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Aiming at issues on multimedia communication in synchronous real-time teleteaching (SRT) systems over IP network, a 4-tuple structural mode of multimedia communication is proposed in the paper, and an SRT-oriented distributed MCU model is built according to the mode. Moreover, the mechanism of multicast communication across subnets is discussed. The distributed MCU model has been applied successfully in our interactive synchronous real-time telesteaching system RealClass and has shown good extendibility in operation.  相似文献   
Objective To realize accurate localization of moving vehicles from single monocular intensity image.Methods The new modified Hansdorff distance(M2HD) was adopted, which used dominant points instead of edge maps as features for measuring similarity between image and model projection. Modified simulated annealing (MSA) algorithm was used to find optimum localization parameters. Results M2HD reduces the computational complexity,and improves the matching precision. Furthermore, MSA can fast find global optimum instead of getting into partial one because of its high parallel and robust performance. Conclusion Experiments confirm that the combination of MSA and M^2 HD can effectively localize the vehicles that are changed both in translation and rotation  相似文献   
Protonmagneticresonancespectroscopy (1H MRS)isanewtechniqueoffunctionalimaginginbrainandprovidesauniquenoninvasivetoolforex aminingmetabolisminvivonow .Inrecentyear ,therearesomereportsaboutprotonMRSingrowthofbrainandhypoxia ischemicencephalopathy(HIE) [1- 4] ,butfewarticlesaboutclinicalapplica tionofprotonMRSindiagnosistumoursandtheirdifferentiationfromnon neoplasticlesions .WestudiedMRSin 38braintumorsand 14brainnon neoplasticlesions.Herewereporttheresults .MATERIALSANDMethods1 …  相似文献   
The steering characteristic of afour-wheel-steering vehicle is numerically simulated for in-depth research of the handling stability offour-wheel steering.The research results show that the deteriorating tendency of the steering stability due to the increase of the vehicle speed is improved obviously in the case of four-wheel steering.The approach of variable steering ratio is discussed.The use of the variable steering ratio can not only raise the steering stability of vechicles at high vehicle speed,but also reduce the dicomfort and steering burden of drivers;and hence is helpful for the subjective evaluation of four-wheel steering vehicles.  相似文献   
一、序言 标准化是国民经济和社会发展的重要技术基础性工作."十五"期间,我国标准化工作取得了令人瞩目的成绩,对于推动技术进步、规范市场秩序、提高产业和产品竞争力、促进国际贸易发挥了重要的作用.随着形势的发展,我国标准的适用性较差.市场竞争力较弱等问题日益明显,不能更好地适应经济和社会协调发展的要求.加快我国标准化事业的发展成为一项十分紧迫的任务.  相似文献   
分析了现有编组站分类标准的不适应性,提出了编组站分类的主要技术指标,运用模糊聚类分析方法对编组站分类问题进行研究。首先运用模糊c-划分方法对编组站进行合理的空间划分,在此基础上采用模糊聚类ISODATA方法对编组站进行聚类分析,并利用划分系数Fc(U)和划分的平均模糊熵Hc(U)对聚类效果进行评价,最后对我国铁路现有4...  相似文献   
面向对象的钢筋混凝土梁数值模拟软件实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
探讨了用Visual C++.NET开发面向对象的钢筋混凝土梁的数值模拟软件的实现方法,包括建立交互式CAD平台与在此平台上进行数值模拟的有限元分析的技术。  相似文献   
车流发生器是交通模拟系统的基本模型之一,用于解决交通流的输入问题.用于描述一定时间内交通流分布规律的离散随机函数包括泊松分布、二项分布、负二项分布等.利用分布函数和检测时段的流量数据,提出了一种建立检测时段内微观时间尺度上车流发生器的研究方法,并对北京市交通数据进行了应用分析,结果表明此方法可以产生与实际观测流量相符的模拟车流序列.  相似文献   
IntroductionLaserphasetransformationhardeningisanewtechnologyduringwhichlaserheatresourceactsdirectlyonsurfaceofmaterialandcompositionscharacteristicofmaterialischanged.Thetechnologyproce8sesacharacterofrapidheatvelocity,highheattempelatureandquickcoolingspeed(l0'col0'aC/s).Thecompositionandcharacteristicofmaterialvariedwithvariousinnertemperaturewillleadtothermalresidualstress.Itiswellknownthattheresidualstressaffectssignificantlyoncharacteristicofmaterial,suchasimProvingstrengthoffatigUere…  相似文献   
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