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Computer-aided hip surgery planning and implant design applications require accurate segmentation of femoral head and proximal acetabulum. An accurate outer surface extraction of femoral head using marching cubes algorithm remains challenging due to deformed shapes and extremely narrow inter-bone regions. In this paper, we present an automatic and fast approach for segmentation of femoral head and proximal acetabulum which leads to accurate and compact representation of femoral head using marching cubes algorithm. At first, valley-emphasized images are constructed from original images so that valleys stand out in high relief. Otsu’s multiple thresholding technique is applied to seperate the images into bone and non-bone classes. Region growing method and threedimensional (3D) morphological operations are performed to fill holes in the bone. In the reclassification process, the bone regions are further segmented, and the boundaries of the bone regions are further refined based on Bayes decision rule. Finally, marching cubes algorithm is applied to reconstruct a 3D model and extract the outer surface of femoral head and proximal acetabulum. Experimental results show that this method is an accurate segmentation technique for femoral head and proximal acetabulum and it can be applied as a tool in medical practice.  相似文献   
该文以丹河新桥为例,通过计算铰点极限弯矩的方法确定圬工拱桥极限承载力,综合考虑了拱的受力状况以及材料特性,为圬工拱桥极限承载力的研究提供了一个新的方向,亦可供钢筋混凝土拱桥极限承载力的确定做参考。  相似文献   
城市中心体系是制定并落实空间发展战略的核心内容,是优化空间结构的关键策略.城市中心体系与公共交通模式紧密耦合,是大伦敦空间发展战略的核心和标志性理念.首先,梳理大伦敦城镇中心网络的政策发展过程,明确特点与分级方法.其次,围绕城市空间、交通空间、要素空间,从宏中微观视角分析政策传递的耦合、叠合、联合特征.再次,针对国家指引优化、地方指南引导、体检指标传递,从国家-市区层面解读政策实施评估.最后,指出亟须建立健全城市中心规划评估体系,明确识别评估方法,完善监测体检机制;认为指引指南、创新机制、体检评估有助于传递深化战略政策要求;强调亟须提升政策移植适应能力,有必要在城市发展战略层面将城市中心体系与公共交通模式紧密耦合.  相似文献   
为优化城市机动化发展模式与路径,首先从机动化的目的和效应两个方面界定了机动化内涵,分析了个体机动化和公共机动化两类模式特征及相应的衡量指标。然后,应用历史数据研究了中国汽车产业政策、道路运输市场政策和城市交通政策与机动化发展历程的关系。研究结果表明,个体机动化政策效果明显优于公共机动化政策,发挥效应时间为1-2年,非机动交通政策对个体与公共机动化模式都有重要影响。最后,针对中国机动化发展在能源、环境、交通等方面的制约,提出了统筹制定产业发展政策、合理制定城市交通发展政策、把握公共机动化政策推行时机和优化非机动交通政策四个方面的建议。  相似文献   
丰田佳美轿车巡航(定速)控制系统的维修   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了日本丰田佳美轿车巡航(定速)控制系统的结构与原理。该系统通常具有巡航(定速)、惯性滑行、恢复车速、加速及点动增(减)速等功能。阐述了该系统代码故障的维修及未显示故障症状时的维修。  相似文献   
阐述了双作用叶片式二次元件的结构和工作原理,分析了基于二次调节技术的公交汽车传动系统的节能机理,建立了二次调节传动系统的数学模型,提出了采用恒扭矩控制节能制动的能量回收方式,对非恒压网络下二次调节传动系统的动态性能进行了仿真研究,得出了应用二次调节技术能够回收和重新利用系统的制动动能,减小了系统的装机容量,实现了节能降耗.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了恒通CKZ6127HBEV快速充电式电动客车,电动客车常用的充电方式的特点,电动客车的电能消耗量和相应动力电池储能量需求的计算,对快速充电电池的要求,快速充电的特点以及恒通CKZ6127HBEV快速充电式电动客车示范运行的请况.  相似文献   
双幅桁架组合梁是通过横向联结系将A,B两个单幅桁架组合梁连接到一起组成新结构,为了了解该组合梁的受力性能、变形能力、破坏机理以及各个杆件的内力分布规律等,设计并制作试件,通过对试验梁A幅静力加载试验,分析其位移、沿截面高度纵向应变、混凝土板顶纵向应变、斜腹杆轴向应变以及横向联结系轴向应变随荷载的发展变化。通过ABAQUS有限元分析软件建立相同试件模型并且后处理,比较试验研究成果,验证模型的合理性。研究表明,施加单幅对称荷载时该组合梁具有良好的承载能力和变形能力;破坏形态为A幅弯曲破坏的同时伴随着受拉腹杆节点的冲剪破坏,B幅仅斜腹杆受轴力且影响较小;剪力滞系数在梁肋处达到峰值,说明梁肋处应力分布最不均匀,系数纵向影响范围只位于加载点附近,变形集中于中间区域;下弦杆除了承受轴向力,弯曲效应对杆件的受力影响较大,不容忽视。  相似文献   
The wind pressure distribution and wind-induced vibration responses of long-span spatial groined latticed vaults (SGLVs) were numerically simulated, which always are ones of the most important problems in the structural wind resistance design. Incompressible visco-fluid model was introduced, and the standard k-εtwo equation model and semi-implicit method for pressure linked equation (SIMPLE) were used to describe the flow turbulence. Furthermore, the structural dynamic equation was set up, which is solved by Newmark-β method. And several sort of wind-induced vibration coefficients such as the wind-induced vibration coefficient corresponding to the nodal displacement responses and wind loads were suggested. In the numerical simulation where the SGLV consisting of the cylindrical sectors with different curved surface was chosen as the example,the influence on the relative wind pressure distribution and structural wind-induced vibration responses of the closed or open SGLV caused by such parameters as the number of cylindrical sectors, structural curvature and the ratio of rise to span was investigated. Finally, some useful conclusions on the local wind pressure distribution on the structural surface and the wind-induced vibration coefficients of SGLV were developed.  相似文献   
The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), as a fully Lagrangian particle method, has been successfully applied to astrophysical problems and extended to elastic dynamics and computational fluid dynamics.High order derivatives have to be approximated when elastic dynamics problems are modeled. However, the approximation errors in SPH could lead to computational failure in the case that the order of derivative is high.A novel method was proposed in order to improve the accuracy of SPH method, which shows the relationship between the selected functions and their SPH approximations. The entire involved system was represented by a finite number of particles that carry individual mass and occupy individual space, and the integral interpolation was approximated by a summation interpolation. In addition, error comparison was made between SPH method with and without the present improvement.  相似文献   
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