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应力约束下车架的结构拓扑优化设计   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
王健  程耿东 《汽车工程》1997,19(1):15-19,55
根据汽车车架的结构及受力特点,建立了汽车车架结构拓扑优化模型,对薄板结构的极限应力分析表明,应力约束下汽车车架结构拓扑优化可用薄板结构尺寸优化方法的数学模型来描述,并用修改的满应力法求解。文中的数值结果表明这个方法是有效的算法。  相似文献   
王炅  罗邦杰 《汽车工程》1997,19(3):153-159
本文介绍了由DFZFB-323型带锁止离合器导轮可反转型的液力变矩器与动力换机械变速箱组成的GYB-100型新型城市公共汽车液力机械变速器及电子控制的结构特点,通过样车试验表明,城市公共汽车采用电子控制的液力机械变速器后,具有良好的起步,加速性能,易于驾驶,并且有良好的燃油经济性,提高了我国大客车的生产技术水平以及多种性能和可靠性水平,因而它是一种有发展前景的优于传统机械变速器的客车传动装置。  相似文献   
应用有限元法研究车架结构的耐撞性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王春雨  李一兵 《汽车工程》1997,19(6):336-341
本文应用有限地对车辆正面碰撞过程中车架结构的大变形过程进行了计算机模拟。文中介绍了非线性有限元分析的基本方程,运用微机版DYNA3D软件,在合理简化的基础上,建立了车呆结构的有限元模型,通过计算机模拟,预测了车辆正碰过程中车架的变形位置和变形形式。针对存在的问题,对车架结构进行了改进设计。实车碰撞试验表明:改进后,车架结构的耐撞性有明显提高。  相似文献   
用电石灰提高土基CBR值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了电石灰的路用性能 ,解决了工业废料的存放问题 ,提高了公路土基的CBR值  相似文献   
1前言 汽车自动传动液(ATF)是一种多功能、多用途的油液.它主要用于轿车和轻型载汽车的自动变速系统,所以它的研制、生产和应用是随着汽车安装了自动变速装置而发展的.  相似文献   
早就想去拜访美国海岸警备队,但一直没有机会,以往他们上船检查,节奏很快,紧扣主题,没时间作更多的交流. 这次,船靠LC港,当我知道海岸警备队就在附近后,决定去走一趟.9月26日上午10点,我到了海岸警备队办公室门前.  相似文献   
1 前言 天津港埠三公司位于海河下游,与塘沽南站相毗邻.海船经新港船闸,过"东西沽",即可直达公司所在港区.港区水域河面宽250m,水深达-6.0m的河床宽度平均为125m;港区现有泊位10个,其中第7、8号泊位可停靠5 000t级(6 000t)货船,其余均为3 000t泊位;码头岸线总长度1 313.9m.各泊位具体技术指标参见表1.  相似文献   
Paratransit refers to urban transport services “somewhere between private passenger transport and conventional public transport in terms of cost and quality of service” [Rimmer (1980), Paratransit: A commentary. Environ. Plan. A 12, 937–944]. Since the 1980s, a new form of paratransit—residents’ coach, which provides exclusive transport services to residents living in private housing estates—has emerged in Hong Kong. What was the background underlying the emergence and subsequent growth of residents’ coach services? Also, what was the role of residents’ coach in the public transport system of Hong Kong? With the completion of more railway extensions, should residents’ coach services be replaced? If so, what are the potential impacts on people’s life? This paper addresses the above research questions through a large-scale questionnaire survey that examined not only people’s modal choice but also their residential choice, socio-economic background and attitudes. The findings suggest that transport policy makers should pay more attention to examine new forms of paratransit and the ways of integrating them into the overall public transport system, both spatially and temporally. It is only through the development of an efficient and multi-modal transport system can the maximum potential of paratransit in filling the transport gap between conventional mass transit and private cars be realized.  相似文献   
The need for acquiring the current-year traffic data is a problem for transport planners since such data may not be available for on-going transport studies. A method is proposed in this paper to predict hourly traffic flows up to and into the near future, using historical data collected from the Hong Kong Annual Traffic Census (ATC). Two parametric and two non-parametric models have been employed and evaluated in this study. The results show that the non-parametric models (Non-Parametric Regression (NPR) and Gaussian Maximum Likelihood (GML)) were more promising for predicting hourly traffic flows at the selected ATC station. Further analysis encompassing 87 ATC stations revealed that the NPR is likely to react to unexpected changes more effectively than the GML method, while the GML model performs better under steady traffic flows. Taking into consideration the dynamic nature of the common traffic patterns in Hong Kong and the advantages/disadvantages of the various models, the NPR model is recommended for predicting the hourly traffic flows in that region.  相似文献   
文章以某岩溶隧道为背景,采用二维弹塑性有限元方法对隧道开挖进行数值模拟计算,分析了隧道底部溶洞顶板安全厚度的影响因素,研究了各影响因素与安全厚度的相关变化规律,并用多元线性回归的方法得出了一个能综合体现各影响因素的溶洞顶板安全厚度预测模型,以此确定顶板的最小安全厚度,从而为岩溶隧道设计施工提供一定的科学依据和指导.  相似文献   
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