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Electric vehicle is considered to be the solution for energy and environment crisis, but it’s still not competitive enough with conventional vehicles because of the limited energy density and high cost of the power battery. So the energy efficiency is of the most importance for the control of electric vehicles. This paper looks into the energy efficiency optimization problem of electric vehicle driven by four in-wheel motors by developing a comprehensive energy efficiency model of the permanent magnet synchronous motor including the inverter. The calculated efficiency agrees with the measured data quite well. Based on the power loss analysis, the conclusion is drawn that in all driving or braking conditions the total torque requirement should be distributed evenly to all the motors in order to maximize the energy efficiency for electric vehicles driven by permanent magnet synchronous in-wheel motors. Vehicle test results show that the energy efficiency of the evenly distributed torque control is higher than the control strategy proposed by control allocation in literature.  相似文献   
This paper presents the algorithm development of a new fatigue data editing technique using S-T approach. In general, the S-transform (S-T) is a time-frequency spectral localization method which performs a multi-resolution analysis on signal. This method represents a better time-frequency resolution especially for non-stationary signal analysis. This technique was developed to produce shortened fatigue data for fatigue durability testing. The S-T method was applied to detect the damaging events contained in the fatigue signals due to high S-T spectrum location. The damaging events were extracted from an original fatigue signal to produce the shortened edited signal which has equivalent fatigue damage. Three types of road load fatigue data were used for simulation purpose, pave track, highway and country road. In this study, an algorithm was developed, to detect the damaging events in the original fatigue signal. The algorithm can be used to extract the fatigue damaging events and these events were combined in order to produce a new edited signal which neglect the low amplitude cycles. The edited signal consists of the majority of the original fatigue damage in the shortened signal with 15–25% time reduction. Thus, it has been suggested that this shortened signal can then be used in the laboratory fatigue testing for the purpose of accelerated fatigue testing.  相似文献   
Nanoparticle and gas-phase emission factors are presented for a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) passenger vehicle and are compared to gasoline operation. A bi-fuel LPG-gasoline vehicle certified for use on either fuel was used as the test vehicle so that a direct comparison of the emissions could be made based on fuel choice. These values were considered along with previous studies to determine the relative change in particulate emissions due to fuel choice over a wide range of vehicles and operating conditions. The vehicle examined in this study was tested on a chassis dynamometer for both steadystate and transient conditions. Transient test cycles included the US FTP72 driving cycle, Japanese driving cycle and modified Indian driving cycle while steady-state tests were done at vehicle speeds ranging from 10–90 km/hr in various transmission gears. Exhaust particle size distributions were measured in real-time using a differential mobility spectrometer (DMS50), and particle number and particle mass emission factors were calculated. For both fuels, the majority of the particles ranged from 5 to 160 nm in terms of particle diameter, with typically more than 85% of the particles in the nucleation mode (between 5–50 nm). In most cases, the vehicle produced a greater fraction of larger (accumulation mode) particles when fuelled on LPG. Using the data in the literature as well as the data in the current study, gasoline fuel produces 4.6 times more particles in terms of number and 2.1 times more particles in terms of mass.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the results of field tests for assessing a cooperative intersection signal violation warning system (CISVWS), which consists of (a) hardware, including an in-vehicle warning device, roadside antenna, and traffic signal controller, and (b) software to operate and test the cooperative system through vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication systems. Field tests were performed under real traffic situations in order to test the system in terms of the initiation time of the signal violation warning from the signal controller, the activation and duration of on board equipment (OBE), and the warning delay based on the relationships between distance variables, including the safe stopping distance, and the location of road side equipment (RSE). Findings from the field test at the real-world signalized intersection sites indicated that the system would be capable of reducing red light violations and intersection collisions through use of the in-vehicle warning device at signalized intersections.  相似文献   
In this article, vehicle dynamics integrated control algorithm using an on-line non-linear optimization method is proposed for 4-wheel-distributed steering and 4-wheel-distributed traction/braking systems. The proposed distribution algorithm minimizes work load of each tire, which is controlled to become the same value. The global optimality of the convergent solution of the recursive algorithm can be proved by extension to convex problems. This implies that theoretical limited performance of vehicle dynamics integrated control is clarified. Furthermore, the effect of this vehicle dynamics control for the 4-wheel-distributed steering and 4-wheel-distributed traction/braking systems is demonstrated by simulation to compare with the combination of the various actuators.  相似文献   
台湾因人口集中都会区且道路年增率远不及车辆年增率,形成都会区内及城际道路交通日益频繁与拥塞,台湾目前陆运交通主流与世界趋势相同,主要以轨道运输系统为陆运交通主要解决方案,同时近年来在降低环境污染及增加能源使用效能之呼声下,更使得铁路运输亦再度成为最佳解决方案.近年来台北捷运系统中和线古亭站穿越民房下方潜盾隧道段、维修线中华路区段及板桥线西门站至龙山寺站地下隧道,沿线接获越来越多居住其上的居民对振动噪音污染生活质量之抱怨与不满,同时因民众环保意识的日渐抬头,民众对捷运行驶的噪音愈来愈不能忍受,噪音陈情的地点也愈来愈多,目前虽采取许多改善措施,但似乎不能满足沿线居民的需求.此篇论文即针对轨道运输系统中台北捷运地下隧道分轨道噪音之成因进行分析,并经分析评估,拟定出各轨道噪音案在地下隧道的防治对策,并对部分防治对策做-长期监测,并对部分监测数据进行初步分析比对,厘清对策与成因在理论上及实务上之成效比对,从而进行设计上之回馈,以提供轨道运输在环境噪音防治之最佳方案.  相似文献   
台湾近年来新兴轨道运输系统方兴未艾,都市轨道运输系统,因其路线多经过都市闹区,故常采用地下型式兴建,当发生意外事故或灾变时,乘客能否安全逃生必须倚赖系统对隧道内与地下车站之乘客安全疏散所设计的逃生设备及事前完备规划的操作程序;目前台北捷运系统在隧道段及地下车站之灾害处理对策部份,已属成熟,由于台北捷运系统为台湾都会区轨道运输系统最先施作者,其规划设计除参考国外捷运系统之相关规划设计准则外,并融合台北都会区域活动特性而订定了台北捷运系统地下隧道乘客逃生操作程序,本文将台北捷运系统规划隧道安全疏散程序及地下车站乘客疏散原则,作一全面性说明及分析,希望能提供国内其它轨道运输隧道系统安全规划之案例参考.  相似文献   
An extension to the LuGre dynamic friction model from longitudinal to longitudinal/lateral motion is developed in this paper. Application of this model to a tyre yields a pair of partial differential equations that model the tyre-road contact forces and aligning moment. A comparison of the steady-state behaviour of the dynamic model with existing static tyre friction models is presented. This comparison allows one to determine realistic values of the parameters for the new dynamic model. Via the introduction of a set of mean states we reduce the partial differential equations to a lumped model governed by a set of three ordinary differential equations. Such a lumped form describes the aggregate effect of the friction forces and moments and it can be useful for control design and online estimation. A method to incorporate wheel rim rotation is also proposed. The proposed model is evaluated by comparing both its steady-state as well as its dynamic characteristics via numerical simulations. The results of the simulations corroborate steady-state and dynamic/transient tyre characteristics found in the literature.  相似文献   
钢结构桥梁形式多样,优点突出,在世界各地应用广泛,为了推进中国钢结构桥梁的建设,促进中国钢结构桥梁抗火防灾研究领域的全面发展,加快钢结构桥梁抗火防灾技术的研究,加强钢结构桥梁抵抗火灾的能力,提升管理部门应对钢结构桥梁遭遇火灾时的应急水平,对钢结构桥梁抗火防灾的研究现状与亟待解决的问题进行了总结。研究了国内外钢结构桥梁火灾发生时的场景以及钢结构桥梁遭遇火灾时的破坏形态,分析了钢结构桥梁火灾发生时的特点,强调了油罐车火灾对钢结构桥梁安全性能的严重威胁,给出了钢结构桥梁抗火防灾的关键技术。继而,对其抗火研究存在的问题进行了梳理,包括钢结构桥梁所用材料的高温特性,复杂环境下钢结构桥梁截面的传热机制、钢-混凝土组合梁界面间的高温作用机理、钢结构桥梁火灾行为的数值模拟与智能预测技术、火灾全过程中钢结构桥梁的试验与测试方法、火灾高温下钢结构桥梁的力学行为以及钢结构桥梁抗火研究的工程应用等七大方面给出了钢结构桥梁抗火研究亟待解决的问题和更高的目标。以期对钢结构桥梁抗火防灾方向的技术研究提供全新的视角和基础资料。  相似文献   
As one of the top countries with the highest casualties per capita in road traffic accidents, Thailand needs to raise public awareness about the economic loss from road traffic crashes. This paper calculates the value of productivity loss due to road traffic accidents in Thailand in 2017. Extensive data collection and analyses enable to compute income losses over time in case of fatalities, permanent disabilities as well as major and minor injuries. The results reveal that, at the end of 2017, the total amount of productivity loss caused by road traffic accidents alone was approximately 121 billion Baht (45 billions for fatalities, 7 for disabilities, 67.5 for serious injuries and 1.5 for slight injuries), or close to 0.8% of the country's GDP, which is very significant. At-risk age groups are determined in each case and we see that the 16–25 age group is bearing the highest burden in all types of accidents. Future policies can then be targeted to types of casualties and to a specific public.  相似文献   
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