research on predicting queue dynamics from such data. In this research, a methodology was developed for identifying the lane position of the GPS-instrumented vehicles when they are standing in the queue at signalized intersections with multiple lanes, particularly in the case of unequal queue. Various supervised and unsupervised clustering methods were tested on data generated from a microsimulation model. Among the tested methods, the Optimal Bayes Rule that utilizes probability density functions estimated using bivariate statistical mixture models was found to be effective in identifying the lanes. The methodology for lane identification was tested for queue length estimation. This research confirms that the lane identification is an important step required prior to the queue length estimation. The accuracies of the models for lane identification and queue length estimation were evaluated at varying levels of demand and probe vehicle market penetrations. In general, as the market penetration increases, the accuracy improves as expected. The result shows that 40% market penetration rate is adequate to reach about 90% accuracy.  相似文献   
在2000年初的Nazzano隧道(A1高速,毗邻罗马)扩宽工程中,首次尝试在不影响既有交通的情况下进行高速公路隧道的扩宽,而非更改线路或采用施工中降低隧道交通服务水平的方法。该工程证明了Nazzano工法的可行性和有效性,采用该工法最大限度地减少了土地占用量,在扩展干线公路、高速公路或铁路基础设施能力时,在建筑施工期间能够不降低其服务水平。由于其他方案(如开挖第3条隧道或在加宽车道处封闭交通)将增加更多的经济和社会成本,因而这种能够不干扰交通的隧道扩宽方案已成为投资方一种可靠有利的选择。  相似文献   
IntroductionThedireCtcrt(DC)ionndriding,whichhasbeenopliedfOrmanyyears,didn'tthoroughlysolvetheionnitridingproblemofsomecomPlexwOrkPlacesinshapeandstrUctUreunhlthepulse-iondridingPrOcessingaroseIl].Recentresultsshowthatthearc-CUttin-offsystemsincircuitcanbecancelled,thishasmadethecOntrOlsystemsofionnitridingequiPmentandhaacestwbessimPlnygreatiyMorehaPOrtantiy,theexcellentschcequalityofthewOrkPiecetreatedhasa1sobeenObtainedemPlovingPulseionchdingcomParedwithDCionnitriding.InOrdertOr…  相似文献   
To enable a realistic assessment of the aeroelastic phenomena of aircraft, a simultaneous application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), computational structural mechanics and flight mechanics has to be performed. Each discipline has developed powerful specialized tools which have to be adapted for multidisciplinary applications. The combination of CFD and elastic multibody systems is well suited for the simulation of a range of aircraft applications, especially for aircraft ground dynamics. Approaches to a coupling of elastic multibody systems and computational fluid dynamics have been performed using close coupling, that is a modal approach, and loose coupling, that is by co-simulation. In the article the applied programs and the coupling methods are presented. Advantages and limits of using multibody simulation as compared to the direct use of FEA methods for the representation of structural dynamics are discussed. Results of coupled steady and unsteady simulations are presented. Finally, an approach to the aeroelastic trim problem is shown.  相似文献   
In this article, a new computational fluid dynamics simulation approach based on the constraint interpolation profile (CIP) method is applied to tackle the violent sloshing problem. The present study considers two-dimensional sloshing phenomena in a rectangular tank. By the proposed method, the sloshing problem is viewed as a multiphase problem that includes water and air flows. A stationary Cartesian grid is used and the free surface is solved by an interface capturing method. The CIP combined unified procedure (CCUP) scheme was adopted for the flow solver, and both the CIP scheme and the CIP conservative semi-Lagrangian with cubic interpolation polynomial (CIP-CSL3) scheme were used for interface capturing. For validation of the numerical method, a physical experiment was conducted with a rectangular tank for several frequencies and filling heights. A convergence check was first performed for the method. The numerical simulation results on violent sloshing show that the use of the CIP-CSL3 scheme as an interface capturing procedure gives much better results for the pressures and free-surface profiles than the conventional CIP scheme.  相似文献   
In an effort to restore deteriorating coastal wetlands in Breton Sound, Louisiana, a diversion of Mississippi River water into the estuarine ecosystem has been operated at Caernarvon, Louisiana, since 1991. The diversion was implemented after a relatively long collaborative planning process beginning in the 1950s. The Caernarvon Interagency Advisory Committee, an official panel of stakeholders, considers scientific aspects of the freshwater inflow and stakeholder inputs in developing an operational plan, which internalizes stakeholder conflicts, while accomplishing goals of restoring the coastal ecosystem. Even though fishery representatives are committee members, local oyster fishers filed lawsuits in federal and state courts from 1994 through 2005, claiming damages to their oyster beds. These lawsuits were initially successful in state courts but were reversed by the Louisiana Supreme Court. The federal suits were unsuccessful. Following these lawsuits, voters in Louisiana in 2000 amended the State Constitution to protect coastal restoration projects against lawsuits reflecting increase in overall statewide support. Increasing scientific knowledge has contributed significantly to diversion operation. For better collaborative governance, efforts to increase common understanding among stakeholders will be needed, and a process to compensate interests of stakeholders suffering from impacts of restoration projects at an earlier stage should be institutionalized.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a combined empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sea surface temperature (SST) data and sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor (SeaWiFS) chlorophyll concentration data over the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean), covering a period of 1 year (November 1997–October 1998). The aim of this study is to go beyond the limited temporal extent of available in situ measurements by inferring the temporal and spatial variability of the Alboran Gyre system from long temporal series of satellite observations, in order to gain insight on the interactions between the circulation and the biological activity in the system. In this context, EOF decomposition permits concise and synoptic representation of the effects of physical and biological phenomena traced by SST and chlorophyll concentration. Thus, it is possible to focus the analysis on the most significant phenomena and to understand better the complex interactions between physics and biology at the mesoscale. The results of the EOF analysis of AVHRR-SST and SeaWiFS-chlorophyll concentration data are presented and discussed in detail. These improve and complement the knowledge acquired during the in situ observational campaigns of the MAST-III Observations and Modelling of Eddy scale Geostrophic and Ageostrophic motion (OMEGA) Project.  相似文献   
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