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通过工程实例,介绍了在长大隧道施工过程中如何对水环境污染、大气污染、隧道内空气污染、固体废弃物处理、植被保护、防止水土流失、保护土地资源等环境进行保护的措施。  相似文献   
An approach for reconstructing wireframe models of curvilinear objects from three orthographic views is discussed in this paper. The method for generating 3D conic edges from 2D projection conic curves is emphasized especially, which is the pivotal work for reconstructing curvilinear objects from three orthographic views. In order to generate 3D conic edges, a five-point method is firstly utilized to obtain the algebraic representations of all 2D-projection curves in each view, and then all algebraic forms are converted to the corresponding geometric forms analytically. Thus the locus of a 3D conic edge can be derived from the geometric forms of the relevant conic curves in three views. Finally, the wireframe model is created after eliminating all redundant elements generated in previous reconstruction process. The approach extends the range of objects to be reconstructed and imposes no restriction on the axis of the quadric surface.  相似文献   
A multilevel secure relation-hierarchical data model formultilevel secure database is extended from the relation-hierarchical data model in single level environment in this paper. Based on the model, an upper-lower layer relational integrity is presented after we analyze and eliminate the covert channels caused by the database integrity. Two SQL statements are extended to process polyinstantiation in the multilevel secure environment. The system based on the multilevel secure relation-hierarchical data model is capable of integratively storing and manipulating complicated objects (e.g., multilevel spatial data) and conventional data (e.g., integer, real number and character string) in multilevel secure database.  相似文献   
通过对舰船各个物理场目标特性信息的采集、校正以及与标准特性值比较,判断物理特性是否正常,对舰船自身的状态进行监测和判断,并基于历史数据对舰船状态进行预测.论述系统总体框架及实现技术.  相似文献   
荷麻溪特大桥主梁特大型0号块采用贝雷架作支架、水平分三层浇筑等施工技术,采用超宽三角斜拉式后支点挂篮现浇部分斜拉桥大型箱梁施工技术,以及斜拉索采用环氧涂层钢绞线成品索,工厂加工成品,现场整束安装整束悬浮式张拉技术。  相似文献   
随着科技的高速发展,一些高性能、高智能、高自动化的数控机床在加工行业占据了主导地位.为了能及时、快速、准确地解决机床故障,本文就数控机床使用最频繁、故障率最高的刀台作一介绍,通过对德国SAUTER电动刀台工作原理及其动作时序的分析,可以快捷的解决刀台出现的各种故障.  相似文献   
介绍架车机在铁路、城市轨道交通、煤矿、钢铁、石油化工等行业的应用,及其核心技术同步度控制。以YDJD16T型国产架车机为例,分析同步度控制在硬件和PLC程序方面的设计原理。  相似文献   
<正>随着全球汽车市场的复苏、汽车技术装备的日渐升级以及新能源汽车的快速发展,汽车电子又将出现新一轮的增长。汽车电子毫无疑问将成为行业内增长最快的领域,未来近90%的汽车创新将来自于电子技术。Strategy Analytics咨询公司的数据显示,到2017年时全球汽车电子市场需求将增长到2580亿美元,2007~2017年间汽车电子市场的年均复合增长率预计为5%。其中,中国将一枝独秀,成为增长贡献率最大的国家,中  相似文献   
针对城市道路平面线形设计中回旋曲线的应用,该文提出了能够为设计人员方便掌握的,在AutoCAD中定制回旋曲线的方法。文章采用回旋线坐标计算通式,使用AutoCAD内嵌的两种编程语言,给出坐标计算的求值函数,从而实现回旋曲线在城市道路设计中的灵活应用。  相似文献   
提出了在铁路运输系统计量技术机构引入实验室认可的工作思路,确保以产品质量检测监控为中心,从而增强专业技术的服务保障功能。  相似文献   
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