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W. B. Hou H. Z. Zhang R. F. Chi P. Hu 《International Journal of Automotive Technology》2009,10(2):175-180
The concept design phase is a critical step in auto-body design, as it has a great effect on later design work. This paper
describes the implementation of an auto-body structure design in the early stages of a new auto-body developing program. In
order to reduce the long design period and analysis error that plagues traditional auto-body concept design, an intelligent
CAE system has been successfully developed and implemented based on the UGS NX/API opening platform. This system, the so-called
ACD-ICAE (Auto-body concept design-intelligent computer aided engineering) System that means concept design-intelligent computer
aided engineering system, employs a fully parametrized template method to build the conceptual auto-body geometry model and
FEM model quickly and easily. It also integrates auto-body modeling, analysis and optimization on only one CAD platform via
a parametric variables database. Moreover, all parametric variables are shared and updated in different phases of the ACD-ICAE
System. A wizard User Interface (UI) based on knowledge of auto-body engineering was developed and used in this system. The
procedures implementing the functional diagram of the ACD-ICAE system are also provided. A typical example of a car body concept
design with four doors shows that the ACD-ICAE system is efficient and accurate. 相似文献
Mohammad Biglarbegian Jean W. Zu 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2006,44(11):871-885
This article presents a model for solving solid-fluid interactions in vehicles carrying liquids. A tractor-semitrailer model is developed by incorporating suspension systems and tire dynamics. Owing to the solid-fluid interaction, equations of motion for the vehicle system are coupled. To simplify the complicated solution procedure, the coupled equations are solved separately using two different codes. Each code is analyzed separately; but as the parameters of the two codes depend on each other, the codes must be connected at the end of each time step. To determine the dynamic behavior of the system, different braking moments are applied. As the braking moments increase, braking time decreases. However, it turns out that increasing the braking moment to more than a certain level produces no significant results. It is also shown that vehicles carrying fluids need a greater amount of braking moments in comparison to vehicles carrying solids during braking. In addition, as the level of the fluid inside the tanker increases, from one-third to two-third of the tanker's volume, the sloshing forces applied to the tanker's walls increase. It was also concluded that the strategy used in this article to solve for the solid-fluid interaction by incorporating vehicle dynamic effects represents an effective method for determining the dynamic behavior of vehicles carrying fluids in other critical maneuvers. 相似文献
我叫大卫·泽洛斯特里克,是斯泰勒工业有限公司的董事长.斯泰勒工业有限公司是美国第一家拉臂钩制造商,成立于1990年,座落于美国爱荷华州的加纳区. 相似文献
Tire intelligence is vital in the improvement of the safety of vehicles because the tire supports the car body and is the contact point between the vehicle and the road. To create an intelligent tire, sensors must be installed to measure the behavior of the tire. However, it is difficult to apply a wired sensor system on the wheel of the tire. Hence, it is necessary to implement a self-powering, wireless system (a type of energy harvesting system) that can be mounted inside the tire. The purpose of this study is to convert the strain energy caused by deformation of the tire while driving into useful electrical energy to supply the sensor system. A flexible piezofiber is utilized for the energy conversion. The variation in strain, due to changes in speed, load, and the internal pressure of the tire, was measured along two axial directions to evaluate the amount of available strain energy. The amount of strain changed from 0.15% to 0.8%. To predict the amount of available energy from a tire, we perform an analysis of the relationship between the strain and the voltage. In addition, experiments for impedance matching between piezofiber and related circuits were conducted to optimize the external loads for transferring energy efficiently. Based on the procedure mentioned above, at least 0.58 mJ of electrical energy can be generated by using the laterally oriented strain (1500 to 2500 micro strain). The result of this study is expected to enhance the potential realization of self-generating wireless sensor systems for so-called ??intelligent?? tires. 相似文献
The most important factor in gas strut design is determining an optimized layout. If the layout is not optimized, vehicle operators will have a suboptimal experience when opening and closing the tailgate. A poor layout of the gas struts causes operators to work excessively when they open/close the tailgate, and vehicle owners will incur additional expenses due to deterioration in the body quality of the vehicle. Thus, an optimized gas strut layout is very important, even if it does not seem interesting. This paper describes the tailgate operation process and focuses on determining an optimized gas strut layout for opening/closing the tailgate easily. 相似文献
J. U. Cho A. Kinloch B. Blackman F. S. Rodriguez Sanchez M. S. Han 《International Journal of Automotive Technology》2012,13(7):1127-1131
Double-cantilever beam (DCB) and tapered double-cantilever beam (TDCB) specimens are the test configurations most commonly used to measure the fracture toughness of composites and adhesive joints. Strain rates of 1 to 18.47 m/s were applied to the test specimens via high-speed hydraulic test equipment. Because the fracture occurs through the adhesively bonded joints and the cracks grow rapidly, the crack length and beam displacement were recorded by a high-speed camera. An energy range from 0 to 10 J was often observed in the high-strain-rate fracture experiments for nonlinear plastic behavior of the dynamically loaded adhesively bonded DCB and TDCB specimens. The range of energy release rates (fracture energy) for TDCB specimen was 2 to 3 times higher than that of a DCB specimen for all high strain rates. The fracture energy of automotive adhesive joints can be estimated using the experimental results in this study for the fracture toughness (GIC) under high rates of loading. The crack grows as the applied fracture energy exceeds the value of the critical energy release rate (GIC) at the crack tip. The energy release rate was calculated using the fracture mechanics formula. The key fracture mechanics parameter, the fracture energy GIC, was ascertained as a function of the test rate and can be used to assess and model the overall joint performance. 相似文献
C. H. Zheng Y. I. Park W. S. Lim S. W. Cha 《International Journal of Automotive Technology》2012,13(6):979-985
Fuel cell hybrid vehicles (FCHVs) have become one of the most promising candidates for future transportation due to current energy supply problem and environmental problem. Fuel economy is an important factor in FCHVs. In order to properly evaluate the fuel economy of an FCHV, the initial battery state of charge (SOC) and the final battery SOC have to be identical so that the effect of the battery energy usage on the fuel economy is neglected. In the simulation or in the real driving, however, the final battery SOC is usually different from the initial battery SOC, and the final battery SOC often depends on the power management strategy. To consider the difference between the two battery SOC values, the concept of equivalent fuel consumption is presented by two methods. One is based on the relationship between delta SOC and delta fuel consumption, and the other is based on the optimal control theory. Two rule-based power management strategies for an FCHV are presented, and for each strategy, the fuel economy is evaluated based on the two methods. The characteristics of the two methods are discussed and compared, and the superior one is selected based on the comparison. 相似文献
在国内尾板制造行业中,安中机械(深圳)物流设备制造公司(以下简称安中机械)称得上是元老级的企业。这个建于1965年的老厂,在2003年进行改制,可渭是“老树换新颜”,这棵经历改制之后的“老树”将如何发展?安中机械(深圳)公司总经理雷养民为记者讲述了该公司的发展足迹。 相似文献
Young Kong Ahn Mehdi Ahmadian Shin Morishita 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》1999,32(2):199-216
This paper evaluates the performance of a Magneto-Rheological (MR) mount. The mount incorporates MR fluid in a conventional fluid mount to open and close an inertia track between the fluid chambers of the mount. It is shown that such switching of the inertia track improves the mount's isolation effect by eliminating the large transmissibility peak that commonly exists at frequencies larger than the notch frequency for conventional fluid mounts. The switching frequencies of the MR mount are evaluated based on the parameters of the mount. A simple control scheme for switching the mount between the open and closed states is proposed, and the performance of the controlled mount is compared with conventional mounts. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to evaluate the effect of parameter errors in estimating the switching frequencies and mount performance. The results show that the switching frequencies can be accurately determined from mount parameters that are easily measured or estimated. 相似文献