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利用3DSMAX软件建立的标准潜艇几何模型,采用板块元法对标准潜艇的双基地回波散射特性进行计算,并通过实验验证了模型的正确性。讨论了在不同分置角下目标强度与姿态角的变化关系,利用频域间接法计算得到了单频脉冲下的目标回波。通过仿真与实验结果对比分析,验证了双基地的回波展宽计算公式。结果表明,在镜像反射的位置上。散射回波最强;回波信号的包络是不规则的,持续时间被展宽,展宽大小与姿态角和分置角有关。  相似文献   
在软件测试中,软件使用模型反映实际运行场景的能力是直接决定测试的成功与否的关键因素之一。一般可以通过对在需求分析阶段已生成的UML建模进行研究得到使用模型,但原始的UML模型,由于缺乏严格的定义及必要的约束,如果要生成高精度的软件模型,必须对其添加必要的形式化可测性约束。这正是文章研究的重点。  相似文献   
核测井中NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器性能探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器由于具有较高的探测效率,价格也比较便宜,被广泛地应用于国防工业和国民经济建设中,本文介绍了石油测井中所用到的NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器。利用我们的多道分析器(ORTEC918A),对组装好的NaI(Tl)探测器的性能作了测试,分析了影响探测器性能的因素,为探测器的选型、定型提供了实验方法。  相似文献   
程维杰  张海彬 《船舶》2009,20(6):33-37
采用有限元分析的方法,对一U型半潜式起重铺管平台进行了总强度分析,为该平台的结构设计提供了重要参考依据。  相似文献   
用数据挖掘技术对我国铁路客运信息进行分析和处理,从而促进铁路客运市场营销策略的灵活调整,并根据分析结果对客运营销旅客列车在开行方案上进行优化,这有利于铁路客运主管部门的管理和决策,为铁路客运争取更大的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
安全应急预案对于提高安全事故中的救援能力、减少安全事故带来的损失具有重要的意义。以南京以下12.5m深水航道二期工程为背景,对拟定的安全应急预案进行分析研究,总结出安全应急预案体系包括综合安全应急预案、专项应急预案和现场处置方案,提炼各层次预案对应的事件类型和具体内容,并编制首接责任制下的应急组织机构和应急流程。  相似文献   
全海深多波束是科考船重要的声学设备之一,安装在船体底部平坦区域,用于全海洋海底地形和地貌探测。多波束系统庞大、结构复杂、基座安装精度要求高。文中结合某科考船实际多波束加装工程,立足于基座高精度安装需求,从基座设计、建造和现场安装等三个方面对多波束基座安装技术展开讨论。总结得出的相关工序、工法等满足该船多波束基座的高精度安装要求,有力保障了该项目的顺利实施,并可为类似船型相关设备的设计、安装提供参考。  相似文献   
陈诚 《水运工程》2017,(7):87-91
多体浮式防波堤消波特性是决定其应用价值的重要因素,基于三维势流理论,通过使用Ansys Workbench软件和AQWA Graphical Supervisor(AGS)图像后处理软件,对多体浮式防波堤在不同入射角和浮筒吃水深度下的消波效果展开研究。结果表明,在入射角度为90°时,多浮筒浮式防波堤能够最大程度地消减波浪。同时,透射系数随吃水深度的增加而不断减小,但结构稳定性会下降。因此,实际工程中应尽量保证浮式防波堤的迎浪面与波浪的来波方向垂直,这样可以获得较好的消波效果,同时应尽量避免选择吃水深度过大的浮式防波堤。  相似文献   
To improve the efficiency of large-scale evacuations, a network aggregation method and a bi-level optimization control method are proposed in this paper. The network aggregation method indicates the uncertain evacuation demand on the arterial sub-network and balances accuracy and efficiency by refining local road sub-networks. The bi-level optimization control method is developed to reconfigure the aggregated network from both supply and demand sides with contraflow and conflict elimination. The main purpose of this control method is to make the arterial sub-network to be served without congestion and interruption. Then, a corresponding bi-objective network flow model is presented in a static manner for an oversaturated network, and a Genetic Algorithm-based solution method is used to solve the evacuation problem. The numerical results from optimizing a city-scale evacuation network for a super typhoon justify the validity and usefulness of the network aggregation and optimization control methods.  相似文献   
In many countries, dial-a-ride services are provided by public authorities to elderly and handicapped people who cannot use regular transit. Cost minimization is key to running these services, but one can observe a growing interest in quality measurement and improvement. A first step in improving quality is to define a quality measurement scale specific to dial-a-ride services. A second step is to incorporate quality measurements in mathematical models that serve as a basis for optimization algorithms. To this end, an extensive survey of dial-a-ride users was conducted in Longueuil, the largest suburb of Montreal, Canada. This paper describes the steps of the survey and presents its main conclusions: (1) 56 attributes were identified based on interviews, (2) the questionnaire developed has proved to be reliable and valid, (3) an exploratory factor analysis allowed us to determine 13 dimensions of quality in dial-a-ride services, (4) the most important criteria for users were identified, and (5) population segmenting variables by which subgroups of users can be categorized were also determined. Managerial implications of our results are also discussed.  相似文献   
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