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Capacity measurement of roads under mixed traffic conditions as prevailing in India is ambiguous as it varies with time, composition of traffic and roadway encroachments. High incidence of slow moving vehicles and tricycles adds to the problem. Volume - capacity ratio appears to be an inadequate measure of defining level of service under mixed traffic situations. An attempt is made in this paper to explore the possibility of presenting unconventional parameters like standard deviation of speed, co-efficient of variation of speed and acceleration noise as possible measures of level of service. Tentative ranges of acceleration noise are proposed in association with flow and speed to explain level of service of urban roads catering to mixed traffic. The results are based on a study conducted in Madras, a major metropolitan city of India.  相似文献   
工程承包企业风险控制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先简要讨论了风险、回报和公司价值的概念及相互关系,然后分析了工程施工企业的风险来源,包括政治风险、经济风险、运营风险、财务风险等,最后探讨了风险控制的各种方法,如风险预防、风险转移、风险分散和中和、风险对冲等.  相似文献   
分析了柴油机主轴瓦碾瓦的常见原因,提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   
Among several post quantum primitives proposed in the past few decades, lattice-based cryptography is considered as the most promising one, due to its underlying rich combinatorial structure, and the worst-case to average-case reductions. The first lattice-based group signature scheme with verifier-local revocation(VLR) is treated as the first quantum-resistant scheme supported member revocation, and was put forward by Langlois et al. This VLR group signature(VLR-GS) has group public key size of O(nm log N log q), and a signature size of O(tm log N log q log β). Nguyen et al. constructed a simple efficient group signature from lattice, with significant advantages in bit-size of both the group public key and the signature. Based on their work, we present a VLR-GS scheme with group public key size of O(nm log q) and signature size of O(tm log q). Our group signature has notable advantages: support of membership revocation, and short in both the public key size and the signature size.  相似文献   
Research purposes: In order to further study the reinforcement of prestressed anchor frame beam in the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake, a model of the deep cutting slope is built through FLAC 3D simulation software, the seismic wave to the model from three directions of x,y and z is input, and the dynamic response of the slope is analyzed. Then, the prestressed anchor frame beam reinforcement measures are applied to the model, and this paper analyzes the reinforcement effect of the prestressed anchor frame beam to the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake. Research conclusions:(1) The prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on restraining the horizontal displacement of the deep cutting slope. (2) Under the three dimensional strong earthquake, the prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on the horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity of the deep cutting slope, which reduces the peak of horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity. (3) Through the comparison of the response before and after the reinforcement of the prestressed anchor frame beam is given under the 9 degrees three dimensional strong earthquake, it can be concluded that the prestressed anchor frame beam can provide good reinforcement effect to the deep cutting slope. (4) This research can be used for reference to the earthquake resistance of the slope engineering. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
针对本企业汽车配件新产品项目开发过程中出现的一些问题,建立了基于工作流技术的新产品项目开发协同设计管理模型。文中阐述了工作流技术的一些关键技术和算法,实现了汽车配件新产品开发项目管理的信息化。  相似文献   
在分析城轨客流特性的基础上,提出线网实时客流的监测算法;利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,动态展示城市轨道交通线网实时客流分布态势;设定预警研判机理,对超过限定预警值的车站、区间的客流进行监测预警;借助GIS动态定位特性,辅助实现公交接驳的紧急疏散,以满足线网运营的可视化、高效的现代化管理。  相似文献   
针对汽车同步器的特点及设计过程,应用基于特征的参数化CAD技术与优化设计以及有限元分析理论相结合的方法,讨论计算机辅助设计系统的体系结构和开发方法。基于Pro/E平台,应用Visual C 语言二次开发了汽车同步器计算机辅助设计系统。根据具体设计要求生成的设计实例证明,本系统能显著缩短产品设计周期,提高设计效率,是汽车同步器设计的较好工具。  相似文献   
现代有轨电车属于城市中的重要公共交通工具,通过车辆段检修,能够使有轨电车在运行时的技术性能和安全性能获得保证。传统模式下,有轨电车在车辆段进行检修作业时,主要运用制度约束以及人工监督方式保障安全,在作业中难免存有安全隐患,而且各作业环节处于独立与分散状态,关联互动性不强,难以对检修作业展开整体性安全管控。检修作业安全管控系统的运用,使有轨电车在检修作业时的安全性得到极大保证。  相似文献   
论高等学校对学生的管理权与受教育权的协调   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于管理观念落后、立法存在缺陷以及救济机制失范等诸多原因,高校对学生的管理权与学生受教育权的冲突日益增多。管理权扩张的本质和个体权利的保障构成了一种悖论,其结果必然是侵犯居于弱势地位的学生的权利。如欲预防和化解高校与学生的纠纷,必须确立以人为本、依法治校的理念,完善教育法律法规体系和构建多元化的长效救济机制,以塑造二者的和谐关系。  相似文献   
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