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Improving the reliability of bus service has the potential to increase the attractiveness of public transit to current and prospective riders. An understanding of service reliability is necessary to develop strategies that help transit agencies provide better services. However, few studies have been conducted analyzing bus reliability in the metropolis of China. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of service reliability based on bus operational characteristics in Beijing. Three performance parameters, punctuality index based on routes (PIR), deviation index based on stops (DIS), and evenness index based on stops (EIS), are proposed for the evaluation of bus service reliability. Reliability involves routes, stops, punctuality, deviation, and evenness. The relationship among the three parameters is discussed using a numerical example. Subsequently, through a sampling survey of bus lines in Beijing, service reliability at the stop, route, and network levels are estimated. The effects of route length, headway, the distance from the stop to the origin terminal, and the use of exclusive bus lanes are also analyzed. The results indicate low service reliability for buses in Beijing and a high correlation between service reliability and route length, headway, distance from the stop to the origin terminal, and the provision of exclusive bus lanes.  相似文献   
静态爆破法在深圳地铁施工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张振  郭伟 《现代隧道技术》2012,49(2):110-113,131
静态爆破是近年来发展起来的一种新型爆破施工技术,它可在无震动、无飞石,无噪音、无污染的条件下破碎或切割岩石或混凝土构筑物。深圳地铁2号线东延线土建工程安托山站—侨香站区间矿山法施工竖井系选用此工法在2 500 mm×3 000 mm雨水箱涵附近成功地进行了中、微风化花岗岩开挖施工,确保了雨水箱涵的安全性。  相似文献   
水平旋喷桩施工工艺在深圳地铁施工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭伟 《现代隧道技术》2012,49(2):114-118,141
在深圳地铁安托山站—侨香站区间矿山法隧道超前支护施工中,由于采用了水平旋喷桩施工工艺,成功地解决了安-侨区间暗挖隧道在饱和粉细砂层及砾砂层中近距离穿越大断面雨水箱涵及φ500 mm次高压燃气管线的难题,节约了施工成本,充分显示了水平旋喷桩施工工艺在富水砂层浅埋暗挖隧道开挖预支护工程应用上的经济优势。文章论述了水平旋喷桩的工艺机理、适应性、优缺点以及在该工程中的应用效果。  相似文献   
唐锐  向龙  王俊  唐协 《隧道建设》2019,39(Z1):340-345
为解决特长公路隧道升级改造困难问题,以折多山公路隧道项目为依托,创新性地提出远、近期合建的总体设计方案。通过交通量预测、工程造价、运营通风及逃生救援等方面综合比较,得出可实施的合建方案: 先期建设二级公路隧道主洞,设2段非贯通平导,后期直接将二级公路隧道作为高速公路隧道右洞,并贯通二级公路隧道平导作为高速公路隧道左洞。合建方案能有效节约工程造价,降低社会耗能。  相似文献   
Water-sealed underground oil tank projects are quite different from traditional underground projects since the water-sealing conditions are very strict and the difficulties caused by the geological specificity, structural specificity and construction specificity are key factors affecting the project. In light of the significant early initial setting time and rapid temperature increase of sulphoaluminate cement-based grouting material for a large domestic water-sealed underground oil tank with pressurized cyclic grouting, a laboratory grouting simulation is conducted. It is found that the properties of the sulphoaluminate cement-based grouting material are quite different under different pressure cycles, the hydration exothermic peak time gets shorter with an increase of circulation time, the compressive strength decreases with an increase of circulation time, and the longer the circulation time the more obvious the de-crease of compressive strength. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Combining the present situation and development trend of different tunnel support technologies at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the problems of rockburst in hard rock tunnels and large deformation in soft rock tunnels caused by high ground stress. It is concluded that: 1) regarding the rockburst problem, the current support technology is mainly influenced by the rock burst mechanism which is dominated by static factors, and so the used support components are generally of smaller deformation performance and "passive support" properties; 2) as the rockburst is the result of dynamic-static stress coupling, and only the anchor bolt has the "active support" attribute in the current "shotcrete+anchor bolt+wire net" support system, so the best support system should have the two functions of active support and energy release in terms of the rockburst problem, and the key focus of the research and development is anchorage members; 3) there are three main support types for large deformation in soft rock tunnels, e.g. the heavy support, layered support and yielding support. Among them, the heavy support system in underground cavern with large deformation is easy to induce excessive surrounding rock pressure, and so the applicable conditions are limited. The layered support system is still not the best choice due to its immature theoretical study, difficult determination of the thickness value and the installation time of each support layer and the interference to construction progress. With the characteristics of timely support and yielding while supporting, the yielding support system can give full play to the performance values of surrounding rocks and supporting materials, and make both of them reach the optimal state, so it is the best choice for supporting the soft rock tunnels with large deformations. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Based on the Sutong GIL utility tunnel project, which is constructed by the shield machine under the river, and as for the overloading problem at the river bank slope during operating period, the refined threedimensional finite element model was established to study the deformation and cracking characteristics of the tunnel segment structure under different forms of overloading. The evolution laws of section convergence, joint opening and structural stress were analyzed, and the structure damage mechanisms were revealed under conditions of large area loading and local loading. The surface-surcharge control standard was proposed. For the big diameter shield tunneling crossing the silty clay, the research results show that: (1) the deformation failure process is divided into three stages under large area loading condition, taking the design load and compressive yield of rebars inside haunch as the critical points respectively. The first stage is characterized by the elastic stress, the second stage is in plastic state with fracture, and the third stage is accelerating deformation and instability stage. The vertical convergence is 110.5 mm with no opening of joints when rebars are yielded; (2)the deformation failure process under local loading condition is also divided into elasticity, plasticity and instability stages, taking the design load and tensile yield of rebars outside haunch as the critical points respectively. The vertical convergence is 152.6 mm with joint opening of 4.36 mm; (3) the early-warning values of additional stress on the ground under conditions of large area loading and local loading are 110 kPa and 70 kPa respectively. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
虚拟船舶中压电站系统以实际船舶的中压电站为原型。系统利用组态软件PIMS作为开发平台,通过数据库构建、人机交互界面设计及程序脚本的编写,实现虚拟船舶中压电站系统的各项操作功能。本系统是一个开放的系统,功能可以拓展。系统可以网络发布,在学员培训方面具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
针对兰郑长成品油管道在顺序输送过程产生大量混油的问题,文中从初始混油、沿程混油、黏度、停输界面、不满流等方面分析混油形成原因,并结合兰郑长成品油管道实际运行情况,从4个方面进行具体分析,最后提出减少停输时间、增大输量、合理安排顺序输送次序、切外输前避免切罐操作等解决措施。  相似文献   
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