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Outliers in point clouds affect the performance of surface reconstruction directly. Most of outlier removal methods just remove those outliers far away from the real surface and are only applied to handle watertight surface. In this paper, a two-step outlier removal procedure is proposed to filter the point clouds acquired from the gray code and line-shifting technique. The first step is to remove the outliers far away from the real surface. Some feature points are extracted from the point clouds to construct an initial surface. The points with distances to the initial surface greater than a given threshold are removed as distant outliers. The retained points are linked into lines in each structured light sheet using their Voronoi diagrams. Some of lines which are very close to the real surface are removed as near outliers in the second step. The experimental results show that the proposed method is very effective in removing outliers for surface reconstruction. Foundation item: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30470488)  相似文献   
Yu T.  Li J.  Jing L.  Xu S.  Xu J. 《现代隧道技术》2018,(6):33-41and52
The problems of TBM construction data loss, information barriers and absence of data mining have con⁃ strained the advancement of basic technologies in TBM field. Aimed at building a cloud computation platform for TBM operation information, a new concept of 3B, i. e. Born by digit, Born in format and Born to the cloud, was pre⁃ sented, the issues of information acquisition, transmission and storage during TBM operation were solved, and massive heterogeneous information intelligent transmission system and big data warehouse of TBM group were established. A structure model of cloud computation platform was designed by taking Hadoop system as ecosphere, and a cloud computation platform was built to deploy related algorithm, realizing on-line monitoring and data sharing, further⁃ more the data law mining of interaction of rock mass versus TBM machine was conducted based on big data tech⁃ nique, exploring the development direction of the information platform. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
各种仪器设备采集了大量的城市道路交通实时信息数据,但目前所能利用的信息仍较为稀少。研究如何利用这些丰富的信息数据资源极具意义,也十分必要。本文基于对北京市快速干道实时采集的RTMS数据的分析,以交通流理论为基础,结合统计分析方法提出一种基于特征图的道路交通状况量化评价指标模型。具体将模型应用于北京市二、三、四环的交通状况分析,取得了具有一定实际应用意义的量化评价指标。最后,应用多成份Gauss混合模型对交通流参数的分布实施拟合,并采用EM算法进行参数估计,就指标的合理性和可信性做出了进一步的评价分析。  相似文献   
254例糖尿病患者的死因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析糖尿病(DM)死亡原因,为防治提供依据。方法回顾性分析西安交通大学医学院第一、二附属医院自1991年1月1日至2003年12月31日期间住院的DM死亡病例。结果13年两院DM死亡254例,占住院总死亡人数3.2%;死因依次为:慢性并发症42.5%(心脑血管病28.3%,肾病14.2%),肿瘤20.1%,感染11.4%,急性并发症6.7%,肝硬化6.3%;慢性并发症死因中合并高血压66.7%(72/108)。结论慢性并发症已成为DM的主要死因,其中心脑血管病变是最重要的,高血压是增加其死亡率的主要危险因素。因此,严格控制血糖和血压,对降低DM心脑血管病变的病死率有重要意义。  相似文献   
This paper summed up the characteristics of native arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) in maintenance hemodialysis patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy (DN) in Chinese hemodialysis centers. A survey was conducted on AVF in maintenance hemodialysis patients with type 2 DN. A total of 224 cases of maintenance hemodialysis patients were included in this study, among which, 65 cases in DN group, 33 cases in diabetes mellitus (DM) group and 126 cases in non-diabetic control (C) group. Hemoglobin, albumin, blood urea nitrogen, parathyroid hormone and calcium-phosphate product of the three groups of patients were not significantly different. Glycated hemoglobin A1c of DN group and DM group was not significant different. AVF life of (28.7 ± 10.0) months in DN group was significantly shorter than that of (36.5 ± 19.4) months in C group (statistic probability P <0.01), and AVF life of (32.5 ± 10.1) months in DM group (P <0.05) was also shorter than that in C group, while there was no significant difference in AVF life between DN group and DM group. Proportion of upper arm fistula in DN patients (11/65) was significantly higher than that in C group (6/123, P < 0.01). Life of AVF in patients with DN was relatively short, with more times of angioplasty and greater possibility of selecting upper arm internal fistula.  相似文献   
通行能力分析是快速公交系统规划、设计和优化的基础。基于GI/G/1排队论模型和车站有效停靠泊位数构建了快速公交系统通行能力计算方法,其参数设置涉及影响快速公交系统通行能力的各种因素。通过对北京、广州、厦门、郑州等多个中国城市快速公交系统运营状况的调查分析,对相关参数进行了标定,以使其反映中国各地快速公交系统运营实际。最后以广州、厦门、郑州三市的快速公交系统为例,对上述方法的应用进行说明。  相似文献   
黄盛 《交通标准化》2013,(11):108-109
鉴于国内桥梁混凝土制备与施工技术相对落后,尤其高强度等级机制砂混凝土在贵州地区重大工程中应用较少的现状,结合实例,针对桥梁结构采用机制砂高强高性能混凝土的情况,总结出C60机制砂高强高性能混凝土拌合、运输、浇筑和养护技术.  相似文献   
基于OLC理论,研究了正面碰撞中车体结构设计与乘员损伤的关联性.基于56 km/h正面刚性壁障(Frontal Rigid Barrier,FRB)碰撞工况,通过二阶波简化得到一阶加速度a1、二阶加速度a2、动态位移D三个车体结构设计指标.分析了不同车体结构设计指标与OLC的关系,发现在D不变的情况下,当a1≤215....  相似文献   
新型透空板式防波堤消浪效果试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为增大双层板式防波堤的波能耗散和防波堤结构的稳定,提出了的一种新型桩基双层板式防波堤,通过物理模型试验,对比分析了该防波堤结构(模型 c)与另两种结构型式的防波堤(模型 a、b)在不同的波浪参数下透射系数、反射系数的变化关系,探讨了新型桩基双层板式防波堤(模型 c)透射系数、反射系数随相对波高、相对水深及相对淹没深度的变化关系,分析了其波能损耗情况。结果表明,在试验范围内,对于长周期波,模型 c 比其他两种型式的防波堤消波效果好;当水深与模型顶平齐时新结构(模型 c)对波能的消耗大于淹没和出水两种情况,说明防波堤高程与水位平齐时其消波效果较好。  相似文献   
付中敏  闫军  陈婧  黄卫 《水运工程》2015,(10):83-87
藕池口水道是长江中游重点碍航水道之一。通过对近期河床演变及碍航特性分析,结合工程建设目标和标准,提出工程平面布置方案。在工程结构设计中尝试了新结构的应用,提出护滩带和护岸结构形式,为类似航道整治设计提供参考。  相似文献   
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