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文章主要介绍的是重卡新能源高压线束工艺分解过程中,对于原材料选型、屏蔽层的处理以及导线对插接器防水性能的影响进行简单分析,简明扼要地阐述了高压线加工的难点,为线束工艺设计人员提供一些参考.  相似文献   
王武  葛阳 《汽车实用技术》2021,46(8):124-127
螺栓的拧紧工艺在机械制造业中非常常见,其应用极其广泛,操作规范性和使用可靠性是其最大的优势.在制造业中,各种零部件的连接组装,都离不开螺栓拧紧.先进的制造工艺需要自动的拧紧工具,随着工业自动化水平的不断提高,拧紧技术不断向标准化,智能化,互联化方面发展,利用控制技术对工业装配过程进行管理和指导.文章以整车装配过程中关键...  相似文献   
随着新能源汽车行业快速发展,电动汽车充电功能及安全问题受到广泛关注。结合新能源汽车充电大数据可视化系统,从用户类型、车辆类型、充电方式、地域分布维度进行交叉分析,洞察用户充电行为统计分布规律;通过数据分析驱动充电安全设计,并结合数据资源和大数据分析技术,挖掘数据背后蕴藏的丰富价值,以改善当前新能源汽车充电问题和促进新能源汽车产业发展。  相似文献   
在不改变YC6A220C柴油机结构和参数的基础上,从排气管道引出高温尾气裂解甲醇气进入柴油机进气管进行混合燃烧,研究了共轨燃烧甲醇裂解气时YC6A220C柴油机的燃烧排放特性.结果表明,与原机相比,燃用预混裂解气的发动机动力性基本无变化,经济性有所提高,在掺烧比为1.5%~6%时,各种负荷下节油可达4%~8%;在高负荷时,NOx排放可降低32.4%,碳烟排放可降低41.6%,HC排放也有明显降低.  相似文献   
对5辆满足国Ⅳ排放标准的不同汽油车进行了NEDC循环下的排放试验.结果表明,在机外净化方面,催化转化器具有较好的排放控制效果;在机内净化方面,缸内直喷式(CDI)汽油车HC和CO的排放小于进气管喷射式(PFI)汽油车,但NOx排放相对较高;两种喷油方式汽油车平均粒径小于1 um的颗粒物数量均超过了排放总量的95%;试验车在过渡工况占多数的市区运转循环下排放恶化,而在等速工况占多数的市郊运转循环下排放较好.  相似文献   
对比分析了欧洲、瑞典及美国关于商用车驾驶室强度试验要求的国际法规,针对我国采用的现行欧洲法规ECE R29-02中正面摆锤撞击试验及180°滚翻顶盖准静压试验与实际车辆碰撞事故不符之处,解析了现行ECE R29-02与其修订案ECE R29-03的差异,并进一步研究分析了修订案ECE R29-03新增加的正面A柱摆锤撞击试验、驾驶室侧面摆锤20°撞击试验.  相似文献   
针对交通行业生产、运输中的公共突发事件,提出一套适用于公共突发事件交通应急处理的辅助软件系统。为了实现高内聚低耦合的软件设计思想,提高软件的可维护和可扩充性,使用了MVC的设计模式来实现这一目标。  相似文献   
通过分析汽车企业知识产权管理现状,结合企业知识产权管理的基本内容和汽车企业知识产权管理的特点,提出汽车企业知识产权管理体系构建流程、构建难点以及构建要点。针对汽车产业的特殊性,给出知识产权管理在战略制定、基础管理和资源管理方面的建议,以期指导汽车企业以知识产权管理为支撑,做好知识产权高质量创造、高水平保护和高效益运用,赋能汽车产业发展。  相似文献   
Wang Zhihao 《运输评论》2013,33(2):171-182

Bicycles are a main means of transport in China. This paper discusses several aspects of the current situation and future policy, including the production of bicycles, their possession and utilization in typical large cities, the reasons for their importance in communication, the advantages and problems of bicycle traffic, and two different opinions on solving the existing problems. The paper also deals with road design for bicycles and their regulation in China's cities.  相似文献   
Carpooling in the US has a storied history. After experiencing a peak 20% mode share in 1980, the current share of carpooling for work trips is about 10% and the majority of these carpooling trips are made by intra-household members. Casting the choice between SOV and carpool as a social dilemma in which SOV is a noncooperative choice and carpool is a cooperative one, we propose to test two hypotheses. First, the switch from SOV to carpool and the reverse choice are attributed to different factors—structural factors, or those factors altering the objective features of a decision scenario such as travel time and travel cost, play a dominant role in the switch from carpool to SOV while psychosocial factors (attitudes and beliefs) play a critical role in the switch from SOV to carpool. Second, the two choices are underlay by different behavioral mechanisms. In particular, we expect self-justification by carpool-to-SOV switchers—after they switch from carpool to SOV, they adjusted their attitudes toward carpool accordingly to match their behavior. The analysis of the first three waves of the Puget Sound Transportation Panel supports these two hypotheses. Our study results recommend developing programs and policies that aim at influencing people’s subjective assessments of carpooling, in addition to the existing ones that mostly focus on incentivizing carpooling, and differentiating between programs seeking to encourage SOV users to switch to carpool and those aiming to maintain existing carpoolers.  相似文献   
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