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苦参碱对人卵巢癌细胞增殖的影响及其机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 研究苦参碱(matrine)体外培养的人卵巢癌细胞OV2008增殖的影响及相关机制.方法 采用四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)比色法检测不同浓度(0、0.125、0.25、0.5、1.0,2.0、4.0 mg/mL)的苦参碱在不同的时间点(24、48、72 h)对OV2008细胞增殖的影响;采用流式细胞术(FCM)检测不同浓度的苦参碱作用于OV2008细胞48 h后细胞周期分布、凋亡率及Fas、Bcl-2蛋白的表达水平.结果 苦参碱对OV2008细胞的增殖具有明显的抑制作用,与对照组相比具有显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),并呈现时间和剂量依赖性;细胞周期分析显示,随着苦参碱浓度的增高,G0/G1期细胞比例逐渐增加,S期细胞比例减小,G2/M期细胞比例无明显变化;苦参碱能够诱导细胞凋亡,且凋亡率随着苦参碱浓度的增高而升高(P<0.01);苦参碱能够上调Fas蛋白的表达(P<0.05或P<0.01),下调Bcl-2蛋白的表达(P<0.01).结论 苦参碱可显著抑制OV2008细胞的增殖,且抑制作用晕剂量和时间依赖性.苦参碱对OV2008细胞的增殖抑制作用可能与其诱导细胞周期阻滞及凋亡有关,而苦参碱诱导凋亡可能与其上调Fas蛋白表达、下调Bcl-2蛋白表达有关.  相似文献   
The finite length nature of rail-pad supports is characterised by a Timoshenko beam element formulation over an elastic foundation, giving rise to the distributed support element. The new element is integrated into a vertical track model, which is solved in frequency and time domain. The developed formulation is obtained by solving the governing equations of a Timoshenko beam for this particular case. The interaction between sleeper and rail via the elastic connection is considered in an analytical, compact and efficient way. The modelling technique results in realistic amplitudes of the ‘pinned–pinned’ vibration mode and, additionally, it leads to a smooth evolution of the contact force temporal response and to reduced amplitudes of the rail vertical oscillation, as compared to the results from concentrated support models. Simulations are performed for both parametric and sinusoidal roughness excitation. The model of support proposed here is compared with a previous finite length model developed by other authors, coming to the conclusion that the proposed model gives accurate results at a reduced computational cost.  相似文献   
吕泓博  薛巍 《船电技术》2010,30(8):49-52
本文介绍了我院应用AM12(AVEVA Marine 12)软件进行海洋工程设计的背景及使用情况,分析了现有的电气建模方式与方法,并着重讨论了自主完成的电气建模优化方法与AM12软件电气设计相关的二次开发情况。  相似文献   
Numerical artifacts can limit accurate simulation of turbulent particle motion when Lagrangian particle-tracking models are implemented in hydrodynamic models with stratified conditions like fronts. Yet, modeling of individual particle motion in frontal regions is critical for understanding sediment dynamics as well as the transport and retention of planktonic organisms. The objective of this research was to develop a numerical technique to accurately simulate turbulent particle motions in a particle-tracking model embedded within a hydrodynamic model of a frontal zone. A new interpolation scheme, the ‘water column profile’ scheme, was developed and used to implement a random displacement model for turbulent particle motions. A new interpolation scheme was necessary because linear interpolation schemes caused artificial aggregation of particles where abrupt changes in vertical diffusivity occurred. The new ‘water column profile’ scheme was used to fit a continuous function (a tension spline) to a smoothed profile of vertical diffusivities at the xy particle location. The new implementation scheme was checked for artifacts and compared with a standard random walk model using (1) Well Mixed Condition tests, and (2) dye-release experiments. The Well Mixed Condition tests confirmed that the use of the ‘water column profile’ interpolation scheme for implementing the random displacement model significantly reduced numerical artifacts. In dye-release experiments, high concentrations of Eulerian tracer and Lagrangian particles were released at the same location up-estuary of the salt front and tracked for 4 days. After small differences in initial dispersal rates, tracer and particle distributions remained highly correlated (r = 0.84 to 0.99) when a random displacement model was implemented in the particle-tracking model. In contrast, correlation coefficients were substantially lower (r = 0.07 to 0.58) when a random walk model was implemented. In general, model performance tests indicated that the ‘water column interpolation’ scheme was an effective technique for implementing a random displacement model within a hydrodynamic model, and both could be used to accurately simulate diffusion in a highly baroclinic frontal region. The new implementation scheme has the potential to be a useful tool for investigating the influence of hydrodynamic variability on the transport of sediment particles and planktonic organisms in frontal zones.  相似文献   
Multidisciplinary, marine ecological observations were conducted at the shallow water edge of the Northeast Water in June, 1993. Although variable in size and shape, a small polynya was constantly present at Eskimonaes, at the fast-ice edge of Ingolfsfjord. A shallow stratified layer developed at the water sufface at negative water and air temperatures—an effect of sea ice melting in cold water early in the season. Nutrients were recorded in considerable quantities, although by mid July NO3 had become depleted. The chlorophyll and phytoplankton maxima at 8–12 m depth had peak values of 2 mg chl a m−3, typical for Arctic algal blooms. The phytoplankton included over 90 species and was dominated by the Fragillariopsis group. Zooplankton was poor in biomass and density, but over 23 taxa were found, with the copepods Oithona similis and Pseudocalanus acuspes being numerically dominant. Sedimentation was approximately 0.2 g dry weight m−2 d−1 and suspended matter concentrations ranged from 4 to 19 mg l−1. The benthos was represented by hard bottom forms only, with a surprisingly dense cover of macrophytes. Juvenile sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), brittle stars (Ophiocten sericeum) and amphipods were dominant. Higher trophic levels were represented by benthic feeders, such as eiders and walruses. The area observed was more similar to high Arctic fjord ecosystems than to the offshore central Northeast Water polynya.  相似文献   
We present hydrographic data for several sections located along the African coastline and off Cape Ghir, carried out at times of weak surface winds (October 1995 and September 1997). The main sections are near the continental slope, at mean distances between 100 and 150 km from the coastline. North of Cape Ghir (31°N) the geostrophic transport (referenced to 650 m) of North Atlantic Central Water through these sections is 3.7 and 2.0 Sv for 1995 and 1997, respectively. This confirms that a major fraction of the water transport by the Canary Current flows east, into the continental slope off northwest Africa, at latitudes above Cape Ghir. Most of this flow continues south past Cape Ghir, along the coast and probably through the eastern passages of the Canary Archipelago. A significant fraction, however, may escape through surface Ekman transport (0.3–0.5 Sv during the early fall season) and by offshore flow at Cape Ghir (1.1 Sv in September 1997, referenced to 650 m). Despite the weak winds the Cape Ghir filament was clearly visible, characterized by localized coastal upwelling associated to a cyclonic shallow structure and cold (and fresh) waters stretching offshore as a very shallow feature (50–100 m deep). The satellite images show that the surface temperature field is highly variable, in rapid response to the surface winds, always with a core region of relatively cold water and commonly with one or two associated eddies. Our results support the existence of two recirculation cells in the area: a horizontal one that connects the interior eastern boundary currents with the coastal region and a vertical one related to both wind-induced and filament upwelling. The data also show a salinity subsurface maximum at the root of the filament, linked to water inflow from northern latitudes, and a subsurface anticyclonic eddy over the Agadir canyon, likely related to the poleward slope undercurrent.  相似文献   
This paper examines the linkages between the space-distribution of grain sizes and the relative percentage of the amount of mineral species that result from the mixing process of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments at the Ria de Vigo (NW of Spain).The space-distribution of minerals was initially determined, starting from a detailed mineralogical study based on XRD-Rietveld analysis of the superficial sediments. Correlations between the maps obtained for grain sizes, average fractions of either siliciclastic or carbonates, as well as for individual-minerals, were further stabilised. From this analysis, spatially organized patterns were found between carbonates and several minerals involved in the siliciclastic fraction. In particular, a coupled behaviour is observed between plagioclases and carbonates, in terms of their relative percentage amounts and the grain size distribution.In order to explain these results a conceptual model is proposed, based on the interplay between chemical processes at the seawater–sediment interface and hydrodynamical factors. This model suggests the existence of chemical control mechanisms that, by selective processes of dissolution-crystallization, constrain the mixed environment's long-term evolution, inducing the formation of self-organized sedimentary patterns.  相似文献   
简要分析了影响内河船舶下沉量的主要因素,介绍了国内外关于船舶下沉量的研究概况及相关近似计算公式.根据Ⅲ级航道船舶下沉量测试物理模型试验结果,提出了适合内河限制性Ⅲ级航道的船舶下沉量近似计算公式.计算结果与模型试验结果对比表明,该公式达到了较高的计算精度,对航道水深计算及航道断面设计具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

States and other jurisdictions may protect coral reefs using biological water quality standards outlined by the United States Clean Water Act (CWA). Such protection will require long-term, regional monitoring of the resource using biological indicators and a probability-based sampling design. A 60-station survey targeting nearshore linear coral reef was conducted across southern Puerto Rico in December 2011 to document the status of reef inhabitants using a probabilistic, regional sampling design. The quantity, type and condition of stony corals, fish, gorgonians, and sponges were documented from each station, providing a robust representation of linear reef status and composition across the region. Fish represented 106 unique taxa and stony corals 32 unique taxa. Benthic organisms (stony corals, sponges, and gorgonians) averaged nearly 12 colonies per square meter, more than half of which were gorgonians. Assessment results can be used as a baseline to compare with future regional surveys to quantify change in reef condition over time (trend). Both temporal and spatial changes can be expected after large-scale disturbances like hurricanes Maria and Irma in 2017. The indicators and probabilistic sampling design support the long-term regional monitoring envisioned by the Environmental Protection Agency to implement CWA protections in Puerto Rico and elsewhere.  相似文献   
  目的  大型船舶的推进轴系一般具有轴系长、跨度大、细长比小等特点,其弯曲变形与纵向变形之间易存在弹性耦合效应,从而引起轴系异常振动,影响轴系的安全稳定运行。为了研究轴系弯—纵耦合的非线性振动特性,  方法  利用变分原理推导轴系发生弯—纵耦合时的非线性振动方程,采用有限元法(FEM)、打靶法等数值方法,以及多尺度法等近似解析方法对非线性方程进行求解,并对比分析弯—纵耦合效应对轴系非线性振动特性的影响。  结果  计算结果表明:弯—纵耦合效应将导致轴系响应中出现多频响应、跳跃现象、能量迁移等复杂的振动现象,同时将增加轴系弯曲方向和纵向方向的固有频率。  结论  研究成果可为大型船舶推进轴系的工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   
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