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Two semi-logarithmic regression models are developed to estimate accident rates and accident costs, respectively, for rural non-interstate highways in the state of Iowa. Data on 21,224 accidents occurring between 1989 and 1991 on 17,767 road segments are used in the analysis. Seven road attributes of these road segments are included as predictor variables. Applying the resulting regression models to a rather typical highway upgrade situation, the present value of the accident cost saving is computed. The sensitivity of the estimated cost saving to values for fatal, personal injury, and property damage only accidents is tested.Because factors other than road characteristics greatly influence accident costs, the models developed in this research explain a limited amount of the variance in these costs among road segments. Results of the analysis indicate that the most important attribute associated with accident costs is average daily traffic per lane, followed by conditions requiring passing restrictions and the sharpness of curves. Varying the values for the three categories of accidents shows that results are far more sensitive to the value of personal injuries than fatalities. The feasibility of using predictive models of accident costs in benefit-cost analyses of highway investments is demonstrated.  相似文献   
When a “new” alternative is introduced, post-estimation, into a logit model, analysis initially exclude an ASC or occasionally assume a correspondence with an existing alternative. Using a recent data set for mode and route choice, the paper highlights the forecasting implications of ignoring the ASC in the utility expression of a “new” alternative, and how sensitive the market shares are to the inclusion/ exclusion of the ASC.  相似文献   
The distribution of freight is a major contributor to the levels of traffic congestion in cities. However it is much neglected in the research and planning activities of government, where the focus is disproportionately on passenger vehicle movements. Despite the recent recognition of the contribution of freight transportation to the performance of urban areas under the rubric of city logistics, we see a void in the study of how the stakeholders in the supply chain might cooperate through participation in distribution networks, to reduce the costs associated with traffic congestion. Given that transport costs are typically over 45 of all distribution costs, with congestion a major contributor in the urban setting, the importance of establishing ways in which supply chain partnerships might cooperate to reduce levels of freight vehicle movements has much merit. This paper sets out a framework to investigate how agents in a retail supply chain might interact more effectively to reduce the costs of urban freight distribution. We propose an interactive agency choice method as a way of formalising a framework for studying the preferences of participants in the supply chain to support specific policy initiatives. Such a framework is a powerful way of investigating the behavioural response of each agent to many policies, including congestion pricing, as a way of improving the efficient flow of traffic in cities.  相似文献   
集装箱贸易显著的增长不仅表现在集装箱船队的总箱数已超过1100万箱,还表现在船的大小上。今天使用中的最大的集装箱船已超过1万箱。  相似文献   
Estimation of global and regional air–sea fluxes of climatically important gases is a key goal of current climate research programs. Gas transfer velocities needed to compute these fluxes can be estimated by combining altimeter-derived mean square slope with an empirical relation between transfer velocity and mean square slope derived from field measurements of gas fluxes and small-scale wave spectra [Frew, N.M., Bock, E.J., Schimpf, U., Hara, T., Hauβecker, H., Edson, J.B., McGillis, W.R., Nelson, R.K., McKenna, S.P., Uz, B.M., Jähne, B., 2004. Air–sea gas transfer: Its dependence on wind stress, small-scale roughness and surface films, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C08S17, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002131.]. We previously reported initial results from a dual-frequency (Ku- and C-band) altimeter algorithm [Glover, D.M., Frew, N.M., McCue, S.J., Bock, E.J., 2002. A Multi-year Time Series of Global Gas Transfer Velocity from the TOPEX Dual Frequency, Normalized Radar Backscatter Algorithm, In: Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, editors: Donelan, M., Drennan, W., Saltzman, E., and Wanninkhof, R., Geophysical Monograph 127, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 325–331.] for estimating the air–sea gas transfer velocity (k) from the mean square slope of short wind waves (40–100 rad/m) and derived a 6-year time series of global transfer velocities based on TOPEX observations. Since the launch of the follow-on altimeter Jason-1 in December 2001 and commencement of the TOPEX/Jason-1 Tandem Mission, we have extended this time series to 12 years, with improvements to the model parameters used in our algorithm and using the latest corrected data releases. The prospect of deriving multi-year and interdecadal time series of gas transfer velocity from TOPEX, Jason-1 and follow-on altimeter missions depends on precise intercalibration of the normalized backscatter. During the Tandem Mission collinear phase, both satellites followed identical orbits with a mere 73-s time separation. The resulting collocated, near-coincident normalized radar backscatter (σ°) data from both altimeters present a unique opportunity to intercalibrate the two instruments, compare derived fields of transfer velocity and estimate the precision of the algorithm. Initial results suggest that the monthly gas transfer velocity fields generated from the two altimeters are very similar. Comparison of along-track Ku-band and C-band σ° during the collinear phase indicates that observed discrepancies are due primarily to small offsets between TOPEX and Jason-1 σ°. The Jason-1 k values have an apparent bias of + 4% relative to TOPEX, while the precision estimated from the two observation sets is 5–7% and scales with k. The resultant long-term, global, mean k is 16 cm/h.  相似文献   
A series of experiments were conducted at University of Delaware's Air–Sea Interaction Laboratory to examine the combined effects of rain and wind on air–water gas exchange. During this study, ASIL WRX I, a combination of 3 rain rates and 4 wind speeds were used, for a total of 12 different environmental conditions. The SF6 evasion method was used to determine the bulk gas transfer velocities, and airside profiles of wind and CO2 were used to estimate flux–profiles of momentum and carbon dioxide. In addition to measurements of fluxes with and without rain in a wind–wave boundary layer, measurements of wave properties were also obtained. Rain is shown to alter the wind profile in the flume, and dampen surface waves. Also, SF6 evasion indicates that with the present experimental setup, for most of the experimental conditions, rain and wind combine linearly to influence air–water gas exchange. Flux–profile relationships for marine atmospheric boundary layers, which were performed to scale up to field measurements, were explored by a comparison between SF6-derived bulk fluxes and airside CO2 profile measurements.  相似文献   
顾建舟 《上海造船》2006,(2):10-11,15
所谓标准,有一个定义就是:它们是在实践中用来衡量性能或确定和控制质量水平的各种技术规定或准则。标准可以是强制性的,也可以是自愿的。标准应当是清楚明白、均衡合理及协调一致的。标准的制订,被看作是弥合技能或品质差距的最有效途径。规定明确的各项标准,必须处理好所有利  相似文献   
车轴轴承内圈“蠕变”现象会导致内圈绕着车轴“旋转,”它是轴承磨损和发热的一个潜在的原因。人们仍不清楚内圈蠕变开始后车轴和轴承是如何迅速恶化的。文章用与实物等大的铁路车辆轴承在实验室进行了内圈蠕变仿真试验,调查了以内圈蠕变为起点的轴承损伤进程。试验结果揭示了轴承温度、振动以及车轴外径与内圈内径之间间隙的变化关系,并对内圈蠕变作出了预测。  相似文献   
Individual’s process the information in stated choice (SC) experiments in many different ways. In order to accommodate decisions rules that are used in processing information, there is good sense in conditioning the parameterisation of stated choice design attributes on these rules. In particular, rules might be invoked to cope with the dimensionality of the SC design. In this paper, we investigate the impact of rules such as attribute aggregation and reference dependency on preference profiles for specific design attributes, as well as the design specification, as we vary the dimensionality of an SC design. The heteroscedastic extreme value logit model is estimated to identify the role of design dimensionality and attribute processing rules, after accounting for scale differences across sixteen pooled data designs The empirical evidence, drawn from a study in Sydney of car commuter route choice, suggests that accounting for the way that stated choice designs are processed, given their dimensionality, does make a statistically significant difference on measures of willingness to pay, as does accounting for scale differences between pooled data designs. This evidence has practical value in guiding the design of SC experiments and in adjusting results from different SC designs when comparing the evidence. We propose a simple adjustment formula to use in adjusting VTTS from different studies so that they are comparable. From a practical policy perspective, the evidence sends a warning about the risk of undervaluing mean VTTS if the attribute processing rules are not accounted for.  相似文献   
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