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针对浅埋超小间距隧道盾构施工,文章以特拉维夫红线轻轨工程西标段双线盾构施工为工程背景,从隧道加固施工、盾构掘进控制、监测控制与应急管理等方面进行系统研究。结果表明,加固施工在小间距盾构隧道施工中至关重要,可有效降低隧道施工风险;对未加固的小间距盾构隧道施工,应保持土压平稳,加强土压精细化控制;严格控制出渣量,做好渣土改良,控制土体损失率低于0.3%;在盾壳外部注入膨润土或克泥效,可有效地减少邻近隧道的位移量;应结合实时监测数据,控制回填注浆量及注浆质量;隧道施工过程应加强对邻近既有建筑物的监测。  相似文献   
为提出一种适用于隧道初期支护基面找平并且具有一定透水性能的砂浆,将纸纤维加入砂浆试块中对其性能进行改性。通过分析纸纤维的降解原理,并将不同掺量的纸纤维加入砂浆试块中,对其体积密度、吸水率、抗压强度等基本性能指标及微观结构进行测试和分析。由试验结果可知:在碱性环境中,纸纤维具有可降解的性能特点;纸纤维可以使普通砂浆试块的吸水率提升2~3倍,同时也会造成砂浆试块的体积密度和抗压强度降低;对砂浆试块吸水率和抗压强度进行线性拟合后发现其吸水率和抗压强度呈现负相关关系。研究结果表明,通过纸纤维对砂浆进行透水性能的提升是可行的,但是纸纤维掺量对砂浆其他性能的影响还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
Aiming at the problem that the fast tracking algorithm using spatio-temporal context (STC) will inevitably lead to drift and even lose the target in long-term tracking, a new algorithm based on spatio-temporal context that integrates long-term tracking with detecting is proposed in this paper. We track the target by the fast tracking algorithm, and the cascaded search strategy is introduced to the detecting part to relocate the target if the fast tracking fails. To a large extent, the proposed algorithm effectively improves the accuracy and stability of long-term tracking. Extensive experimental results on benchmark datasets show that the proposed algorithm can accurately track and relocate the target though the target is partially or completely occluded or reappears after being out of the scene.  相似文献   
High resolution structural studies of DNA and DNA binding proteins by atomic force microscopy (AFM) require well-bound samples on suitably flat substrates. Adsorbing the DNA onto a positively charged supported lipid bilayer has previously been shown to be a potentially effective strategy for structural studies with AFM. Here, using our home-built frequency-modulation AFM (FM-AFM), we show that these bilayer substrates are only maximally effective for high resolution AFM when the samples are short, linear DNA, compared with circular plasmid DNA. We find that, with the former sample, the measured width of the DNA is about 2 nm, the known DNA diameter, and there is a clear height modulation along the length of the DNA with a periodicity of about 3.4 nm, in excellent agreement with the known pitch of the double helix. This sample preparation strategy is expected to enable higher resolution studies of DNA and DNA binding proteins with FM-AFM than that can presently be achieved.  相似文献   

Most federal and state coastal laws were framed with a distinct emphasis on preservation of rural/recreational areas. Yet in recent years a rural/urban coastal dichotomy has emerged. This has been especially prominent in the siting of energy facilities since these operations are often water dependent; power plants, for example, need huge amounts of cooling water, and offshore oil and gas extraction requires onshore support facilities. Recently, this issue has gained special prominence on the East Coast with the commencement of offshore oil and gas exploration. A case study was conducted in Hudson County, New Jersey, in New York harbor. In this area five oil‐related facility proposals were rejected from 1972 to 1976, primarily due to citizen opposition. Citizen activists now see the urban waterfront as a special place to which they want access and amenity uses rather than a continuation of past, almost exclusive industrial development. Hudson County citizens share the aspirations of those in several urban coastal areas which have experienced waterfront revitalization, including Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, New Haven, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, and Toronto. Innovative siting which utilizes inland, rather than coastal, locations is suggested as one way to lessen urban/rural siting tensions.  相似文献   
科学合理的微观交通流仿真模型是研究交通控制手段有效性的关键.本文结合一种考虑驾驶员视野内前后多车影响的跟驰策略,建立了连续型元胞自动机交通流模型.仿真实验表明,仿真数据与实测数据有较好的拟合性,仿真得到的 K-Q、K-V和 Q-V图能较好地反映实际道路交通流的失稳现象,所建立的模型具有适应不同场景的兼容性与灵活性,能够作为研究我国实际道路交通流问题的仿真工具.  相似文献   

The passage of the Marine Plastics Pollution Research and Control Act of 1987 (MPPRCA), which codified Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), has encompassed every commercial and recreational shipping and boating facility in the United States. As a group, these ports, harbors, and marinas form a significant, although proportionately small, portion of the coastline of the country. More important, the economic benefits derived from the complex shoreside infrastructures required for international ocean trade, commercial and recreational fishing, and pleasure boating indicate just how critical it is for these facilities to be in conformance with effective and prudent coastal zone and environmental management practices.  相似文献   
When assessing the statistical variability of fatigue loads acting throughout the life of a vehicle, the question of the variability of road roughness naturally arises, as both quantities are strongly related. For car manufacturers, gathering information on the environment in which vehicles evolve is a long and costly but necessary process to adapt their products to durability requirements. In the present paper, a data processing algorithm is proposed in order to estimate the road profiles covered by a given vehicle, from the dynamic responses measured on this vehicle. The algorithm based on Kalman filtering theory aims at solving a so-called inverse problem, in a stochastic framework. It is validated using experimental data obtained from simulations and real measurements. The proposed method is subsequently applied to extract valuable statistical information on road roughness from an existing load characterisation campaign carried out by Renault within one of its markets.  相似文献   
Travel time reliability, an essential factor in traveler route and departure time decisions, serves as an important quality of service measure for dynamic transportation systems. This article investigates a fundamental problem of quantifying travel time variability from its root sources: stochastic capacity and demand variations that follow commonly used log-normal distributions. A volume-to-capacity ratio-based travel time function and a point queue model are used to demonstrate how day-to-day travel time variability can be explained from the underlying demand and capacity variations. One important finding is that closed-form solutions can be derived to formulate travel time variations as a function of random demand/capacity distributions, but there are certain cases in which a closed-form expression does not exist and numerical approximation methods are required. This article also uses probabilistic capacity reduction information to estimate time-dependent travel time variability distributions under conditions of non-recurring traffic congestion. The proposed models provide theoretically rigorous and practically useful tools for understanding the causes of travel time unreliability and evaluating the system-wide benefit of reducing demand and capacity variability.  相似文献   
Specifying proximity warning functions for aircraft in managed airspace has received considerable attention. However, similar functions for aircraft operating in unmanaged airspace have received comparatively little analysis despite the fact that these functions are stressed to a greater physical degree, and perhaps more frequently, than in managed airspace. The mid-air collision hazard and its associated risk are re-examined from both an historical and a systematic engineering modelling viewpoint. Historic measures of this transport risk in managed airspace have been based on fatalities normalized by flight hours or flight movements. However some of these data may not be available in unmanaged airspace. Another approach to measurement directs attention to populations at risk where several measures are now well known: collective risk, individual risk and the frequency of occurrence of the hazards that give rise to such risk. A decision support methodology is presented that relates both transport and population-based approaches. A cohesive and consistent set of aspired goals for various stakeholder groups can be set taking into account the different stakeholder needs. A case study is drawn from historic mid-air collision data to illustrate the process. A consistent basis for national-level policy decisions harmonised with proactive engineering design requirements is achieved. The strengths, limitations and implications of this approach for engineering design purposes are discussed.  相似文献   
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