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邹建华 《中国水运》2006,6(7):62-63
湘钢实施八国“船板认证”战略,马士基料全年纯利跌40%,中国船级社出任国际船级社协会主席,三峡库区水上快速搜救网络全面建成,河南省第一所海运学校挂牌,全球验船师面临短缺饥荒,埃及苏伊士运河收入有望创历史最高,长江首座重件码头崛起滨江开发区,上海港上半年集箱吞吐首破千万,欧洲港口加大中国货运投资,嘉兴市年内开建省内首条千吨级航道,京唐港区液体化工码头开工建设,  相似文献   
Estuaries along the southern shore of the Bohai Sea are the major habitat of the Bohai Penaeid Prawn (Penaeus chinensis). Since the 80's, however, many of the rivers have been dammed. Field observations, as well as laterally integrated 2-D numerical experiments, were conducted to understand both the role of estuarine gravitational circulation and the impact of the damming of the rivers on the early life of the Bohai Penaeid Prawn.For a river with runoff, especially for small discharge, the gravitational circulation tends to transport the planktonic larvae in their metamorphosis phase near the river mouth where condition is favorable for survival. The gravitational circulation inside the estuary tends to transport the mysis phase larvae towards the upstream end of the estuary when the most part of the larvae suspended in the bottom layer, and it transports the post larvae to the low salinity near upstream side of the estuary when the larvae become benthic, if the larvae enter the estuary.Damming causes long periods of zero runoff in the river, resulting in the alteration of the estuarine circulation and in the change of the estuarine environment. In addition, excess evaporation may prematurely transport the planktonic larvae into the estuary. On the other hand, sudden release of a large volume of freshwater from behind the dam may exert undesirable stress on the larvae.  相似文献   
采用严格配对的研究方法,对20对6~30个月隐性缺铁(LatentIronDeficiency,LID)婴幼儿进行了脑功率谱和脑地形图分析。结果显示LID患儿在右后顶部、左中后颈、右中颞及前中央顶部α1能量减低,提示LID患儿大脑发育比正常组婴幼儿落后。  相似文献   
谢建华 《中国水运》2006,4(9):128-129
首先对国内外有关战略实施中的测量、控制和风险的研究文献进行了总结,对战略实施测量和控制进行了分类总结,指出战略实施测量关注的领域和存在的缺陷.在对战略实施控制进行分类比较的基础上,分析了战略实施控制目前存在的核心问题--缺乏有效的事前控制和风险机理分析,并提出了将预警管理理论引入战略实施风险管理的研究思路.  相似文献   
以郑西客运专线为工程背景,分析DDC(Down Hole Dy-nam ic Compaction,简称DDC技术)桩法(孔内深层强夯技术)控制深厚湿陷性黄土地基工后沉降的机理及其技术优势,提出DDC桩法工后沉降计算及参数选取模式,结合具体工点进行设计分析,为铁路客运专线的设计提供参考。  相似文献   
对Nd-Fe-B烧结永磁材料恒压力径向振动辅助端面磨削的温度场进行研究.分析了恒压力振动磨削过程中磨削力和磨削速度的特点;完成了磨削表面温度场的理论计算和实验验证,发现恒压力振动辅助端面磨削时温度比相同条件下无超声振动时有所上升,并指出了发生这种现象的几个主要原因.通过对磨削温度场的研究可以在获得满意加工效果的同时,控制磨削烧伤的发生,进而充分发挥复合加工技术的优点.  相似文献   
本文阐述了我国自行研制的第一台250CONFORM 连续挤压机的工作原理、技术性能、结构特点及运行情况.  相似文献   
参照美国EPASW846规定的标准方法,采用Q-45型微波溶样系统消解样品,原子吸收法测定铁路桃浦危险品货站固体废渣原样、浸滤渣样、浸提液样中的重金属Be、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn。研究了样品的消解条件、分析的最佳条件。各元素精密度实验的相对标准偏差在0.54%~12.8%,标准土样的测定回收率在76.49%~103.33%。并报告了对上海铁路局桃浦危货站现场样品的测定结果。  相似文献   
本文采用焊接热模拟方法,研究了机车柴油机排气阀(基材为4Cr14Ni14W2Mo 钢)等离子堆焊修复次数,以及“堆焊+时效”次数对其热影响区的过热区组织和性能的影响.试验结果表明,对排气阀的等离子焊修次数以不超过3次为宜.  相似文献   
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