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一、2019年工作回顾2019年珠江航运高质量发展,珠江黄金水道建设迈出了新的步伐。2019年,珠江水系内河货运量达到10亿吨,同比增长5.5%;港口货物吞吐量6.1亿吨,同比增长12.6%;集装箱吞吐量1400万TEU,同比增长13.4%;西江航运干线长洲船闸货物通过量达到1.45亿吨,同比增长10.3%;广东、广西通过琼州海峡进出海南岛旅客1500万人次,同比增长0.3%,车辆330万台次,同比增长0.2%,实航51500航次,同比增长1.5%。  相似文献   
沈阳市富民桥为跨径(89+242+89)m的折线形双塔单索面预应力混凝土斜拉桥,其主梁为三向预应力钢筋混凝土单箱三室近似三角形断面结构,采用活动支架法施工.介绍活动支架设计原理、构造特点,主梁施工的关键工序及工艺要点.  相似文献   
抚顺万新大桥为自锚式钢筋混凝土悬索桥。该桥采用85根Ф54mm的镀锌高强钢丝绳做主缆,主缆索股首尾相连形成环绕闭合结构。介绍了环绕闭合钢丝绳主缆无猫道施工方法、钢丝绳主缆安装过程中主缆相对位置的固定、边跨内主缆的自由旋转、主缆索股接头的排列、索股下料误差的解决等关键问题及处理方法。  相似文献   
The stiffness has a large influence on the behavior of soils. Its value is affected by some of the soils properties, such as the over consolidated ratio(OCR), the effective normal stress, and the plasticity index etc. In this paper, the numerical modeling of soft soils was carried out using an improved elasto-plastic S-clay1 model accounting for degradation of stiffness. The relation between the stiffness and the shear strain was established based on a large number of experimental data. The effects of strain-dependent stiffness of normally consolidated soils and over consolidated soils on the stress-strain behavior were studied through a comparison of the simulations with the experimental results of undrained triaxial compression tests. The results show that the behaviors of soils can be well predicted with the improved constitutive model, particularly before the peak stress.  相似文献   
采用灰色系统理论计算模型GM(1,1)对8个高性能混凝土实体构件的碳化深度进行了建模计算,计算龄期分别为28,60,90,740 d和14年,并根据灰色模型模拟计算的误差变化规律,给出了非等间隔数据序列的转换、优化数据序列边界和优化数据序列参数等建模基本方法。将计算结果与8个构件实测碳化深度进行比较,验证了灰色系统理论计算模型的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   
在桥梁静动载试验时,如何减小应变测试中的各种干扰因素,提高检测效率和测量数据的可信度,是长期以来工程师们一直在苦苦探索的问题.本文介绍了一种可装配式结构应变测量传感器,成功地应用在了多座桥梁的静动载试验中,有效地解决了桥梁静动载试验应变测量时遇到的一系列问题,大幅度提高了现场工作效率和应变测量数据的可靠性.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an overview of numerical simulation methods for the flow around typical underwater vehicles at high Reynolds numbers, which highlights the dominant flow structures in different regions of interest. This overview covers the forebody, midbody, stern, wake region, and appendages and summarizes flow phenomena, including laminar-to-turbulent transition, turbulent boundary layers, flow under the influence of curvatures, wake interactions, and all associated complex vortex str...  相似文献   
介绍了矩阵变换器(MC)的优点,在此基础上分析单相矩阵变换器的工作原理、拓扑结构及推导过程,并基于Simulink进行仿真研究.以此来证明这种变换器的优点.通过仿真结果,发现这种交-交变换器具有输出频率连续可调、输出电压波形存在畸变,但在一定范围内连续可调、输入输出电流较接近正弦波等优点,发展前景大,值得进一步研究.  相似文献   
详细叙述了科技论文摘要的写作方法、技巧和注意事项.指出了目前摘要写作中普遍存在的问题以及不重视摘要写作带来的负面的影响.旨在提高年轻作者摘要的写作水平.  相似文献   
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