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黄腾 《铁道建筑技术》2013,(2):74-75,87
以改建铁路新长线盐城北至海安段扩能工程可行性研究为例,结合既有线平面特点,综合考虑工程经济性与合理性,对既有线扩能工程中局部新建双线方案与改建既有线增二线方案进行比选,最终确定最佳方案.  相似文献   
针对城市轨道交通牵引变电所内整流设备极易发生故障的情况,提出城市轨道交通的综合调度策略.利用一联接模块将城市轨道交通的行车调度系统和电力调度系统结合起来.电力调度系统实时监控供电系统的运行状态,若发现异常,由联接模块给行车调度系统提供列车延迟序列,以消除异常状况,提高整流设备整体性能.通过对一条城市轨道交通线路的模拟计算,验证了调度策略的有效性和简便易用的特点.  相似文献   
阐述了新型平面扬声器的基本原理.通过数据模型仿真计算和现场实测分析,证明平面扬声器具有传播距离远、声音衰减小、指向特性强、广播效果清晰舒适等特点.在地铁车站广播系统中采用平面扬声器,相对于传统扬声器,可大幅减少扬声器数量、施工安装和调试工程量,以及运营后的系统维护工作量,综合成本相对较低.平面扬声器是地铁广播系统的一种新型扬声器设备,具有较好的推广价值及应用前景.  相似文献   
伴随汽车智能网联发展,车辆电气网络架构行业趋势由1~2路CAN总线网络快速演变为7~8路CAN总线与4~5路百兆以太网相结合的融合网络架构。其中网关作为车辆网络的数据交互中心,提供了各网络之间的无缝通信,并需要以极低的延迟将这些数据进行可靠传输,这对低成本网关是一个巨大的挑战。提出了一种基于车载融合网络下低成本网关路由软件缓存区的设计方法,以路由软件缓存区去配合CAN控制器和以太网Switch硬件缓存区,设计中断式报文存储发送进程,将收到的数据实时发送到硬件发送缓存区,当硬件发送缓存区已满,则将报文存储到软件缓存区中。通过与软硬件缓存区的这种联动方式,能够实时的接收报文,保证报文不丢帧;也能够在目标总线负载率较大时,避免漏发报文以及保证发送报文周期。  相似文献   
Among several post quantum primitives proposed in the past few decades, lattice-based cryptography is considered as the most promising one, due to its underlying rich combinatorial structure, and the worst-case to average-case reductions. The first lattice-based group signature scheme with verifier-local revocation(VLR) is treated as the first quantum-resistant scheme supported member revocation, and was put forward by Langlois et al. This VLR group signature(VLR-GS) has group public key size of O(nm log N log q), and a signature size of O(tm log N log q log β). Nguyen et al. constructed a simple efficient group signature from lattice, with significant advantages in bit-size of both the group public key and the signature. Based on their work, we present a VLR-GS scheme with group public key size of O(nm log q) and signature size of O(tm log q). Our group signature has notable advantages: support of membership revocation, and short in both the public key size and the signature size.  相似文献   
Research purposes: The vertical deformation of high-speed railway (HSR) bridge will cause the track irregularity, which threatens the safe and efficient operation of the HSR. Taking the 32 m simple supported beam bridge as the research object, based on the existing mapping analytical model for bridge vertical deformation and rail geometry, the influence of the track regularity of the CRTS Ⅰ slab ballastless track structure caused by the key parameters such as the bridge vertical deformation amplitude, the hanging length of the beam end and the vertical stiffness of mortar layer were studied, and the corresponding measures to control the rail deformation were proposed, to provide theoretical reference for comprehensive treatment of rail deformation of HSR bridge. Research conclusions:(1) The pier settlement, the vertical rotation of the beam end and the beam fault will cause the rail to follow the beam deformation, and "up-warping" of the rail on the vertical deformation boundary will appear. (2) The rail deformation is directly proportional to the vertical deformation amplitude of the bridge and the key to control the rail deformation is to reduce the vertical deformation of the bridge. (3) The rail deformation can be controlled by reducing the hanging length of beam and vertical stiffness of mortar layer. (4) The research results can provide a theoretical reference for controlling the vertical rail deformation of high-speed railway bridges. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
目前计算机联锁系统多采用集中式控制结构,为适应铁路大提速,以及信号系统智能化、网络化、分散化发展要求,讨论一种新型的基于Multi-Agent的分布式计算机联锁系统,实现了地理上和功能上的分散控制,有助于分散危险,增强系统的可靠性。在对该系统的体系结构进行探讨的基础上,着重对其通信机制与协作机制进行了研究。  相似文献   
以北同蒲韩家岭至应县增建四线工程为例,介绍提速或新建自动闭塞区段,车站股道有效长超过轨道电路极限长度而需分割为两个轨道区段,以及正向发车进路与反向接车进路共用发送器且载频自动切换的ZPW-2000A站内电码化电路特殊设计的原理及遵循的设计原则。以一个车站为例,阐述了该工程电码化的特点及原则,分析了电码化各个单元电路的原理,并针对车站股道分割及载频自动切换特殊情况下的电码化设计给出了解决方案。  相似文献   
从钢轨探伤作业标准化的特点和意义出发,阐述钢轨探伤作业标准化的内容、依据和实施方法,并在实践中进行检验。  相似文献   
分析了HXN5型机车材料国产化替代情况,提出了材料使用建议。  相似文献   
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