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山区河流航道整治一般采取筑坝、疏浚、炸礁、护岸等工程,在施工中不可避免对现状水生态环境造成扰动。以岷江下游航道整治一期工程为例,通过对代表性河段施工前后的水质、浮游生物、底栖动物、鱼类等种类和资源量开展现场监测,研究发现:施工前后水体化学需氧量、五日生化需氧量、氨氮、总磷、石油类、悬浮物的浓度有所升高,但均未超过相关标准限定值;藻类、水生维管束植物、浮游动物、底栖动物、鱼类等施工前后无明显减少。因此通过合理的时间、空间的施工避让,航道整治施工对山区河流水生态环境的影响较小。  相似文献   
随着流域上游大型水库群建设,由于“蓄丰补枯”的调节方式,下游河道枯水期流量增幅明显,对航道条件改善具有重要意义。在金沙江下游控制性水文站历年水文资料的基础上,对不同时期水库群建设后河道枯水期流量变化进行分析,提出一套基于水库群调节库容的下游河道枯水期不同保证率流量增幅的理论计算方法,并定量预测了乌东德、白鹤滩运行后向家坝站95%保证率流量为2 172 m3/s,与实际统计的2 007 m3/s较为接近。此理论计算方法可为其他河流梯级水库群建设后,下游航道枯水期流量的估算提供借鉴。  相似文献   
[Objective]To meet the efficient thermal management needs of electronic devices such as ships and underwater vehicles, this study focuses on the constructal design of a tree-shaped microchannel disc heat sink with wavy walls. [Method]A design prototype of the heat sink with wavy walls is first proposed. Based on constructal theory, the amplitude and wavelength of the wavy walls are designed under the constraints of fixed heat sink volume and fixed microchannel volume by maximizing the comprehensive performance evaluation criteria (PEC) while considering both heat transfer and flow pressure drop. [Results]The results show that the wavy walls increase the heat transfer surface areas and generate vortices in their cavities, effectively reducing the maximum temperature. When the inlet Reynolds number is fixed at 700, 900 or 1100 respectively, the maximum temperature is reduced by 13.5 K by increasing the amplitude of the wavy walls, while the pressure drop increases significantly; and the maximum temperature is reduced by 4.7 K by reducing the wavelength of the wavy walls, while the pressure drop increases slightly. There are optimal amplitudes that raise the comprehensive performance evaluation criteria to extreme values for given larger wavelengths, while the comprehensive performance evaluation criteria increase monotonously as the amplitude increases for given smaller wavelengths. [Conclusion]Wavy walls can significantly improve the thermal performance of tree-shaped microchannel disc heat sinks, and the use of constructal design can realize optimal geometric constructs with optimal comprehensive performance evaluation criteria. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
[Objectives]This papers aims to analyze the impact resistance of honeycomb structure with different Poisson's ratio. [Methods]Based on the explicit dynamic finite element method, this paper analyzes the dynamic mechanical properties of honeycomb structures with different Poisson's ratios under in-plane impact load, and explores the influence laws of Poisson's ratios on their impact resistance. Three typical honeycomb structures with negative/zero/positive Poisson's ratios (reentrant hexagon, hexagon and semi-reentrant hexagon) are selected, their geometric parameters are changed to give them the same relative density and different Poisson's ratios (−2.76 – +3.63), and their dynamic mechanical properties under low/medium/high-speed dynamic displacement loads are analyzed. [Results ] The results show that the zero Poisson's ratio semi-reentrant honeycomb structure has the best structural stability without transverse deformation under compression deformation; without structural instability, the platform stress has little correlation with the Poisson's ratio; and the compact strain and total energy absorbtion increases with the absolute value of the Poisson's ratio. Negative Poisson's ratio honeycomb structures with large t/l and small θ are suitable for applications with high platform stress (strong deformation resistance), and negative Poisson's ratio honeycomb structures with small t/l and small θ are suitable for high total energy absorbtion applications, while zero Poisson's ratio semi-reentrant honeycomb structures are suitable for applications with high platform stress (strong deformation resistance). [Conclusions]This study can provide references for the type selection and geometric parameter design of side impact honeycomb structures. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
[Objectives]Aiming at the current situation in which it is difficult to efficiently evaluate protection probability through traditional lightning rod evaluation methods, an efficient numerical evaluation algorithm is developed on the basis of an electrogeometric model (EGM) and attractive volume to realize the efficient calculation of lightning protection probability at any point in space.[Methods]This method first determines the attractive volume boundary of the lightning rod and protection object according to the interception process of the upward and downward leaders. The collection surface and exposure arc of the lightning stroke distance are then calculated, enabling the attractive risk and interception effect of the lightning rod to be quantified. Finally, the attraction and interception characteristics of the lightning rod are integrated to establish a numerical evaluation model of protection probability. To verify the accuracy of this method, the general rule of lightning rod protection probability is analyzed and the results compared with the existing analysis method.[Result]The evaluation results of this method show good agreement with those of classical leader progression model (LPM) theory.[Conclusions] The method proposed herein has a high degree of quantification and can realize the efficient calculation of lightning protection probability at any point in space, which can provide useful references for lightning protection design work. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
[目的]针对固定的海洋区域,研究欠驱动水面无人船(ASV)集群的抗干扰最优覆盖控制问题。[方法]首先,在运动学层级,基于邻居ASV位置和环境密度信息进行Voronoi分配,设计欠驱动ASV运动学制导律,引导ASV运动到最优目标点;然后,考虑复杂海洋环境下ASV模型的不确定性以及风浪流引起的外部扰动,在动力学层级设计一种固定时间扩张状态观测器(FTESO),并基于FTESO设计固定时间的动力学控制律。[结果]稳定性分析结果表明了ASV集群的抗干扰最优覆盖控制闭环系统的误差是有界的,仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。[结论]通过采用该抗干扰最优覆盖控制器,ASV集群可以在任意的初始位置实现对目标区域的最优覆盖。  相似文献   
[目的]旨在利用解析法求解环肋圆锥壳的振动方程,对环肋圆锥壳的振动特性进行理论研究。[方法]首先,对圆锥壳分段处理,将圆锥壳沿母线方向、环向和法向的位移分别写成幂级数解的形式,并推导出幂级数项前系数的递推关系式;然后,采用梁模型模拟不同环肋数对圆锥壳振动响应特性的影响;接着,将圆锥壳分段及其环肋边界条件、位移和内力矩阵进行组装求解,得到在外部简谐力激励下圆锥壳的振动响应特性,并将所得结果与ANSYS有限元数值方法的计算结果进行对比,验证所提计算方法的有效性。最后,运用所提理论方法进行环肋圆锥壳的振动特性分析。[结果]结果显示,圆锥壳安装的环肋可明显抑制圆锥壳的振动,具体表现为响应幅值降低、固有频率升高,且在相同频段内共振峰数量减小;增大壳体厚度会引起壳体振动响应幅值降低以及固有频率升高;此外,增大半锥角、轴线长度和环肋数均可降低环肋圆锥壳的振动响应幅值。[结论]研究表明,所用方法对环肋圆锥壳振动的理论研究具有一定意义。  相似文献   
[Objectives] Infrared radiative (IR) characteristics of the plume are the main part of ship infrared radiation. The influence analysis of exhaust parameters on radiative characteristics is very important for developing ship stealth and anti-stealth technology. [Methods]In this work, the line-by-line method is applied to solve radiative transfer in gaseous media. Infrared radiative images of plumes under different temperatures and flow rates are obtained. Radiance, spectral radiative intensity, and spectrum-integrated radiative intensity over 3−5 µm are calculated and analyzed. [Results]Results show that there are obvious peaks of spectral radiative intensity curves at 4.18µm and 4.43 µm, and an obvious valley at 4.26 µm. [Conclusions] The infrared radiation characteristics of the ships exhaust plume are greatly affected by the exhaust temperature, but less affected by the exhaust flow rate. © 2023 The Author(s).  相似文献   
[Objectives] As a new type of pressure-resistant structure, the titanium alloy sandwich cylindrical shell has not yet been studied comprehensively. The topology of the core layer needs to be confirmed using the optimization method. This paper carries out the core topology optimization of titanium alloy pressure-resistant sandwich cylindrical shells.[methods]An unreinforced cylindrical shell with high thickness is selected as the analysis object, and the axisymmetric element is used to calculate the structural stresses via ANSYS. The cylindrical shell is divided into the upper, middle and lower regions along the thickness direction. The structures of the middle region are set as the design variables, and a two-stage topology optimization mathematical model of its core structure is proposed. Based on Matlab, the main control program of the genetic algorithm is established to carry out the core layout optimization of the unreinforced cylindrical shell along the axial direction only and both the axial direction and radial direction respectively.[results]The optimal core topological form consists of equidistant ribs connecting the inner shell and outer shell vertically.[Conclusions]A sandwich cylindrical shell under hydrostatic pressure is a reasonable pressure-resistant structure. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
[Objectives]Electromagnetic pulse can seriously affect and even destroy naval shipborne electronic information systems, weapons, equipment and so on. Due to the complexity of the antenna port load circuit, it is necessary to formulate a numerical method which can easily obtain the antenna load current. [Methods]The induced current of the terminal is obtained on the basis of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and Holland model. According to the Thévenin equivalent circuit, the conductor is equivalent to the voltage source to realize decoupling between the conductor and load end, and the load circuit is solved using Simulink software.[Results]Compared with the traditional terminal model, this method is simple and feasible for high-order circuit processing. The effectiveness of the model is verified using non-linear elements and parallel capacitors and resistors as the load respectively. The results show that the calculation results of this method are consistent with those of the traditional methods. Finally, the antenna of the end-connected protect- or is calculated. The results show that the lead inductance caused by the installation of the protector is an important factor affecting the protection performance.[Conclusions]The method proposed in this paper can greatly reduce the simulation complexity of the coupling current of an antenna with a complex load, giving it useful reference value for the field of ship electromagnetic pulse protection design. © 2023 Editorial Department of Chinese Journal of Ship Research. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   
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