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在沥青混凝土路面施工中引入施工技术咨询,可以确保进场的材料满足沥青混凝土路面设计和施工规范要求。在路面的施工过程中,咨询单位为施工单位提供技术支持,加强关键环节的质量控制,确保沥青混凝土路面的施工质量符合设计、施工规范要求,保证施工进度和施工质量。该文介绍了路面施工技术咨询的内容及措施,可供类似工程参考。  相似文献   
结合福州长乐国际机场高速公路二期君竹隧道的施工实例,介绍复杂条件下隧道施工的施工方法、施工组织及施工控制要点及注意事项等内容,总结复杂条件下隧道施工的成功经验,为同类公路隧道的施工提供参考。  相似文献   
Objective To determine enantiomeric impurity of etomidate using high performance liquid chromatography. Methods (R)-etomidate and (S)-etomidate were isopropanol-n-hexane. The flow rate of the mobile phase was 0.5mL/min. The detected wavelength was 242nm. Results (R)-etomidate and (S)-etomidate could be separated completely under these conditions. The precision of (R)-etomidate was 1.57% (n=3). The limit of detection of (R)-etomidate was 4.25ng/mL. The average percentage content of (S)-etomidate was 0.09% in the samples. Conclusion The method was repeatable and sufficiently sensitive to determine the enantiomeric impurity of etomidate. It allows the quantitation of the impurities at the 0.085% (w/w) level relative to etomidate at a concentration of the test solution of 5mg/mL.  相似文献   
利用复变函数解析法,在拟静力条件下对触地爆炸长波作用下坑道周边围岩进行了应力分析,得出了不同侧压力系数下坑道周边的应力分布状态,结果显示最大应力值出现在侧墙底脚处、其次为拱肩处,拱顶的最大应力值随着侧压力系数的增大明显增大,并与拱肩的应力值相近。另外,通过有限元数值模拟软件模拟了六种侧压力系数下坑道破坏的形态,破坏形态与理论计算结果吻合较好,对实际工程中围岩的支护和锚固设计有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
苏越 《轨道交通》2008,(2):31-33
地铁站台屏蔽门以其节能、安全、环保和降低人工成本等优点,成为现代化地铁工程机电设备分支中的重要子系统。本文结合上海地铁4号、6号、8号线屏蔽门安装工程的质量控制工作实践,较为全面地阐述和总结屏蔽门安装工程的有效质量控制方式,并对不断提高其安装工程质量方法进行认真地探讨。  相似文献   
目的制备小鼠肌肉组织特异性微小RNA miR-133a的腺病毒表达载体并观察其在HeLa细胞的表达。方法利用PCR技术从小鼠基因组DNA扩增miR-133a前体对应的基因组片段,克隆到质粒pAdTrack-CMV,而后以同源重组的形式插入到腺病毒表达载体,由人胚肾293细胞包装,获得有感染能力的重组腺病毒颗粒。重组腺病毒感染HeLa细胞后,利用Northern blot检测miR-133a成熟分子的表达。结果①成功构建穿梭质粒pAdTrack-miR-133a;②成功构建重组腺病毒质粒pAdeasy-miR-133a;③293细胞包装获得有感染能力的重组腺病毒;④转染的HeLa细胞能够高效表达成熟miR-133a。结论构建了小鼠miR-133a的腺病毒表达载体,证实其转染HeLa后的表达,为后续研究miR-133a的功能打下了基础。  相似文献   
A new speckle suppression method in contourlet domain was presented. By modeling the subband contourlet coefficients of the ultrasound images after logarithmic transform as generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD), we gave a scale-adaptive threshold in Bayesian framework. Experimental results of both synthetic and clinical ultrasound images show that our method has a better performance on speckle suppressing than the wavelet-based method while well preserving the feature details.  相似文献   
介绍了在短基线状态下利用单频单历元双差载波相位定位时模糊度固定的基本理论.结合正则化理论和阻尼矩阵的思想,提出了一种用改进的正则化方程来改善法方程病态性的方法.算例分析表明,应用改进的正则化算法可以改善法矩阵的病态性,得到更加精确的浮动解,利用LAMBAD方法搜索可得到准确的整周模糊度解.  相似文献   
基于并行组合模拟退火算法的水泵汽蚀初生故障识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对水泵汽蚀初始阶段故障信号微弱,检测困难的特点,提出一种基于并行组合模拟退火算法对水泵"汽蚀初生"故障进行识别.阐述了算法的原理和实现方法,通过设计的实验台模拟水泵"汽蚀初生"故障,并获取了正常与模拟故障状态下水泵壳体的振动与出口压力信号的特征参数.利用该算法将上述特征参数自组织、自生成新的特征参数,达到了识别的目的.  相似文献   
Let (υ, u × c, λ)-splitting BIBD denote a (υ, u × c, λ)-splitting balanced incomplete block design of order υ with block size u × c and index λ. The necessary conditions for the existence of a (υ, u × c, λ)-splitting BIBD are υuc, λ(υ − 1) ≡ 0 0 mod (c(u − 1)) and λυ(υ − 1) ≡ 0 mod (c 2 u(u − 1)). In this paper, for 2 ⩽ λ ⩽ 9 the necessary conditions for the existence of a (υ, 3 × 3, λ)-splitting BIBD are also sufficient with one possible exception for (υ, λ) = (39, 9). Foundation item: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10771193); the Starter Foundation for the Doctors of Zhejiang Gongshang University (No. 1020XJ030517); the Natural Science Foundation of Universities of Jiangsu Province (No. 07KJB110090); the Starter Foundation for the Doctors of Nantong University (No. 07B12)  相似文献   
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