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Strain invariant failure theory (SIFT) is a micro-mechanics-based failure theory for multi-scale failure analysis of composite materials originally proposed by Gosse and Christensen. In this paper, the approach for obtaining strain amplification matrix which is a key step for the execution of SIFT is improved by adopting representative volume element (RVE) finite element models considering periodical boundary condition, based on which more actual deformation mode is reflected. The deformation modes and strain data at the characteristic points of the centroid cell of multi-cell RVE model are analyzed and taken as a reference. It can be concluded that more reasonable deformation mode and relationship between the micro-mechanical and macro-mechanical strain states are obtained by employing the new model. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the determination of strain amplification factors within the RVEs considering periodical boundary condition at the characteristic points.  相似文献   
The rate equations and the power evolution equations based on excited state absorption (ESA) and cooperative upconversion (CUC) of high concentration erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) transparent ceramic waveguide amplifier are set up to analyze the effects of the pump power, active ion concentration and waveguide length on the amplifier gain and noise figure (NF). The numerical analysis predicts that with a pump power of 100mW, an active ion concentration of 1.0×1026 ion/m3 and a waveguide length of 3 cm, a small-signal gain of 30 dB and an NF of 5 dB can be achieved in the micro-chip amplifier.  相似文献   
新能源汽车具有能源利用效率高、环境污染小、适用清洁能源种类多、噪声低、方便保养、安全性高等优点,成为未来公共交通发展的重点方向。为了实现更高的信息化程度,为国内大型城市的新能源公交车辆的规模化应用提供便利,相关的信息化系统平台的建设非常重要。大数据技术为新能源公交车辆决策支持平台建立了数据分析与应用基础,该大数据决策支持平台能够存储、处理来自不同数据源的多维数据,利用联机分析处理实现多维度数据分析,运用数据挖掘技术利用新能源公交车辆信息,提供新能源车辆充电决策、充电场地建设决策、电池容量及衰退分析等功能。  相似文献   
航空业的迅猛发展,在带来巨大经济、社会效益的同时,也造成日益严重的噪声污染.为缓解机场周边噪声问题,贯彻"绿色飞行"理念,本文从飞行程序优化和飞行架次调整两方面进行航空器离场噪声控制研究.采用计权等效连续感觉噪声级为评价指标,应用累积事件噪声计算模型,以广州白云机场为例,绘制噪声等值线图,计算噪声影响面积,分析噪声控制效果及原因.结果表明,CCO减噪程序和飞行架次调整两种方法均可有效减少噪声影响面积,但噪声控制方法各有利弊,实践过程中应扬长避短灵活运用.  相似文献   
特殊的空间形态、稀缺的贯通性轴向道路资源以及高度混合的内外交通导致带型城市面临独特的交通问题。从城市空间形态角度出发,采用聚类分析法分析中国657个设市城市,据此界定带型城市为建成区长宽比大于3的城市。并对带型城市(组团)的交通需求、路网布局、道路级配进行梳理,发现带型城市贯穿性长轴干线道路的数量、等级、分布对带型城市规模、形态以及交通组织具有重要作用,是带型城市路网规划的核心。最后,提出带型城市常用的三轴干线路网布局模式及相应的道路等级,可作为带型城市路网规划的参考依据。  相似文献   
成都公交集团(以下简称集团)党委认真贯彻落实新时代党的建设总要求和新时代党的组织路线,按照国有企业领导干部"二十字"标准,围绕市属国企坚持"三大定位"提升"六大能力"重点任务,聚力抓党建聚人心、强组织激活力,为企业深化改革创新发展提供组织保证和人才支撑.  相似文献   
A kind of new design method for two-degree-of-freedom(2DOF)PID regulator was presented,in which,a new global search heuristic--improved generalized extremal optimization(GEO)algorithm is applied to the parameter optimization design of 2DOF PID regulator.The simulated results show that very good dynamic response performance of both command tracking and disturbance rejection characteristics can be achieved simultaneously.At the same time,the comparisons of simulation results with the improved GA,the basic GEO and the improved GEO were given.From the comparisons,it is shown that the improved GEO algorithm is competitive in performance with the GA and basic GEO and is an attractive tool to be used in the design of two-degree-of-freedom PID regulator.  相似文献   
结合日照港的建设与发展以及港口"十一五"规划,研究分析港口工作船靠泊面临的突出问题,提出建设专用工作船泊位的必要性及建设方案。  相似文献   
水泥土掺石膏的室内试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对掺加石膏以及不加添加剂的水泥土,利用现场的淤泥质土作为养护环境,进行3种不同水泥的室内7、28和90d的无侧限抗压强度试验。室内试验研究结果表明:龄期是影响水泥土试块强度的主要因素之一;添加剂石膏在水泥掺量一定情况下,主要起到早强和减水的作用。  相似文献   
1问题的提出近年来,出于降低成本等因素的考虑,货主经由港口装卸的粮食类货物呈现出散装集港的趋势,这对港口的堆存及装卸作业提出了新的要求。由于我公司库场堆存条件有限,因此在某些时候对于部分散粮无法提供足够的堆存库容。然而,散粮类货物的堆存又具有防水湿、防霉变、透气性等方面的要求,一般不能直接落地露天堆存。针对这些问题,我们对散粮集疏港工艺进行了研究。  相似文献   
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