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洋山四期工程供电系统广泛应用了新技术、新产品、新材料、新工艺。如:过电压保护装置选用六柱全相双安全保护装置,为设备更加可靠、安全的运行提供了保障;使用DEHN系列接地夹具不但给施工带来了便利,而且更易于控制施工质量;采用烙克赛克穿隔密封系统有效解决了电缆密封和日后的扩容问题。  相似文献   
基于西江高要站、北江石角站和东江博罗站的水沙数据,分析近50年来珠江三大支流水沙关系的变化。利用交叉小波变换分析水沙关系时发现,西江和北江水沙波动能量的稳定性及水沙的正相关性强于东江。水沙幂指数曲线拟合反映了水沙在不同年代的变化关系及相关程度,其中西江水沙拟合斜率和相关系数整体较大。此外,月均水沙的年内分布曲线揭示了三大支流间水沙年内分布的差异。水沙关系的变化不仅与流域风化沉积物的来源有关,而且更是受到水土保持工程和水库建设等人类活动的影响。  相似文献   
孙瑜  苏玉民  胡海洲 《船舶力学》2016,20(9):1071-1082
文章对桨后普通舵和扭曲舵的水动力性能进行了试验研究,并采用计算流体力学方法对桨舵系统的水动力性能进行计算,得到了不同进速系数下的推力系数、扭矩系数以及敞水效率,并绘制了敞水性能曲线。通过桨舵模型试验值与计算值的对比,验证了计算方法的可靠性。为了进一步提高扭曲舵的节能效果,在扭曲舵前安装了舵球,优化舵球的半径后在舵球两端安装推力鳍,通过优选推力鳍的各个参数(安装位置、展弦比和安装角),使桨舵系统的敞水效率逐步提高。确定了舵球鳍的最优参数后,桨—扭曲舵系统的效率进一步提高1.2%。最后通过观察舵表面压力分布、舵附近轴向速度和迹线分布,分析了舵球鳍对桨舵干扰的影响。  相似文献   
改进了硝酸银生产工艺中的除杂、过滤和蒸发环节,通过试验确定了新的工艺参数,改进后大大提高了生产效率和产能,减小了劳动量、银损耗,质量更加稳定。  相似文献   
张振  蔡煜 《船电技术》2016,36(6):70-74
IGBT模块正常条件下运转正常,但在低电感短路条件下时,却出现故障。通过对商用IGBT模块的主电流通路和栅极结构的内部电气通路进行分析,获取了部分电感的自感和互感。对部分电感应用PSPICE进行建模,经过仿真发现在短路试验时电流最高的通路与故障芯片的位置是一致的。同时还提出了一个相似的IGBT模块的布局方案。对IGBT模块的几何排布进行了建模仿真并给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   
蔡煜  董梦龙  张伟 《船电技术》2016,36(6):75-77
发热器件通过与散热器表面接触,将温度迅速传递到大面积的散热翅片上,然后由翅片间高速的常温气流吸收后带走,形成一条散热通道,保证发热器件在工作中始终处于适宜的器件温度。通过不断优化设计风冷散热器的翅片参数,如:翅片厚度,翅片高度,翅片长度等来寻找到理想的设计参数,并以此来提高风冷散热器的散热效果,以便能在减小风冷散热器体积的情况下获得相似的散热效果,提高整个电子设备的功率密度。  相似文献   
Finding the optimal location and signal timing plan is one of the most critical operational issues for a signalized midblock crosswalk on an arterial section, which is increasingly being installed in highly populated areas in developing countries such as China. This paper presents a multiobjective optimization model and an efficient solution algorithm for a one‐ or two‐stage midblock crosswalk on an arterial section. The proposed model aims to produce the optimal location and corresponding signal settings to balance the trade‐off between pedestrian delays and vehicular bandwidth when the signals of the crosswalk and adjacent intersections are coordinated. The proposed model has three distinguishing features: (i) the costs for both pedestrians and vehicles are considered in a unified framework; (ii) the location and signal settings of the midblock crosswalk are simultaneously optimized; and (iii) a multiobjective optimization approach is developed to study the effectiveness of the midblock crosswalk under conditions in which the priorities between pedestrian and vehicle flows differ. A nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA II)‐based algorithm is developed to solve the model efficiently. The results of the case study showed that the proposed model would help traffic practitioners, researchers, and authorities properly locate and signalize a one‐ or two‐stage midblock pedestrian crosswalk on an arterial section. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过缸内直喷汽油机颗粒测量试验,研究了怠速工况、最大扭矩工况及常用工况下三效催化器(TWC)和汽油机用颗粒捕集器(GPF)对发动机尾气中颗粒数量浓度及质量浓度的处理效率。结果表明:在低转速小负荷工况,三效催化器与颗粒捕集器对颗粒具有较高的处理效率;随着转速与负荷的增加,两者的处理效率均下降,三效催化器对颗粒处理能力明显降低,而颗粒捕集器整体保持较高的捕集效率;当二者联合工作时,在常用行驶工况下对颗粒的捕集效率达到80%以上。在高转速大负荷工况,由于尾气空速增加,颗粒捕集器捕集效率下降导致整个后处理系统对颗粒的处理效率降低。  相似文献   
利用 GT‐Crank 软件对柴油机曲轴瞬时转速进行仿真分析计算,研究了正常状态、单缸磨损、多个相邻缸磨损和多个非邻缸磨损状态下瞬时转速的变化规律,提取了状态特征参数,并分析了气缸磨损对其他缸的影响,为深入研究瞬时转速在柴油机状态检测诊断中的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
At conceptual design stage, beam element is extensively used to create the frame structure of automobile body, which can not only archive the accurate stiffness but also reduce much computational cost. However, the stress definition of beam element is very complex so that the stress sensitivity and optimization are difficult to analytically derive and numerically program. This paper presents an solution to this problem and an application in the lightweight optimization design of automobile frame. Firstly, maximal Von Mises stress of rectangular tube is calculated by using the superposition of stress, which is together induced by the axial force, bending moments, torsional moment and shear force. Secondly, the sensitivity of Von Mises Stress with respect to size design variables: breadth, height and thickness are derived, respectively. Thirdly, an optimal criterion is constructed by Lagrangian multiplier method to solve the frame optimization with stress constraints. Lastly, numerical example of car frame proves that the proposed method can guarantee the stress of each beam element almost fully reaches at the yielding stress.  相似文献   
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