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通行能力预测是公路设施规划、设计与运营中的基础环节.本文基于埃及曼努菲亚省12条农村双车道路段数据,研究了公路线形等几何特征对通行能力的影响以及线形由切线变为平曲线时通行能力的损失.所选取的路段线形包括直线和随后的平曲线.同时,采集了各路段上车流量及速度数据,利用基于基本图的外推法研究流量和密度关系.路段上不同车型的车辆均转换为小客车当量.此外,针对不同情形(切线、平曲线及对应流量损失),分别建立了最佳回归模型.结果表明,切线型道路的关键自变量是路宽、肩宽以及切线长;平曲线道路的关键变量是曲线半径和路宽.通行能力和几何特征关系最佳模型的自变量为曲线半径.本文的模型可用于分析评价农村双车道道路的通行能力,尤其是评价文中所研究路段的通行能力.  相似文献   

In an efficient transportation system, traffic safety is an important issue and it is influenced by many factors. In a country like Iran, until now safety improvements are mainly concentrated on road engineering activities, without much attention for vehicle technology or driving behaviour. One important aspect of road safety engineering activities is the so‐called treatment of hotspots or dangerous accident locations. Until recently, accident hotspots were identified and remedied by the esxperts’ personal judgements and a handful of statistics without taking into account other important factors such as geometric and traffic conditions of the road network. This paper therefore aims to define and identify the criteria for accident hotspots, then giving a value to each criterion in order to develop a model to prioritize accident hotspots when traffic accident data is not available. To do this, the ‘Delphi’ method has been adopted and a prioritization model is produced by the use of a ‘Multiple Criteria Decision‐Making’ method. The procedure is illustrated on a collection of 20 road sections in Iran. In addition, the model is validated against an existing database of road sections containing safe locations and hotspots. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is carried out on the proposed method.  相似文献   
Taxi khattee is a fixed route unregulated shared taxi. It is a very common mode of transportation in Iran. Fixed route, unscheduled operation, open, unlimited pick‐up and drop‐off locations, and share ride are common features of taxi khattees. Low passenger capacity and working in high demand corridors provides for the possibility of high service frequencies any time of the day. Taxi khattees are similar to jitneys, which are obsolete or illegal in many countries. The aim of this research is to design transit network of an area using taxi khattees in addition to buses. The methodology employed in this paper simultaneously considers the costs to the users and operators on the one hand, and those of the public non‐users on the other hand. Taxi khattees are used in the design of a multimodal network along with buses to characterize the appropriate economic domain for their use. Moreover, their operation indices are compared against those of buses. A sensitivity analysis is carried out on various performance measures. Results show taxi khattees should be used in areas where population density is low, work force is inexpensive, social costs are not considered in fare calculation, and users' value of time is high. The study contradicts the common belief that since taxi khattees provide a high frequency compared to buses, they are economically plausible to use in a transit fleet. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Najmi  Ali  Rashidi  Taha H.  Miller  Eric J. 《Transportation》2019,46(5):1915-1950

Calibration of a transport planning model system is a complex process. While trial-and-error methods and modelling expertise are still the backbone of calibration of transport models, analytical approaches automating the calibration process can improve the accuracy of the models. Introducing a model to guide modellers in the calibration process of large-scale transport planning model systems is the core of this study, where a systematic model for choosing the most appropriate models and parameters is discussed. The effectiveness of the proposed model is investigated by comparing three scenarios which are built on the Travel/Activity Scheduler for Household Agents model as a large-scale agent-based model system.

Transportation - Considerable recent work suggests that Millennials’ behaviors may be converging with those of Generation X as they enter later life stages, but few have investigated whether...  相似文献   
In this study, we focused on a novel parallel mechanism for utilizing the motion simulator of a high-speed boat (HSB). First, we expressed the real behavior of the HSB based on a seakeeping trial. For this purpose, we recorded the motion parameters of the HSB by gyroscope and accelerometer sensors, while using a special data acquisition technique. Additionally, a Chebychev high-pass filter was applied as a noise filter to the accelerometer sensor. Then, a novel 3 degrees of freedom (DoF) parallel mechanism (1T2R) with prismatic actuators is proposed and analyses were performed on its inverse kinematics, velocity, and acceleration. Finally, the inverse dynamic analysis is presented by the principle of virtual work, and the validation of the analytical equations was compared by the ADAMS simulation software package. Additionally, according to the recorded experimental data of the HSB, the feasibility of the proposed novel parallel mechanism motion simulator of the HSB, as well as the necessity of using of the washout filters, was explored.  相似文献   
The high temperature gradients experienced during fusion welding lead to a local dilatation and metallurgical transformations that generate inhomogeneous plastic deformation, residual stresses and distortions in the welded parts which can affect the service life of the structures. To predict such residual stresses and distortions, finite element analysis is nowadays widely used. This work reports a 3D finite element model for welding simulation. The proposed model is based on semi coupled thermo-mechanical analysis using a double ellipsoidal model of heat source. Firstly, a disk heated in its central zone is investigated. Secondly the validation concerns the simulation of a fully 3D two pass butt weld. The idea in this work concerns the calibration of the heat source parameters with the help of the inverse analysis to improve the heat flow predictions. For the stress analysis, an annealing temperature is introduced to force the material to lose its hardening memory above a given temperature. The predicted residual stresses as well as the predicted distortions are found to be sensitive to the annealing temperature.  相似文献   
矩量法计算半波振子天线电流分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矩量法是求解电磁场问题的一种主要方法,其地位在电磁辐射与天线工程中更是突出。研究矩量法在求解积分方程中的应用之一一求解细直半波对称振子天线的电流分布,讨论矩量法的基本思想、主要的应用步骤,计算半波对称振子天线的电流分布和输入阻抗,证明对于细直振子天线应用矩量法分析可以得到较好的结果,该方法可推广应用于其他类型线天线的分析。  相似文献   
A flow field around a streamlined body at an intermediate angle of incidence is dominated by cross-flow separation and vortical flow fields. The separated flow leads to a pair of vortices on the leeside of the body; therefore, it is essential to accurately determine this pair and estimate its size and location. This study utilizes the element-based finite volume method based on RANS equations to compute a 3D axisymmetric flow around a SUBOFF bare submarined hull. Cross-flow vortex structures are then numerically simulated and compared for a submarine with SUBOFF and DRDC STR bows. Computed results of pressure and shear stress distribution on the hull surface and the strength and locations of the vortex structures are presented at an intermediate incidence angle of 20°. A wind tunnel experiment is also conducted to experimentally visualize the vortex structures and measure their core locations. These experimental results are compared with the numerical data, and a good agreement is found.  相似文献   
The use of remote terminals to relieve airport congestion leads rather naturally to queueing systems with batch arrivals occuring at fixed time intervals to a multiple server service facility. In this paper arrival point steady-state solutions to the D[X]/M/c queueing system are presented. Solution of the steady-state equation WP = W and Neuts' method of solving the GI[X]/M/c system are used to obtain steady-state system size densities. Results obtained using the two methods are compared with each other as well as with simulation results.  相似文献   
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