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The present work investigates the compressive axial ultimate strength of fillet-welded steel-plated ship structures subjected to uniaxial compression, in which the residual stresses in the welded plates are calculated by a thermo-elasto-plastic finite element analysis that is used to fit an idealized model of residual stress distribution. The numerical results of ultimate strength based on the simplified model of residual stress show good agreement with those of various methods including the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Common Structural Rules (CSR), leading to the conclusion that the simplified model can be effectively used to represent the distribution of residual stresses in steel-plated structures in a wide range of engineering applications. It is concluded that the widths of the tension zones in the welded plates have a quasi-linear behavior with respect to the plate slenderness. The effect of residual stress on the axial strength of the stiffened plate is analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   
The continued growth and evolution of the offshore wind industry, and the emergence of other novel marine uses such as wave and tidal generators, have upped the ante for spatial planners, as well as consenting and approval authorities in various coastal states. These stakeholders rely on processes such as navigational risk assessments (NRAs) to balance safety and efficiency requirements and to make optimal decisions over use of space. Given the increasingly complex and crowded seascape, however, there are some apprehensions about potential shortcomings in these NRA processes. There is also some concern that these inadequacies may lead to unsafe or inefficient marine spatial use. To understand how NRA processes can be improved further, a literature review is conducted, followed by a survey of respondents who are involved in the planning, consenting and/or approval of offshore wind farms across seven different countries. A summary of the NRA processes in these seven countries is presented, and several shortcomings are identified. Based on the findings of the survey, a list of recommendations is presented to enhance existing NRA processes—and to improve the coexistence of shipping and offshore wind farms (OWFs).  相似文献   
The study is based on a literature review of recent empirical research on crew resource management (CRM) training in the maritime industry, organised around what non-technical skills to learn and how. The review indicates that existing work is dominated by individualistic theories of learning with less focus on learning as a social process. Five main categories of skills that need to be trained are identified: assertiveness, decision-making, communication, situation awareness and team coordination. We argue that it is necessary to operationalise these broad concepts further, emphasising the work context and crew-specific needs. The review also shows that a combination of classroom lectures and simulator-based exercises is commonly used in maritime education and training in these skills. The learning effect seems to be suffering from training programmes that are exported ‘as is’ from aviation and not adjusted to the maritime domain or to operation-specific needs. This paper examines maritime crew resource management training from a social learning perspective, involving the view that learning is a context bound, social process that might take place in communities of practice (CoP). A CoP is a group (e.g. a crew) wherein members share an activity and learn from each other. It is argued that CRM training programmes will benefit from including a social learning perspective. Factors that enable the assessment of teams are discussed, and it is argued that the training should be tailored to existing crews, emphasising a learning environment as close to reality as possible.  相似文献   
After several years of negotiation between Canada and the European Union, the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) was ratified in early 2017. The regime set out by the Canadian Coasting Trade Act that reserves shipments of cargo between Canadian ports to Canadian vessels remains mostly untouched under CETA. Minor, yet potentially significant, changes to the regime are introduced by the trade agreement. Provisions are made to liberalize the repositioning of empty containers within Canada. The liberalization of public markets now allows European firms to compete in the Canadian dredging market. Finally, EU vessels can undertake some transshipment activity in Canada but this is limited to international cargo on the specific Montreal-Halifax route. The paper attempts to highlight some possible CETA’s consequences for domestic Canadian shipping markets. It uses industrial economics analytical tools drawn from a Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm. From a literature review, it reconstructs different cases of deregulation that occurred internationally. The observed transformations are then characterized in terms of the SCP model. The paper identifies some common impacts which occurred in different transportation industries after a deregulation process. Using these findings, it concludes by discussing potential impacts for domestic shipping markets in Canada.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess proof of concept and usability of a maritime service website prototype in a full-mission ship bridge simulator through Swedish mariners’ experiences and perceptions. This test was part of the European Commission’s EfficienSea2 project for e-navigation. The prototype was intended as an aid to existing standard systems and methodologies for planning, executing and monitoring voyages. The study began with 5 days of simulator trials focused on today’s standard practices. This served as a baseline to compare to subsequent 4 days of simulator trials testing the prototype. For data collection, observations, video footage, interviews, and eye tracking were used. Data analysis included breaking apart the qualitative data to capture the perceptions of the participants, and a preliminary analysis of eye-tracking data as a complement. The results suggested that the prototype could be more suitable for a route planning stage, that the participants were familiar with similar existing solutions from other manufacturers, and that the contents of the tool would be most beneficial if integrated within the Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS). There is a pressing need for the novel solutions to be user needs-driven, integrated with the existing technologies, and standardized across the domain, and these processes must go hand-in-hand with accounting for all involved stakeholders, procedures, regulations, and training, as this will alter the course of shipping.  相似文献   
Past analysis of accident investigations suggest an absence of or inadequate practices of risk assessment and management on board vessels. Although the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) requires that the risk management process must not only be correctly formulated and implemented but also be periodically evaluated in order to verify that these objectives are attained, the correct and effective implementation and application of the process cannot be achieved without active involvement of competent seafarers on board. Due to the limited investigation of seafarers’ competencies in risk management, the reasons for the inadequacies in the process that are leading to accidents were not evident. Hence, using a survey, this paper conducted a pilot study investigating seafarers’ perceptions of competency in the various components of the risk management process conducted on board vessels. The findings of this paper suggest an overall satisfaction with the risk assessment process. However, there is certainly room for improvement as far as seafarers’ performance is concerned. The findings of this paper provided valuable insights into the current training regimes in the area of risk assessment and management paving the way towards enhanced safety procedures on board vessels.  相似文献   
现有针对轮毂液压混合动力系统的能量管理策略均为结合研究人员经验与发动机最优工作区域的简单控制,暂未见优化控制策略的应用,导致实际控制值与最优控制值的偏差较大,无法充分发挥该系统的节油能力。基于此,针对该系统提出了一种基于改进全局优化算法的能量管理策略,探寻该系统的理论最大节油量,进一步挖掘该系统的节能潜力。首先,该策略建立了基于车速-蓄能器荷电状态(SOC)自适应调节等效油耗因子的方法计算目标函数中的罚函数,从而提高系统的制动回收能力,避免计算结果陷入局部最优;随后,根据轮毂液压混合动力系统各模式工作点相对固定的特性,实现了控制变量降维;最后以实测数据进行了仿真测验。结果显示:比起传统的全局最优策略,该方法可以进一步实现3.36%的节油效果;同时,在实现节油的基础上,经过控制变量降维后计算时间减少了35%,而计算精度基本不受影响。  相似文献   
通过对比相同配合比下的室内标准模制圆柱体混凝土试样与现场试验板钻芯标准芯样之间的劈裂强度,探讨了钻芯取样测试对劈裂强度的影响;通过对不同长度芯样的劈裂强度进行对比,研究了试样长度对芯样劈裂强度的影响规律。结果表明:由于钻芯过程产生的损伤及试验板与模制圆柱体试件的混凝土拌和、振捣、养护条件不同,导致钻芯法测得的混凝土劈裂强度相比室内试验降低15.7%;另外由于圆柱体试件的长度增加,混凝土试件的受力平面也随之增大,平面内存在的微裂缝、微孔洞的数量也会随之增多,导致随着试样长度的减小,测得的试样劈裂强度逐渐增大。最终得出国内某通用机场新建飞行区工程的劈裂强度与长度的修正系数。  相似文献   
为解决船体分段任务包工时定额的计算过度依赖线性公式而忽略工时定额与工艺参数之间的非线性关系的问题,提高工时定额计算的效率和精确度,将PSO-BP神经网络技术应用到船体分段任务包工时定额中。通过对影响船体分段中间产品额定工时的工艺参数进行分析,建立多输入单输出的PSO-BP神经网络模型,并应用实际数据对PSO-BP神经网络进行训练,测试仿真结果与实际值之间的误差在允许范围内。验证结果表明,采用PSO-BP神经网络建立船体分段任务包工时定额模型,能对任务包作业工时进行准确预测。  相似文献   
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