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The universal composability framework is a new approach for designing and analyzing the security of cryptographic protocols. In this framework, the security of protocols is maintained under a general protocol composition operation. In the paper, we propose the universal composability framework for the analysis of proxy threshold signature and present a universally composable secure proxy threshold signature scheme which is the first one in this area. The proposed scheme is suitable for the mobile agents, which should migrate across different environment through network. Furthermore, we give the concrete analysis of the reduction to prove the security of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   
In an identity based proxy signature (IBPS) scheme, a designated proxy signer can generate the signature on behalf of an original signer. Traditional IBPS schemes normally rely on the assumption that private keys are kept perfectly secure. However, due to viruses, worms or other break-ins allowed by operating-system holes, key exposure seems inevitable. To minimize the damage caused by key exposure in IBPS, we propose an identity-based key-insulated proxy signature (IBKIPS) scheme in the standard model, i.e. without random oracles.  相似文献   
Recently some efforts were made towards capturing the security requirements within the composable security framework.This modeling has some significant advantages in designing and analyzing complex systems.The threshold signature was discussed and a definition was given based on the universal composability framework, which is proved to be equivalent to the standard security definition.Furthermore, a simple, effcient and proactive threshold RSA signature protocol was presented.It is proved to be correct, consistent and unforgeable relative to the environment that at most t-1 parties are corrupted in each proactive stage.It is also secure under the universal composability framework.It is a UC based security and is proved to be equivalent to the standard security.  相似文献   
This paper proposes an adaptively secure solution to certificateless distributed key encapsulation mechanism from pairings by using Canetti's adaptive secure key generation scheme based on discrete logarithm. The proposed scheme can withstand adaptive attackers that can choose players for corruption at any time during the run of the protocol, and this kind of attack is powerful and realistic. In contrast, all previously presented threshold certificateless public key cryptosystems are proven secure against the more idealized static adversaries only. They choose and fix the subset of target players before running the protocol. We also prove security of this scheme in the random oracle model.  相似文献   
Formal analysis of authentication in 802.11i   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Authentication is the basis of the security of IEEE 802.11i standard. The authentication process in 802.11i involves two important protocols: a 4-way handshake and a group key handshake. A formal analysis of authentication in 802.11i is given via a belief multisets formalism. The analysis shows that the 4-way handshake and the group key handshake may provide satisfactory mutual authentication, key management, and issue of a new group temporal key from an access point to a user device, under the guarantee of mutual possession of a confidential pairwise master key. The analysis also shows that there exists a denial of service attack in the 4-way handshake and some seeming redundancies are useful in the protocol implementation.  相似文献   
Introduction Inthresholddecryptioncryptosystems,the powertodecryptissharedamongasetofdecryp-tionservers.In2001,D.BonehandM.Franklin proposedapracticalidentity-basedencryption(IBE)schemefromtheweilpairing.Combining thetwoconceptstogether,some“ID-basedthresh-olddecryption”schemeshavebeenconstructed.In suchschemes,anentity'spublickeyisderiveddi-rectlyfromitsidentity.Atrustedthirdparty calledtheprivatekeygenerator(PKG)usesthe masterkeytogenerateprivatekeysforallentities.Eachdecryptionserve…  相似文献   
Fragile watermarking is a method to verify the integrity and authenticity of multimedia data. A new fragile watermark for image was proposed, which can be used in image verification applications. The paper first described the above two techniques, some of which will be used in the method. Then it described the embedding and authentication process and also analyzed the method to show how it can survive some attacks. The experimental results show that the proposed method doesn‘t need the watermark or original image on authentication side. It provides more security against attack, and can localize where the temoerinlz has occurred.  相似文献   
As the wireless medium is characterized by its lossy nature, reliable communication cannot be as-sumed in the key management scheme. Therefore self-healing is a good property for key distribution scheme in wireless applications. A new self-healing key distribution scheme was proposed, which is optimal in terms of user memory storage and efficient in terms of communication complexity.  相似文献   
The drawback of the first asynchronous proactive RSA scheme presented by Zhou in 2001, is that the security definition and security proof do not follow the approach of provable security. This paper presented a provably secure asynchronous proactive RSA scheme, which includes three protocols: initial key distribution protocol, signature generation protocol and share refreshing protocol. Taken these protocols together, a complete provably secure proactive RSA scheme was obtained. And the efficiency of the scheme is approximate to that of the scheme of Zhou.  相似文献   
How to Play E-Lottery Games via Voting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduction Lotteryisapopulargameintherealworld.Howtoplayalotteryincyberspacehasreceived muchattention.E-lotteryisconvenientsinceplay-erscanpurchasethetickets,andobservethegen-erationoftheluckynumberovertheInternet.Manymethodstoprovidee-lotteryservicehave beenproposedintheliteratureinRefs.[1-6].The mainideaistousedelayingfunctionorweaklyse-cretbitcommitment(WSBC)tokeepthewinning numbersecretbeforethescheduledclosingtime.Inmoste-lotteryschemesaplayerpresentsaseed numberinhisticket.Thelucky…  相似文献   
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