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葛建明 《中国铁路》2006,(12):54-56
铁路跨越式发展战略的实施,需要一支业务素质强、具有创新精神的高级专业技术人才队伍。要实现铁道部人才队伍建设目标规划,必须制定切实可行的措施,逐步解决对高级专业技术人才的需求。要以提高创新能力和弘扬科学精神为核心,依托重大工程项目、重大科研项目、技术难题攻关,努力造就一支规模适当、结构合理、素质优良的高级专业技术人才队伍。同时,加强人才梯队的建设,加速高级专业技术人才的培养,引进短缺技术人才,营造适于高级专业技术人才成长的良好环境,使得人尽其才、才尽其用。  相似文献   
常导中低速磁悬浮列车受流方式选择及受流器结构设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对常导中低速磁浮列车的3种受流方式进行了分析比较,得出侧向受流方式是优选方案。提出一种新型的常导中低速磁浮列车侧向受流器设计方案,并分析了它的结构原理。  相似文献   
葛斌 《铁道通信信号》2006,42(10):31-33
目前铁路专用通信现状与铁路信息化之间存在差距,铁通公司应转变观念、优化网络、打造信息服务平台,针对如何建设铁路客户综合信息服务平台提出建议。  相似文献   
机车电器设备状态检测装置   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了一种机车电器设备状态检测装置,所使用的新型双微机系统,其前置机不配置人机对话设备.并从冗余、自校验、抗干扰等方面介绍了此装置的可靠性设计方法。  相似文献   
An upper-bound solution to the problem of plate tearing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An upper-bound solution is derived for the problem of the tearing of a metal plate by a rigid wedge. These newly proposed formulas, with no fracture parameters being used, provide an explanation to the problem of plate tearing, which is a phenomenon that occurs in the process of ship grounding. This paper starts with the proposition of a new kinematic model. Based on the fact that in many experiments there is no evidence of cracks extending ahead of the wedge tip, this new kinematic model assumes no separation between the wedge tip and the crack tip in the plate. Another characteristic of this model is that out-of-plane deformation is assumed for the region around the tip, which correlates well with the experimental observations. Rupture of the metal plate is assumed to occur ahead of the wedge tip due to ductile failure. In the case of longitudinally stiffened panels, an equivalent plate thickness is employed to take the effect of stiffeners into consideration. From comparisons of calculations with existing experimental results, it is clear that the present upper-bound solution is effective in predicting resistance force and energy absorption in the process of plate tearing, and that it can provide predictions that are close to those obtained from empirical formulas and from the theoretical formulas of Wierzbicki and Thomas, who assume that cracks run ahead of the wedge tip.  相似文献   
在低气压模拟试验台上进行了高压共轨柴油机模拟海拔5 000m环境的全因子试验.基于试验数据建立了转矩、燃油消耗率和排气温度的含4次交叉项的4阶多项式回归模型,其模型拟合残差率的绝对值均值分别为0.171%、0.140%和0.223%,表明模型具有较好的拟合能力.在此基础上,利用遗传算法优化获得了最佳喷油参数,实现了高压共轨柴油机基于模型的标定.  相似文献   
设计了面向规模示范运营的新能源汽车远程监控系统.为该系统提出了一种基于模型-视图-控制器(MVC)模式的程序设计方法,解决了新能源汽车规模示范运营所面临的大量汽车实时运营参数监控收集、车辆管理和示范运营展示等问题.该系统在2010年世博会期间投入使用,具有良好的扩展性、维护性和稳定性.  相似文献   
一种新型水下管道连接器的结构设计与优化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic configuration of a new type of subsea pipeline connector was proposed based on the press-fitting principle,and a parametric finite element model was created using APDL language in ANSYS.Combining the finite element model and optimization technology,the dimension optimization aiming at obtaining the minimum loading force and the optimum sealing performance was designed by the zero order optimization method.Experiments of the optimized connector were carried out.The results indicate that the optimum structural design significantly improved the indicators of the minimum loading force and sealing performance of the connector.  相似文献   
对客船上的空气污染物进行分析,主要包括来自室内的挥发性有机物和病原微生物,以及来自室外的固体颗粒物.对纤维过滤器、活性炭过滤器、静电过滤器、紫外线灯和光催化净化器等5种空气净化设备进行介绍,并分析空气净化技术在客船空调通风系统(Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning,HVAC)...  相似文献   
低温、钾通道开放剂停搏对幼兔心肌的保护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨以钾通道开放剂(PCOs)取代传统的高钾用作停搏剂时对未成熟心肌的保护效果,以及低温与PCOs之间的关系。方法32颗未成年(14-28 d兔龄)兔心进行Langendoff模型缺血/再灌注研究:对照组(C组,n=8),改良St.Thomas液灌注心脏停跳,15℃保存;实验Ⅰ组(T1组,n=8),单纯低温心脏自然停跳,15℃保存;实验Ⅱ组(T2组,n=8),4℃Pinacidil(50μmol/L)液灌注停跳,15℃保存;实验Ⅲ组(T3组,n=8),37℃Pinacidil(50μmol/L)液灌注停跳,37℃常温保存。观察缺血前后心功能(左心室收缩峰压、舒张末压、最大压力变化速率)、冠状动脉流量、生化指标、心肌含水量、心肌超微结构等的改变。结果T2组左室功能和冠脉流量的恢复均优于另外3组(P<0.01),而在左室收缩功能的恢复方面,T1组优于C组(P<0.05),T1组与T3组间无明显差异(P>0.05);再灌注后心肌酶外漏及超微结构改变以T2组最为轻微,T3组最重;心肌含水量各组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论PCOs超极化停搏液对未成熟心肌的保护效果明显优于高钾停搏液;单纯低温即能对未成熟心肌提供良好的保护作用;低温与超极化停搏之间的作用互相增强,但高钾去极化停搏削弱低温对未成熟心肌的保护作用。  相似文献   
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