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针对高速列车驶出兰新第二双线特有防风明洞工程时存在突变气动载荷,探讨了抗侧滚扭杆对国内某型高速列车抗倾覆安全性的影响.采用日本Yu Hibino详细解析式方法,针对国内某型高速列车建立其车辆倾覆受力及倾覆力学模型,对车速、风速和风向角变化时,抗侧滚扭杆对该型高速列车的倾覆系数和侧滚角等的影响进行了计算研究.分析结果表明:抗侧滚扭杆有效改善了该型高速列车的抗倾覆性能.增设抗侧滚扭杆后,车辆倾覆系数降低约10%,侧滚角降低约75%. 相似文献
铁路科技管理信息系统的开发 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
阐述铁路科技管理信息系统开发的必要性及其开发前提与原则,论述该系统的组成与硬件结构. 相似文献
桥梁工程结构的减震隔震设计多采用增加阻尼和被动控制的思想与方法,即通过消能来达到减震抗震的目的。以宜万铁路叶溪河大桥为例,阐述了减震隔震的设计方法以及支座施工应注意的事项。 相似文献
上午8点50许.在宁夏石嘴山市石炭井矿区301省道74km处发生一起两车相撞交通事故。据悉,事发时晁某驾驶车号为宁B89831重型自卸货车行驶至301省道石炭井矿区供电队门口弯道时.因路面结冰采取制动措施不当致使车辆发生侧滑.与对面驶来的单某驾驶的宁B21851轻型货车相撞.致使两车不同程度损坏.所幸未造成人员受伤。 相似文献
不同掺量硅藻土改性沥青的三大指标对比试验结果表明,掺加硅藻土对于沥青的感温性、高温稳定性有所改善,改善效果随掺量增加而提高;不同掺量的硅藻土改性沥青PI值比基质沥青明显有增大趋势,当量软化点T800较基质有所升高,当量脆点T1,2降低,并且都在11%-12%处出现峰值,表明掺量在11%~12%之间温度敏感性较低。 相似文献
WIT Electronic Fuel System Co., Ltd. has developed a new fuel injector, the Electronic In-line Pump (EIP) system, designed to meet China's diesel engine emission and fuel economy regulations. It can be used on marine diesel engines and commercial vehicle engines through different EIP systems. A numerical model of the EIP system was built in the AMESim environment for the purpose of creating a design tool for engine application and system optimization. The model was used to predict key injection characteristics under different operating conditions, such as injection pressure, injection rate, and injection duration. To validate these predictions, experimental tests were conducted under the conditions that were modeled. The results were quite encouraging and in agreement with model predictions. Additional experiments were conducted to study the injection characteristics of the EIP system. These results show that injection pressure and injection quantity are insensitive to injection timing variations, this is due to the design of the constant velocity cam profile. Finally, injection quantity and pressure vs. pulse width at different cam speeds are presented, an important injection characteristic for EIP system calibration. 相似文献
船舶超谐共振响应运动 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
由于船舶阻尼系数和恢复力矩的非线性,船舶大幅运动时横摇和纵摇耦合。各类船舶的纵摇固有频率接近横摇固有频率的两倍,存在基于动力学理论的2;1的内共振关系。本文考虑大幅波浪激励,建立了船舶横摇与纵摇耦合的非线性运动方程,针对纵摇和横摇频率存在2:1内共振关系以及波浪遭遇频率Ω等于1/4倍纵摇固有频率,采用多惊讶方法,求出了运动方程的摄动解,得到了横摇与纵摇超谐运动的时间历程响应,分析了产生超谐共振的条件。研究表明,在大幅波浪激励下,船舶将出现超谐共振响应,其运动特征是:横摇运动和纵摇运动均为两个不同频率谐波的迭加。横摇响应包括波浪遭遇频率谐波和横摇固有频率谐波;纵摇包括波浪遭遇频率谐波和纵摇固有频率谐波。两个谐波响应的迭加,使横摇和纵摇运动响应显著增加,并且横摇运动不再左右对称,针对算例进行了超谐运动响应计算,计算结果与本文的理论分析结论完全吻合。 相似文献