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在BOT的交通基础设施建设模式下,转交政府相关部门后的基础设施从会计学的角度而言已经摊销完毕,但是从经济学角度而言。这些公共基础项目仍然发挥作用.产生着经济效益。对在役桥梁进行剩余价值分析,对于路政部门加强桥梁维护维修、加固甚至新建等决策管理都有实际意义。基于可靠度理论提出了一种折旧方法并用其进行剩余价值计算,为公共项目建设宏观经济的成本分析提供一种量化的工具。  相似文献   
郭磊  王建强  李克强 《汽车工程》2007,29(5):372-376,400
为避免道路上行驶的其它车辆对车道线识别的干扰,提出了一种结合车辆识别的车道线识别方法。融合雷达数据,车辆识别模块首先在图像中识别出车辆占据的区域;对于每一个车道线识别模块挑出的车道线候选点进行判断,去除处于车辆区域的车道线点;如果有效车道线点数目不足,则利用卡尔曼滤波的跟踪结果,确定符合最小风险函数的车道线位置。经过多种工况下的试验验证,该方法能够稳定地对车道线进行识别,准确地提取车道线参数,并且算法对车辆干扰有良好的抵抗能力。  相似文献   
A modified Kik–Piotrowski (MKP) model is proposed in this paper for an accurate and robust calculation of wheel–rail normal contact problem. The presented method is able to consider the relationship between the elastic deformation of a line and the normal pressure distribution within the contact patch. A novel shape correction method is put forward to correctly describe the elastic deformation of the contact patch. Taking the results estimated by Kalker’s variational method and Kik–Piotrowski method as references, the proposed method is validated by three contact cases, including the assumed standardised non-Hertzian contact and the two-point contact, as well as the contact behaviours based on three actual wheel–rail profiles. The simulation results indicate that, compared with Kik–Piotrowski method, the proposed MKP method achieves better agreement with Kalker’s variational method. Moreover, the MKP method can avoid the abrupt change of wheel–rail normal force due to the sudden transfer of the contact point, which contributes to a better computational stability.  相似文献   
针对基于模型的视觉里程计在光照条件恶劣的情况下存在鲁棒性差、回环检测准确率低、动态场景中精度不够、无法对场景进行语义理解等问题,利用深度学习可以弥补其不足。首先,简略介绍了基于模型的里程计的研究现状,然后对比了常用的智能车数据集,将基于深度学习的视觉里程计分为有监督学习、无监督学习和模型法与深度学习结合3种,从网络结构、输入和输出特征、鲁棒性等方面进行分析,最后,讨论了基于深度学习的智能车辆视觉里程计研究热点,从视觉里程计在动态场景的鲁棒性优化、多传感器融合、场景语义分割3个方面对智能车辆视觉里程计技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
京津城际轨道交通工程天津段广泛分布软土,土体含水量大、孔隙比大,在路堤及列车荷载作用下沉降较大.为满足无砟轨道对路基工后沉降的要求,开展了路基工后沉降专项研究.文中在修正剑桥模型基础上,从三轴试验中得到试验曲线,为剑桥模型提供必要的参数.通过改造三轴仪进行K30固结试验,并与普通三轴试验数据综合分析,提高了试验精度并优化了模型参数,为剑桥模型在高速铁路路基工后沉降计算方面的研究提供了可靠的参数.  相似文献   
影响驾驶员主观感觉的车辆运动量有很多,为研究驾驶员主观感觉与车辆客观运动量之间的关系,需要大量的试验样本,而在实际中往往很难实现.本文采用级别相当的两辆车,通过改变轮胎型号、胎压及配重质量等方法衍生出16种车型,完成相关的客观试验.利用丰成分分析方法,对所提出的客观指标做降维处理,从而降低主、客观一致性研究对试验样本量的要求,为主客观评价体系的一致性研究打下了基础.  相似文献   
在分析汽车发动机点火系统电磁干扰产生机理的基础上,对干扰抑制措施进行了研究.在所搭建的点火系统电磁兼容试验台架上,对部分抑制措施进行了试验验证.结果表明,采用阻值较大及阻尼电阻长度较长的火花塞、在点火线圈的初级和次级绕组间加入屏蔽层,以及采用滤波器等可有效提高汽车发动机点火系统的电磁兼容性能.  相似文献   
铁路路基病害无损检测的探地雷达信号分析与处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为消除钢轨和轨枕对铁路路基病害检测的探地雷达信号的影响,提高实测剖面的检测能力,基于对两种干扰源在实测剖面上的时频分布特征分析,通过改进探地雷达天线的方式实现了对钢轨反射信号的屏蔽,采用预测反褶积和带通滤波相结合的方式,消除了轨枕形成的多次反射波对有效信号的干扰。去噪处理后的实测剖面可清楚显示翻浆冒泥等路基病害在基床、道碴层中的空间分布。  相似文献   
Mixture faults detection is meaningful for gasoline engines because proper mixture is the basic prerequisite for healthy running of a combustion engine. Among existing methods for faults detection, the data-driven trend analysis technique is widely used due to the simplicity and efficiency in time-domain. The CUSUM (Cumulative Sum Of Errors) algorithm is good at real-time trend extraction, but it’s easy to be costly on the fuel trim signal during the engine in normal working conditions, which will increase battery energy consumption because engine failure is rarely occurs. Hence, the conventional treatment methods of artifacts in the CUSUM algorithm are modified by means of decay function and detection time analysis. The thresholds are tuned according to the characteristics of artifacts instead of residual variability, which leads to better results of trend extraction and less computation. Then, the revised CUSUM algorithm is used for monitoring the mixture abnormal behaviors, and the mixture faults can be detected in real time through analyzing the variation features of fuel trim signal. The lightweight faults detector using the advanced CUSUM algorithm (FD-A-CUSUM) is evaluated on the experimental data collected from a Ford engine. The validation results show that while engine works under normal conditions, the computation of FD-A-CUSUM has decreased by 72.79 % in comparison with the detection method using the original CUSUM algorithm (FD-O-CUSUM), and the false alarm ratio of FD-A-CUSUM is 3.37 %. Futhermore, the detection results of FD-A-CUSUM for two leakage faults have achieved 91.18 % test accuracy.  相似文献   
针对8 m和25 m 2种墩高的单线铁路简支梁桥,研究跨数对中间桥墩地震响应的影响程度。采用OpenSEES程序,分别建立2跨,4跨,6跨和8跨共4种不同跨数的桥梁有限元模型。通过不同方向、不同烈度的地震动作用下地震响应的对比分析,确定跨数对中间桥墩地震响应的影响程度。研究结果表明:在纵向地震动作用下,中间桥墩地震响应随跨数的增加而增加,并在跨数多于4跨时增加趋势变缓;在横向地震动作用下,中间桥墩地震响应随跨数的增加而先增加后减小,并在跨数为4跨时达到最大值。以上趋势随着墩高和地震烈度的增加而减小,但在桥墩屈服前后略有波动。因此,在进行单线铁路简支梁桥的普通高度桥墩地震响应分析时,为了同时提高计算精度和计算效率,建模跨数以4跨为宜。  相似文献   
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