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The present work is motivated by phenomena occurring in the flow field around ship-like bodies with an incoming lateral flow (cross-flow, 90 ° drift angle). Three-dimensional unsteady flows around different ship sections are investigated by using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) tools with large-eddy simulation (LES) subgrid-scale turbulence model. The simulation results are compared to measurements at several Reynolds numbers in the 90–200,000 range. Focus in our investigation is on the characterization of the motion of vortex structures generated by the separated flow. Another target in the study is to obtain better knowledge of the hydrodynamic forces acting on the sections. Computed pressure and drag coefficients are compared with experimental measurements. The comparison between simulations and measurements shows that an LES model can predict the flow field around ship sections in detail and the hydrodynamic forces acting on the sections.  相似文献   
The flow-induced vibration of a cylindrical structure is a very common problem in marine environments such as undersea pipelines, offshore risers, and cables. In this study, the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of an elastically mounted cylinder at a low Reynolds number is simulated by a transient coupled fluid–structure interaction numerical model. Considering VIV with low damping ratio, the response, hydrodynamic forces, and vortex shedding modes of the cylinder is systematically analyzed and summed up the universal rule under different frequency ratios. On the basis of the analysis, we find that the frequency ratio α is a very important parameter. It decides the locked-in, beat, and phase-switch phenomena of the cylinder, meanwhile, it also influence the vortex mode of the cylinder. The trajectory of the two degrees of freedom (2 DOF) case at different natural frequency ratios is discussed, with most trajectories having a “figure of 8” shape and a few having a “crescent” shape. A fast Fourier transformation technique is used to obtain the frequency characteristics of the vibration of the cylindrical structure. Using the 2 DOF cylinder model in place of the 1 DOF model presents several advantages in simulating the nonlinear characteristics of cylindrical structures, including the capacity to model the crosswise vibration generated by in-line vibration.  相似文献   
A diffraction-radiation analysis is usually required when the hydrodynamic interactions between structural members occur in short waves. For bracings or small cylindrical members, which play important roles in the vicinity of the natural frequency of a floating platform, special care should be taken into account for the effect of viscous damping. Two hybrid panel-stick models are, therefore, developed, through the combination of the standard diffraction-radiation method and the Morison’s formulae, considering the effect of small members differently. The fluid velocity is obtained directly by the panel model. The viscous fluid force is calculated for individual members by the stick model. A semi-submersible type platform with a number of fine cylindrical structures, which is designed as a floating foundation for multiple wind turbines, is analyzed as a numerical example. The results show that viscous force has significant influence on the hydrodynamic behavior of the floating body and can successfully be considered by the proposed hybrid models.  相似文献   
The unsteady performance of drag and double reverse propeller podded propulsors in open water was numerically simulated using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. A moving mesh method was used to more realistically simulate propulsor working conditions, and the thrust, torque, and lateral force coefficients of both propulsors were compared and analyzed. Forces acting on different parts of the propulsors along with the flow field distribution of steady and unsteady results at different advance coefficients were compared. Moreover, the change of the lateral force and the difference between the abovementioned two methods were mainly analyzed. It was shown that the thrust and torque results of both methods were similar, with the lateral force results having the highest deviation  相似文献   
脉冲功率超级电容储能系统容量计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足高功率、快速充放电应用场合对供电电源的要求,本文基于超级电容器的串并联,设计了一套大容量脉冲功率储能系统。从装置对能量和功率两方面的特殊需求展开分析和计算,提出了快速确定电容单体连接方式及求取系统总电容值的算法,在此基础上搭建了储能系统的等效电路模型,结合实际负载功率对储能系统的放电特性进行了分析和预测,仿真结果证明了该设计方案的有效性与可行性。  相似文献   
船舶中压直流系统接地保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于船舶中压直流电网的特殊性,现有差动保护和变流器保护不能满足整个系统保护的可靠性要求。本文以一种船舶中压直流系统为例,研究了中性点高阻接地方式的接地故障特性,分析了差动保护方案和变流器保护的不足,提出了通过电子式电流互感器进行测量的零序差动和特征频率电压接地保护方案,提高了保护灵敏度。通过SIMULINK仿真分析验证了该保护方法具有可行性。  相似文献   
赵津  杨敏 《中国海事》2013,(7):53-54,59
文中分析了东北航道沿途各海域的特点,并通过收集、整理国内外专家对北极东北航道海冰变化规律的研究成果,给出了北极东北航道关键海区及冰情变化趋势。  相似文献   
为了保证船舶的航行安全,船用电子设备应满足电磁兼容性要求.针对船舶甚高频(VHF)通信频段辐射限值的特殊要求,从箱体谐振、电源线谐振以及缝隙谐振等方面研究了电子设备在该频段产生电磁骚扰的机理;利用三维电磁场仿真软件,从上述三方面对船用电子设备VHF频段电磁骚扰转移技术进行分析研究,得出了一系列结论.将结论应用于实际船用电子设备电磁兼容性设计中,缩短了设计周期,节省了设计成本,提高了产品性能.  相似文献   
利用小波包分解提取缸盖振动信号的特征向量,提出选择因子对改进误差反向传播(BP)神经网络和超1-依赖贝叶斯算法的诊断结果进行融合,克服贝叶斯和神经网络的不足。通过在WD615柴油机上的实验检测,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
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