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A submarine may have to operate for a period of time with local corrosion damage in the pressure hull if a suitable repair method is unavailable or too expensive for implementation. This paper describes collapse tests on twenty ring-stiffened aluminium cylinders, which were conducted to study the effect of corrosion damage on hull strength and stability. Artificial hull thinning was found to reduce the collapse strength of experimental models through high local stresses in the corroded region, leading to early onset of yielding and inelastic buckling. Bending associated with the eccentricity due to one-sided thinning was found to further increase the local stresses in the hull. Overall collapse pressures were more severely affected by corrosion damage than interframe collapse pressures. The percentage reduction in overall collapse pressure, compared with intact experimental models, was found to be closely related to the percentage depth of thinning. The accuracy of conventional collapse pressure predictions for the experimental models was significantly better for intact than for corroded cylinders.  相似文献   
This paper details the CFD validation studies carried out as a prerequisite for multi-fidelity CFD-based design optimization of high-speed passenger-only ferries aimed at reducing far-field wake energy that causes beach erosion. A potential flow program (WARP) and a URANS program (CFDSHIP) were validated using full-scale measurements of resistance, sinkage, trim, and far-field wake train obtained over a wide range of speeds for two high-speed semi-planing foil-assisted catamarans: Spirit (LOA-22 m) and 1060 (LOA-17 m). This study posed a unique combination of challenges for CFD modeling: the foil appended geometry required complicated surface overset grids, the effect of the waterjet and wind resistance had to be modeled, and a method had to be devised to extrapolate the calculated near-field elevation to get the far-field wake train using Havelock sources. A more concentrated effort was applied to the URANS verification and validation which forms the focus of this paper. The results show that URANS is able to accurately predict the resistance and motions for both vessels when coupled with models that account for the propulsors and air resistance. The overall accuracy of URANS for the performance analysis of the foil-assisted, semi-planing catamarans was adequate to warrant its use as a tool for subsequent design and optimization of a new vessel with significantly reduced wakes.  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem of modeling dynamic fluctuations in aircraft concentration within a group of air traffic control sectors. Using simultaneous time series recorded for each of the sectors, a multiple transfer function noise model is constructed. The modeling procedure demonstrates a data-dependent approach to ATC systems analysis which does not rely on describing the movement of individual aircraft.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic loads on a propeller blocked with simulated ice were studied using a cavitation tunnel. Comparative predictions were made using a panel method. The propeller was a model of the Canadian Coast Guard's R-class icebreake propeller, and the ice block was simulated using a solid blockage. Experimental results show the open water performance of the propeller, its performance behind a blockage, and the effects of cavitation in these conditions, as well as the loading on the simulated ice block. Panel method predictions were made of the time series propeller performance in the blocked flow. Cavitation during propellerice interaction resulted in a reduction of mean suction load on the ice block. Block load measurements indicated an increase in the oscillation about the mean value of the loads, with a variation in the phase of the loading with respect to blade position as compared with the non-cavitating results. Comparisons of panel method results with the measured block loads support the reliability of the dynamic measurements.List of symbols D propeller diameter - F block drag load - K T thrust coefficient,T/(n 2 D 4) - K B block load coefficient,F/(n 2 D 4) - K Q torque coefficient,Q/(n 2 D 5) - Q propeller torque - T propeller thrust - n propeller rotational speed - J propeller advance coefficientV A/(nD) - P A ambient pressure at propeller - P ATM atmospheric pressure - P V vapour pressure of water - V A propeller advance speed - dissolved gas content - s saturated dissolved gas content at atmospheric pressure - o open water propeller efficiency - cavitation number, (P A –P V )/(0.5(nD)2) - density of water  相似文献   
In September of 2000 the UK experienced a blockade of oil refineries in response to rising fuel prices. These protests resulted in severe fuel supply disruptions that intensified over the course of about one week. During the peak of the crisis, travel activity by car was curtailed. This paper analyzes survey data collected about two months after the crisis utilizing the recent memory of respondents as to how they would expect this sort of disruption to affect their participation in daily activities. Specifically, we focused on a variety of non-discretionary and discretionary activities and examined what factors are associated with respondents expecting disruption to those activities. Statistical models were developed to analyze how demographic factors, commute mode selection, vehicle characteristics, and various other factors can explain how individuals expect disruption to their activities. Results suggest that the majority of individuals do not expect major disruptions, although for more car-dependent individuals, disruption was expected to be substantial, especially for work-related trips. These results have implications for the potential success and benefits of an integrated transport policy.  相似文献   
Gang  张萌  Neil Bridge 《汽车生活》2011,(11):28-33
David Gwyther是一位伦敦的平面设计师,他拥有自己的工作室——Death Spray Customs,专门从事自行车整车及零配件的设计和创作。与众不同的是,这五年来他一直采用一种非传统式自行车美学观念,所完成的设计非常有趣,而不是一板一眼的传统设计。在伦敦,自行车仍被视为一种时尚配饰,这与中国的情形显然大不相同;尽管如此,David Gwyther的工作室仍是伦敦唯一一  相似文献   
Neil 《车时代》2009,(12):140-145
英菲尼迪G系车型一向以完美的设计、出色的性能和丰富的配置而博得众多消费者的青睐。紧随着G系轿车和G37双门跑车的步伐,全新G37硬顶敞篷跑车如今也被引入中国豪华车市场,它进一步诠释了英菲尼迪的灵感美学与工程技术,带给人们无可抵御的视觉和性能诱惑。灵动的车身加上随心而涌的强劲动力,G37硬顶敝篷跑车可在畅然无限的提速中使驾驶者体验到人与自然合二为一的顶级驾驭乐趣。  相似文献   
Neil 《车时代》2010,(2):184-185
在成都清洁能源汽车展上,我们有幸见到了标致雪铁龙集团中国技术中心总经理阿博德先生。他和我们推心置腹地谈到了未来十年中标致雪铁龙集团在清洁能源方面的战略。  相似文献   
Haynes  Lawrie  Roden  Neil 《Transportation》1999,26(1):31-54
Public funding of new infrastructure from money raised through taxes or borrowing has been questioned globally in recent years. One alternative solution has been to finance major capital projects through Build, Operate & Transfer (BOT) schemes. In the United Kingdom, the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) has become established as the procurement method of choice for many projects and services in central and local government. It is a natural development of other changes in government administration which have been introduced over the past few years. Projects delivered in this way enable government to become a buyer of services on behalf of the public rather than a direct provider of those services to the public, taking advantage of private sector management skills and resources in their delivery. The PFI has demonstrated its ability to deliver value for money solutions in projects across a range of capital-intensive public services, but the greatest success in delivering projects has been in the transport sector. This paper outlines how the British Government's Highways Agency has restructured and commercialised the management and maintenance of the strategic road network for which it is responsible, and how it has been at the forefront of developing successful privately financed projects. The paper explains the Agency's particular version of BOT – Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO) projects. These projects are delivering new and improved road construction and maintenance, providing better services to users of the country's strategic road network and achieving significant value for money savings for taxpayers.  相似文献   
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