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This article mainly proposed three technically effective alternatives to comply with the emission control regulations and laws in shipping. Liquefied natural gas (LNG)-diesel dual fuel power technology was introduced through feasibility study on several aspects including research development, retrofitting methods, vessel type, safety issues, and other technical characteristics. Based on sample ship and route, economic evaluation was conducted on these three alternatives. Cost-effectiveness of each project was detailed in the calculation of net present value (NPV) and payback time via discount cash flow method. The findings show that LNG-diesel dual fuel power technology performs best among three alternatives. Due to the impact of fuel price, two scenarios were carried out in sensitivity analysis which witnessed a variation of NPV with the fluctuation of fuel price. Further study shows the turning point between project (i) and project (iii) with different discount rate and the interaction between discount rate and fuel price, left project (ii) the least cost-effective solution in three alternatives.  相似文献   
利用ANSYS软件对轴密封弹簧组进行了有限元分析。首先通过MSC.Patran2008将轴密封弹簧组结构进行离散化处理,建立简化的有限元分析模型,并将该模型导入Ansys12.0中进行密封端面温度场分析。通过瞬态分析方法得到运转过程中端面特性的变化状况,进而获得时间响应下轴密封弹簧组的动态特性;通过施加稳态热边界条件,对端面进行稳态分析,更好地掌握轴密封弹簧组热一结构耦合机理,提高轴密封弹簧组抗变工况的能力。数值结果表明了该轴密封结构的实用性。  相似文献   
简要介绍火力最优分配问题中4个基本要素,并在此基础上,给出了舰空导弹火力分配模型数学表达式及其约束条件。运用动态规划算法,以对目标的最大毁伤值为目标函数,给出了动态规划的递推公式,并举例予以说明。  相似文献   
通过对影响炮兵火力计划评估的各指标因素的分析,构建了各炮兵火力计划评估指标模型,为评估炮兵火力计划的优劣及炮兵火力计划的优选提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
提出了体系目标的概念,分析建立了战场体系目标的典型结构,并探讨了系统目标毁伤效果评估模型;最后给出了战场体系目标毁伤效果评估的方法步骤。  相似文献   
宽广的大海,风平浪静时温柔可爱,令人向往;而一旦波涛汹涌时,却叫人望而却步。可有这么一群人,越是风浪越往前,哪有海事往哪跑。他们,就是台州海事局执法支队的干部职工们,一群被人们称为行走在风口浪尖的人。海上救助维护群众利益2009年12月,为适应发展海洋经济的需要,台州  相似文献   
在系统分析重要测度法基本理论的基础上,应用ANSYS-APDL语言建立了某型艇动力装置主回路管路系统的参数化模型,利用MATLAB软件编制了应用重要测度法计算该模型的灵敏度程序,灵敏度分析计算结果表明,对本管路系统而言,弹性吊架的刚度、弹性支撑位置、管路壁厚三个因素对管路系统的冲击响应影响较大,利用重要测度法研究的结论...  相似文献   
Shock resistance capacity of the shipboard equipment especially for large ones, has been a strong concern of navies all over the world for a long time. The shipboard equipment have previously generally been studied separate from hull structure before. In this paper the coupling elastic effect between equipment and hull structure is taken into account. With the ABAQUS software, the integrated model of the equipment coupled with the hull structure is established to study the dynamic response of the shipboard equipment to the shock wave load as well as the bubble pulsation load. In order to verify the numerical method, the simulated results are compared to the experimental data, which are from a specific underwater explosion on an actual ship. On this basis, by changing the charge location, attack angle, equipment installation location and other parameters, the characteristics of dynamic response under different conditions can be obtained. In addition, the results of the integrated calculation and the non-integrated one are compared and the characteristic parameters which affect the equipment shock response are analyzed. Some curves and conclusions are obtained for engineering applications, which provides some insights into the shock resistance of shipboard equipment.  相似文献   
王野 《港口装卸》2011,(2):48-48
为满足用户对叉车功能的要求,我们开发了一种能够同时进行叉移和侧移的装置——侧移移的装置——侧移式链条调距叉升降架,其结构组成见图1。图中,起升架3与调距叉体4通过叉架轴1连接,侧移油缸5两端分别固定在起升架3和调距叉体4上,  相似文献   
提出了用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法测定高纯六氟化钨中铬、锰、铁、钴、镍、铜、锌、镁、钙、钠、钾、铅及钼等金属元素的含量。六氟化钨极易与空气中的水分发生反应,为此设计了一套与空气隔离的密闭取样系统。在装有待测金属元素的取样器内,先后加入氨水、硝酸、氢氟酸使其溶解并定容,作为ICP-AES分析的待测溶液。在优化的实验条件下,得出各元素的检出限小于0.005mgL-1,方法的回收率在90.5%~104.2%之间,测定值的相对标准偏差(n=11)在3.2%~7.8%之间。最终试验分析结果表明,样品满足高纯六氟化钨技术指标的要求。  相似文献   
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