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本文全面的综述了金属成形和塑料成型模具常用的新型材料并对模具材料的发展及推广提出了建议。  相似文献   
It has been a focus of debate for a large time on construction methods for large-span loess tunnel. Reasonable construction method has much effect on stability of tunnel and construction schedule. Deformation and failure of surrounding rock are quite complex. Associating with the large-span loess tunnel of Zhengzhou—Xi’an high-speed passenger rail line in China, large scale model test with geometric proportion 1:20 is applied to study on dynamic mechanical behavior of various construction methods. They include full-face excavation with support and no support, and benching method with support. It is found that pre-deformation and stress accumulation take place ahead of working face. The effects of three construction methods are further studied, particularly in terms of tunnel displacement and stress changes. It is revealed that benching method transfers load to an unexcavated area, limits horizontal deformation, reduces stress concentration effectively, lengthens the distance between location of peak for stress concentration and working face, and consequently increases stability. The model test results not only supply theoretical foundation for determination of reasonable construction method, but also can act as reference for similar tunnel and underground engineering construction.  相似文献   
介绍了斯里兰卡铁路概况和海啸灾难对西部铁路运输造成的损害,以及该国政府对灾后铁路的重建计划,对参与铁路重建、资金筹措及重建合作方式提出建议及设想。  相似文献   
本文以SRSF501无缝药芯焊丝在船用EH36高强钢中的焊接应用为目的,研究了国产无缝药芯焊丝SRSF501在船用EH36高强钢焊接中的组织和冲击韧性。通过试验表明:SRSF501焊接EH36钢接头各区域的冲击性能均满足船级社要求;多层多道焊时,焊缝组织由粗大的柱状组织和细小的等轴晶组织组成,底层焊缝和末道焊缝柱状晶区域较大;盖面层两侧接头热影响区存在粗晶区,其它位置接头的热影响区不存在粗晶区;焊接接头中熔合线外2mm处,晶粒最细,冲击韧性最好。  相似文献   
通惠河北路跨京秦等铁路立交桥工程中的Z4匝道引桥部分Z4K0 017.5~Z4K0 117.5段为三跨预应力混凝土连续梁。为适应线形及桥面宽度变化,其上部结构采用异形曲线箱梁,其设计计算及预应力筋的配置比较复杂,文章介绍该联异形曲线箱梁的设计计算及配筋方案。  相似文献   
多年冻土桩基温度场研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合青藏铁路沿线多年冻土的主要特点 ,利用Ansys5 6大型有限元计算程序 ,对青藏铁路某冻土桥梁混凝土灌注桩施工过程的地温场进行了模拟计算 ,给出在成桩过程中混凝土不同龄期地温场的分布规律 ,并根据计算结果 ,对混凝土灌注桩施工提出合理化建议。  相似文献   
在利用独立分量分析对缸盖振动信号进行盲分离时,原始采样信号不满足独立分量分析的基本假设,而且缸盖振动信号信噪比较低,影响分离的速度和精度.采用小波阈值降噪的方法进行了降噪处理,提高了信噪比.采用奇异值分解的方法估计了缸盖振动的独立源数,并对缸盖振动信号进行了白化处理,为独立分量分析的应用建立了基础.  相似文献   
Design-manufacturing chain (D-MC) is the most important link of the supply chain with the greatest possibility in cost reduction. How to strengthen the effective management of interfacial relationship between designer and manufacturer and increase the efficency of interface management concerns the efficiency of the whole supply chain. In order to evaluate and improve the impacts of D-MC interfacial relationship, first we should construct the evaluation index system and then we should analyze the total cost and benefit of the interfacial relationship betterment, including the cost of member units in D-MC, the opportunity cost of cooperation partners, and the market returns resulted from the interfacial relationship improvement, which will advance the whole supply chain efficiency as well as enhance the management performance of D-MC. Foundation item: the Chinese Public Service Platform for Science and Technology Management (No. 06DZ22924) and the Economic Globalization and Innovation (No. 08692106700)  相似文献   
本文报道了用已知EHFV seoul株接种9~10d龄鸡胚后鸡胚出现严重局限的出血斑;ELISA试验显示感染鸡胚尿囊液和对照鸡胚尿囊液OD值之比>2.1;免疫荧光试验在感染鸡胚心、脑、肺、肝、肾组织印片细胞浆内可见不同程度荧光颗粒。  相似文献   
对新生代大学生的内在、外在工作价值观以及价值观与择业意向之间的关系进行了研究,并以上海、江西南昌两地样本来比较地区差异。研究表明,新生代大学生对工作价值观中的成就感、同事关系、独立性要求较高,对监督关系、利他主义、美感的追求尚可,而对创造性、工作环境、管理能力、变动性、智力刺激的上追求并不高。上海大学生对管理能力的追求高于江西大学生,在择业意向上两地大学生也存在差异,上海学生更倾向去外企就职,而江西学生更倾向于国有企业和事业单位就职。进一步,创造性、管理能力价值观负向影响到选择国企就职,而工作环境价值观负向影响到选择民营企业就职。最后研究对新生代管理实践进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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